847 entries in 0.793s
smickles: mjr_: you mean, the buys on havelock often come in higher than the best ask on mpex
mircea_popescu: mjr_ huh ?
topace: mjr_: what??
topace: mjr_: yes, but a lot of the people trading on havelock dont want to a) pay the mpex registration fee, and b) mess with gpg
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the bot made 10k btc by hanging in there las tmionth.
smickles: mjr_: you say the options are thinly traded? there were over 80 thousand of 'em traded last month
jurov: mjr_ what you would do with big price movements?
jurov: mjr_ and coinbr api isn't planned in near future, sorry. i just concluded whole thing isn't ready
jurov: mjr_ lol there is a front runner on mpoe for long time...it doesn't even try to conceal itself
Bugpowder: mjr_ oh nevermind that script doesn't actually place trades, just provides info.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ do you know how the bot works at all ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ nah. the minimum deposit is 10 btc
mircea_popescu: mjr_ why not talk straight to mpex tho ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ which exchanges ?
jurov: mjr_: try sending screenshot, i'll look what else it can be
jurov: mjr_, which browser?
smickles: < mjr_> in instances like takin a cab or paying for fast food << in situations like that, some feel it is save enough to accept 0 confirmations
mircea_popescu: mjr_ yes. it mostly consists of my pr pointing out it doesn't work and people glazingvoer.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ : if i wanted it to take multiple hops, i would be vulnerable to MitM and phishing right? << wrong
smickles: < mjr_> like for example...i don't think i have ever read one negative article about mpex or mirceau_popescu <<< lolwut?
smickles: which ones? mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ that's the ide
mircea_popescu: mjr_ if you mean accounted for as in, passed ti shareholders, yes. there's a special line in the monthly reports.
jurov: mjr_, do you already decided on referral?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ a, no fixed fee to be included ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the problem with hfts isn't that they're fast. it's that they retroactively change time.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ a dedicated circuit is vulnerable to splicing
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they sent two prototype units.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ now that's true
pigeons: mjr_: just look, you can't make enough. try it, but quit talking about it
gesell: mjr_: its not obvious to me if this is happening on btc exchanges. doesnt appear so
gesell: mjr_: what are liquidity rebates
gesell: mjr_: yeah
mircea_popescu: mjr_ stick around for when sdice or smpoe distribute
gesell: mjr_: yeah
gesell: mjr_: not really. its what drives people in this field, watching the reaction. my point is though that the step from watching something go to sht because it doesnt work or everyones passwords got dumped, to going to watching money go down the dube... the step between those too just got more granular
ShaTwo: mjr_: LOL
mircea_popescu: hi mjr_
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> usually there is a date on which all owners << yeah, there's no postdate.
Chilca: mjr_: I just sent you a DM message
Chilca: mjr_: send me a DM, we can talk privately. Maybe I can help you
Chilca: mjr_: where are you located?
jurov: mjr_ see google trends
jurov: mjr_ we don't even know how many ppl use bitcoins. or at least how many actually own 1BTC or more
gesell: mjr_: use coinbr until you have more intense needs (api access or automated trading or just have enough btc invested you'd rather be closer to the exchange)
jurov: mjr_, via coinbr you mean?
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> since everyone and there mom throws around the 21 million number << that number will be reached sometime in 2150