847 entries in 0.809s
jurov: ;;ident mjr_
deadweasel: MJR_: mpex has your trust and cred.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ list where ?
mircea_popescu: MJR_ even if they did care, they'd split revenue somehow
mircea_popescu: MJR_ you asking me about ssd ?! why ?
smickles: MJR_: no, i mean just in the dice situation
smickles: MJR_: satoshidicedice.com
mod6: MJR_: blue horseshoe loves Anacott Steel
mircea_popescu: MJR_ ya but here it sleeps less.
smickles: MJR_: "Cognitive Mining is a well established and trusted entity which was previously traded on GLBSE, but only because of the closure is moving here. Cognitive will significantly increase BTC-TC revenue via trade fees, and increase site exposure and trust because a trusted entity is trusting you!"
smickles: MJR_: you couldn't've known
smickles: MJR_: a c490n would break even at a price of 4900usd/btc if sold at ~ 1
smickles: MJR_: mpex uses bc,24hprc, if that's what you were calcin'
smickles: MJR_: you're not accounting for the fact that people can lend money
kakobrekla: MJR_ help it by selling all u got
jurov: MJR_ submit it to rota :)
mircea_popescu: MJR_ like a failed fortress of solitude
Diablo-D3: mjr_: you wouldnt need that actually
mircea_popescu: mjr_ :)
Diablo-D3: mjr_: unlikely
jurov: mjr_ yes i'm here, pm me
mircea_popescu: mjr_ what about him ?
imsaguy: mjr_: did you ask if we cared?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well... what do you mean why ? cause it was traded
mircea_popescu: mjr_ that 4 contracts worth .96 btc were traded
tiberiusiv: mjr_: depositors had over 2 years to realize cyprus banks were bust
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i have no idea.
smickles: mjr_: well, i didn't wan't to go with one of those 'free' providers, and my self-signed just wasn't cutting it anymore
smickles: howdy MJR_
mircea_popescu: MJR_ the bitotter thing he's working on
mircea_popescu: MJR_ except on the day it gets attacked.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ something like that.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ im not even sure at this point.
pigeons: mjr_ where have you been? bitininstant lost usd a few days ago
mircea_popescu: MJR_ mpex doesn't do fiat tho, so it's kinda moot for this problem
mircea_popescu: MJR_ no gais. fixing.
imsaguy: MJR_: they didn't have to
mircea_popescu: MJR_ it has moar.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ not accept. just mine.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ 5%ish iirc.
smickles: MJR_: that was some time ago
jurov: MJR_: don't worry over it, prolly will crash soon
mircea_popescu: hum it's fine here MJR_
mpexbot: MJR_: ["http://mpex.coinbr.com"]
smickles: MJR_: $
mircea_popescu: that;'s him MJR_
smickles: MJR_: thing is, the 2nd amendment doesn't prevent them from taking the guns, it just prevents them from making a law to prohibit gun ownership
smickles: MJR_: well, it started out from the perspective that gov't should be subserviant (sp?) to individuals
dub: MJR_: neither, its like but you elected them?
smickles: MJR_: so why do they wear guy fawkes masks?
dub: MJR_: thats other peoples infrastructure too
dub: MJR_: just ask in #freenode
pizzaman1337: MJR_: http://pastie.org/pastes/6448246/text?key=s0rdeomgzommfp93xtapw
pizzaman1337: MJR_: I asked saurik about that once, let me see if I can find his response
mircea_popescu: MJR_ there was some dude jailbreaking anything in the forum,
mircea_popescu: MJR_ im all backed up here lol, get prepared cause when it goes back online it'll rain articles
mircea_popescu: MJR_ nobody will wait for the bitcoin payment to clear to watch their movie.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ it kicked you for spam. <<
mircea_popescu: MJR_ it kicked you for spam.
mircea_popescu: * MJR_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
mircea_popescu: <MJR_> -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
mircea_popescu: wd MJR_
jurov: mjr_ had to very quickly move whole site and learn how amazon ec2 works
jurov: mjr_ well, i got sick of the whole situation (as if i catched cold)
benkay: not you mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they already have, three times. and amazon x2
mod6: mjr_: that is pretty neat-o huh :)
mod6: wow, thx mjr_ :}
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well, if they're not in the money they just dissapear
mircea_popescu: mjr_ probably about .5 btc per contract
mircea_popescu: mjr_ that was always the case ?!
mircea_popescu: mjr_ mod6 is working on stuff like that.
Josh_Rossi: mjr_
gribble: Request successful for user Josh_Rossi, hostmask mjr_!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/C286BB96FE9B6CD3
gribble: Nick 'mjr_', with hostmask 'mjr_!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com', is not identified.
mjr_: ;;ident mjr_
mjr_: ident mjr_
gribble: Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user mjr_: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://serajewelks.bitcoin-otc.com/trustgraph.php?source=mircea_popescu&dest=mjr_
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust mjr_
gribble: Request successful for user JoshRossi, hostmask mjr_!~mjr@cpe-68-174-114-54.nyc.res.rr.com. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/C286BB96FE9B6CD3
mircea_popescu: mjr_ why not just use the mpex options i don't get it ?!
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i dunno what the use is tho
mircea_popescu: MJR_ what makes me very glad & happy is this :
mircea_popescu: MJR_ i am having a few set up.
Ukto: MJR_: PM
mircea_popescu: MJR_ trade is atm going on through the irc bots.
kakobrekla: 21:28.00 ( MJR_ ) Mp still having trouble?
mircea_popescu: mjr__ yeh
mircea_popescu: mjr__ understand, the box was doing something like 0.07 load all through the ddos.
mircea_popescu: mjr__ the ddos is not actually containing headers.
mircea_popescu: mjr__ proxies help in the exact sort of way i had it set-up : open web proxy which connects on a sort of private vpn to mpex webservers
mircea_popescu: mjr__ nope.
mircea_popescu: mjr__ trade is practgically frozen so nothing much would have changed.
mircea_popescu: mjr__ right now you can't. what are you trying to do ?
MobPhone: mjr__ hello
dub: mjr__: I'm not suggesting miners will exclude SD
dub: mjr_: its not scaling
mircea_popescu: mjr_ and yet nobody mines at elegius
dub: mjr_: yes there is, economic incentive
dub: mjr_: yes and 'the internet' has fundamentally changed a few times to cope with scaling