1100+ entries in 0.149s
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 10:20 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862617 << speaking of which, hey lobbes, feel like adding a param to !Q later tell, whereby it can tell next it sees guy but not earlier than x hours ?
mircea_popescu: and in the orclands, its utility is 100% as a dating site, "hey girly [working for "corporation" aka call center, nursing batshit insane delusions as to how you're a sorta hilary and anyone gives a shit about what yo ufished out of your belly button] : would you rather walk, or would you rather save and occasionally ask for a hot young boy who owns his own car take a half hour look at you ?
BingoBoingo: Hey, down here I am watching the Fat Forehead party realize it doesn't have a activist base anymore in real time.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo is there some subtext of "hey, anyone wanna finance my becoming a grower" in there ?
mircea_popescu: it's kinda funny how the predictable result of an hour's logs is that... "hey guise... there's even MOAR space at the trough than we thought! you have engineermanyears to put to some use ? ohohoh here, here, uses, pick, choose!"
mircea_popescu: so -- looking back to the crc32 situation, suppose that for whatever reason the consensus wasn't "yeah, should definitely have both" but "division is stupid, only tables are needed". at that juncture, ave1 could have made an alternate patch to the crc32-lookup consisting of merely a changed manifest, saying "Hey, for so and so reasons I think this should be a crc32-division, I intend to do it later."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-15#1862617 << speaking of which, hey lobbes, feel like adding a param to !Q later tell, whereby it can tell next it sees guy but not earlier than x hours ? ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: functions to make this functionality available." << im not so crazy about this approach, but hey. if it links it links.
ave1: hey, I was just thinking the same thing offline, so yes I think the new method is sane as it preserves authorship and no magic alternative could be inserted somewhere halfway the tree.
asciilifeform: oh hey
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey there's a reason wai the armenians ate as much lead as they did
asciilifeform: * billymg (~billymg@ has joined #trilema << oh hey welcome to rk, billymg
mircea_popescu: "our idiocy works as proven by all the works of those who hated us, which we claim for ourselves because hey, what's in a claim."
asciilifeform: hey, gotta pay diploma'd translator, to convert between kakobrekla and josef brosz tito...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, if local morons still act as if they lived in usg zone, notwithstanding they make 5k a year or so...
asciilifeform: hey BingoBoingo whatever happened to that chix
asciilifeform: hey ben_vulpes do you recall where ?
asciilifeform: oh hey
mircea_popescu: o hey, tested ? nice!
asciilifeform: oh hey
mircea_popescu: o hey!
asciilifeform: hey, asciilifeform does a similarly loathesome, and at times ~identical, thing, for money in the saeculum. for so long as you approach it the way kepler approached his work as horoscope-maker, it's livable
asciilifeform: oh hey 1st, afaik, properly-formed usd rate evah
asciilifeform: hey ben_vulpes i think mimisbrunnr's voicer br0ke
asciilifeform: oh hey ty phf !
mod6: Hey!
diana_coman: oh hey, how's Qatar, Mocky ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-08 18:54 asciilifeform envisions sumthing in the vein of hanbot's letter ( hey mod6 , did that ever get sent anywhere yet ? ) but obv the detail is up to diana_coman's skilled hand
mircea_popescu: hey, latinos are exactly like the chinese, but with samba si trabajo no gene extra. otherwise -- of fucking course they'll be copying some white man.
asciilifeform envisions sumthing in the vein of hanbot's letter ( hey mod6 , did that ever get sent anywhere yet ? ) but obv the detail is up to diana_coman's skilled hand ☟︎
asciilifeform: hey , at one time ( pre-tmsr... ) asciilifeform was invited to do talk at... microshit. still regrets not having prepared a trololol and going
asciilifeform: 'hey we bought the beethoven-maker and it dun make no moar beethovens'
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo hey, restitution's a powerful tool.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-02 23:57 mircea_popescu: at which juncture i suppose it'd pay to check, huh. hey phf, my memory of logs discussion includes this item whereby the above problem was fully resolved by declaring the path as inseparable part of the filename. you on the same page ?
mircea_popescu: it's seem to me that by the semantics of the bizarro world these gnus inhabit, something working is a promise for that something to keep working. because the criteria by which they use things is "hey -- it works" ("we believe in rough consensus and working code", in in-universe terms), and therefore... everything that ever works thereby promises to keep on working indefinitely and for any possible usecase.
mircea_popescu: o hey, nice.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-05#1858535 << hey, i was right, HOW SHOCKING. ☝︎
mod6: i pasted that log line above because i was hinting to readers "hey, if you want to buy pizarro's coins, this is how you do it." But no one even asked.
mircea_popescu: o hey, rehash of this!
asciilifeform: oh hey
asciilifeform: oh hey, finally a heathnlink that doesn't die in ~months
asciilifeform: 'hey kiddo, how come you dun wanna set yer small intestines free ?! they want to explore world too! in their fly form'
asciilifeform: oh hey that was it.
mircea_popescu: ask one of the fucktards this, sometime. "hey, mp's bmw has 270 hp under the hood. what's your tesla got ?"
mircea_popescu: mod6 ideally the situation is that they send something to ask, "hey, what about this"
asciilifeform: hey mod6... consider writing to that one
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> and hey BingoBoingo , what's ? << It should be the switch
asciilifeform: and hey BingoBoingo , what's ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: oh hey, post a pic of the epic crate.
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> asciilifeform: Rockchip package in hand << hey! Some good news 'eh.
mod6: hey neat-o!
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
mircea_popescu: it seems to me you're essentially saying "hey chairs, in recognition of how you've mostly failed to organize an experimental physics laboratory over half a decade, how about you produce a unified world theory on your way out".
mircea_popescu: the man dwelling in an empty house saying "hey, at least my furniture's flawless" is no-one's hero.
Mocky: re unlocking phone, hey if there was a reliable unlock procedure for my phone model I'd take it, but I've failed to find one. 'I don't really own it' is symmetrical with 'I haven't really paid for it'
mircea_popescu: o hey
Mocky: hey, is my secret weapon!
a111: Logged on 2018-09-29 23:29 trinque: which incidentally is a great segue to hey esthlos, when am I getting such a thing with which to cuntoo?
esthlos: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-29#1855654 << hey trinque, I plan to have this for you by the end of the weekend. hope that works ☝︎
mircea_popescu: hey, whole republic is built out of trying out the civilised things various empires came up with. some fruit better than others.
asciilifeform: this being said, hey hey ho ho crapflare has gotta go !! jurov !!
trinque: which incidentally is a great segue to hey esthlos, when am I getting such a thing with which to cuntoo? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: hey there.
mod6: hey hey!
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-28#1855148 -> hey, nice! ☝︎
asciilifeform: oh hey.
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-27#1854921 -> oh hey, looking forward to it! ☝︎
asciilifeform: oh hey dairy farm
mircea_popescu: hey, i didn't tyell you to take the insane stance ; merely the necessary result thereof.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey, usg 3ringbinder talmud prolly decreed that they must try at least 11 times..
a111: Logged on 2018-06-11 16:17 asciilifeform: here's a historical lul that mircea_popescu might find stimulating. asciilifeform ( and his brother, and a whole generation of folx ) grew up with a certain orc '100 bytes of ram, but hey it's fucking programmable' little box, http://www.alfredklomp.com/technology/mk-61 . and the Official b00k for it ( http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/G/GAYSHTUT_Aleksandr_Grigor'evich/_Gayshtut_A.G..html ) had various games (typically you had to draw on g
asciilifeform: ( hey phf ! )
mircea_popescu: but hey, "opted" to not have wot presence, just desserts.
mircea_popescu: hey, linux ~already useless for any practical purpose. you know i have a trashed hp envy sitting here because trhere's no way to run the wireless on it ?
BingoBoingo: But hey, everything is great and peachy for them because Starbucks is getting joined by H&M on October 6th
asciilifeform: '"I am not happy with the dominance of Chinese contractors. In the first place, the money that they get from these contracts is externalised and all that they return here are meagre wages," said Edgar Syakachoma, himself a contractor. "Let the government also give us the contracts so that they benefit Zambians."' << hey, recall mircea_popescu's piece with the argentine anti-bus protesters
asciilifeform: oh hey
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, they got 20 years to slowly do it.
asciilifeform: Mocky: hey, at least you dun have the pain of mircea_popescu , who left a whole trinitron behind in old world
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform to pet, 'hey, which lips we feed first ?' )
asciilifeform: hey, critter that shares air hole with food hole also double-wires nerves, noose at 11..
mircea_popescu: foregoing leaving me with the conclusion that chicks who don't want to lindsey kuper / http://trilema.com/2014/and-now-for-part-2-of-our-smash-hit-hey-stupid-women-we-need-to-talk-smart-women-don%E2%80%99t-want-to-be-with-you-anymore/ (ie, be the house mother of a bunch of tards, either cockless males online or else dubious junkies offline)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-22#1852879 << as i understand, could just as readily hasten his demise, neh ( 'hey next d00d will give us 10% moar' ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: hey if correctly strapped, down, maybe take 300
asciilifeform: hey, engineer must!11 operate on pessimistic margins.
asciilifeform: phf: but there was a short period in ustard history where they (mostly) maintained appearances of 'hey we aint nazi, not at all'
asciilifeform: hey, christians.
asciilifeform: how wouldja like if you were mailing parcel and post answered 'hey, it went ~somewhere~' lol
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: canhaz link to 'hey folx, phf's vtron out of beta, let's regrind trb etc nao' ?
diana_coman: tbh if I were to critique her summaries I'd start pretty much from same point as with the 5yo i.e. the way they are know they read as if she doesn't actually have any idea what those terms she uses there mean even at a basic level and she doesn't even flag them as such (i.e. "hey, this afiejif wtf is it???"); to the extent that it all ends up as mechanical re-phrasing, it's quite stupid
mircea_popescu: hey hey.
asciilifeform: oh hey, guten morgen, mircea_popescu
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 13:04 asciilifeform: hey mod6 , didja ever switch to new format in trb ?
asciilifeform: hey mod6 , didja ever switch to new format in trb ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: diana_coman: and if there was a moment in the l0gz where mircea_popescu proclaimed 'hey this is out of beta, errybody plox to retire the classical vtrons' -- i missed it? plox to link.
PeterL: hey there
asciilifeform: hey, the alpha centaurians who only see the radio crapola from us, and nuffin else, prolly distinguish even less.
asciilifeform: hey, plenty of folx manage to 'miss engineering' (e.g. by playing with 'feelings' as child instead of junkyard)
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-17#1850746 <<->> http://trilema.com/2014/hey-stupid-women-we-need-to-talk-smart-women-dont-want-to-be-with-you-anymore/#selection-159.0-171.73 ☝︎
asciilifeform: oh hey loox like torvalds finally gone zombie ?