900+ entries in 0.074s
asciilifeform: hey , partizan is perfectly happy to use schmeisser taken off dead german.
asciilifeform: hey it's how all other lensing worx.
mircea_popescu: hey, you know what... that's a great idea
mircea_popescu: we can talk of power rangers in bitcoin because they got fucking squashed. but nobody before thought "o hey, you know what knight, stallman, richie etc ALL have in common ?! FUCKING POWER RANGERS JESUS FUCK."
asciilifeform: oh hey remember the luby-style usenet archiver thing
asciilifeform: unrelatedly : hey mircea_popescu , didja have a torrent tracker ? i seem to recall in the log ( tho cannot find. ) or was it an in-house thingie strictly.
asciilifeform: oh hey
Mocky: also re bot, I do see the underlying problem that is revealed when someone says "oh hey, never thought of..."
asciilifeform: oh hey talks
Mocky: oh hey, never thought about multiple skill dings, I'll note
mircea_popescu: hey, "nobody watches pulp fiction because [some anon schmuck claimed she was raped by] Weinstein", i actuallty heard this said (by some girly who never saw any movie worth the mention in her ~~~entire~~~ coupla decades. they say this, too, like it's a thing. "my whole life". )
mircea_popescu: o hey, check him out.
mircea_popescu: the larger problem is "what is meant by a patch". i doubt the item can survive ~even one~ major alterations. meanwhile "hey, you spelled theyre with an apostrophe" needn't be counted (but need be fixed)
asciilifeform: hey mircea_popescu enjoyed that warehouse clip, neh
a111: Logged on 2018-12-22 17:22 mircea_popescu: hey, "apple has had a homogenizing and sanitizing effect on '''the internet''' (ie, the special reservation for morons, retards and other debris finding its way the fuck out since 1993)."
mircea_popescu: also ((123 kekekek.)) isn't translated to footnotes. hey hanbot did you ever include footnote plugin or did that get dropped somewhere in the interim ?
mircea_popescu: hey, 14 inch monitors were four digit also.
mircea_popescu: hey, "apple has had a homogenizing and sanitizing effect on '''the internet''' (ie, the special reservation for morons, retards and other debris finding its way the fuck out since 1993)." ☟︎
asciilifeform: hey it's how they dethroned nixon. ( the unforgivable 'crime' was not the burglar derpery, but withdrawal from vietnam )
asciilifeform: i still suspect that proof won't 'Officially Count' cuz 'not pdf.' (tho hey, i have a coupla uniturds, and even a lolcat!111 )
asciilifeform: that's what peddling 'just as good as actual cheese' does, in the end -- sets the table for 'hey i have a just-as-just-as-good , with flashier gui and endorsement from ibm' etc.
mircea_popescu: hey, open source allows people to improve and extend.
mircea_popescu: books are too fucking depressing. "hey, remember when people read ?"
asciilifeform: 'oh hey if susy hears what mary said, mary will never get to be in Plastic Fantastics!'
mircea_popescu: hey, girls say what girls say.
mircea_popescu: could for the same money have "hey phf-- i know i said so and so in the past, but truth be told now i got these chips and i'd like to get some work done, so how about..."
asciilifeform: 'hey phf, canhaz pinout nao ?' 'busy this weekend, how about next month' 'hey phf, been 6 weeks, i have to bother but canhaz pinout?' 'i'm moving flats, ask again in 2k' 'hey phf...'
asciilifeform: i put in the table stakes, bought the box. nao logically 'hey l1 people, got anyffing i oughta know?'
mircea_popescu: hey, he publishes as much data as usg.
mircea_popescu: but hey. soviets didn't give up in 1981.
asciilifeform: the empty seats inscribed 'spare' also interesting, and reminiscent of ye olde ibm pc with 'hey, some drams rotten, we'll sit new ones on top'
asciilifeform: hey, christ spoke to terry davis and told him how to achieve nirvana. a+++.
asciilifeform: phf: defo will have to xray, but thought 'oh hey possibly phf's material will give sumthing to correct against'
asciilifeform: oh hey interesting phf
mircea_popescu: hey, wasn't proclaimed the golden veal. merely worth documenting.
diana_coman: oh hey, welcome juliankunkel !
asciilifeform: oh hey
mircea_popescu: hey, "the message got cut off" has its effects.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-12 15:10 mircea_popescu: hey Mocky_ how's the hunt going ?
mircea_popescu: suppose suppose the lordship owns the world, in all particulars, entirely. the last rebel was long ago executed. i can write to any and all doctors, "hey, please X". so can you. so can etcetera.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo hey, seems in the ruckus we forgot a lulzy piece : https://news.stanford.edu/2018/12/06/shoucheng-zhang-obituary/ (stanford ablates 55 yo nobel winner physicist because too chinese).
mircea_popescu: hey Mocky_ how's the hunt going ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'but hey we have smiling turd glyphs nao!'
mircea_popescu: if you'd be right, we'd have discovered a #trilema not twice the size (as yellow man pop vs white man pop) but >20 times the size (because hey, efficiency, yes ?). and by size i do not mean headcount.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman hey, if you don't ask one million morons "how about you..." ...
asciilifeform: oh hey!
a111: Logged on 2018-12-10 15:41 mircea_popescu: o hey! have fun diana_coman
mircea_popescu: o hey! have fun diana_coman ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-07-16 16:44 mircea_popescu: diana_coman note that "binary identity" is not even necessary a premise. you can go "hey shithead, why the fuck are you linking dynamic mysql when there's been a static one for five years". or w/e.
asciilifeform: it's entertaining in strictly 'oh hey they threw brick and i can watch it hit my face' etc visceral thing.
mircea_popescu: hey BingoBoingo, is the mp-wp on pizarro's shared server broken or what ? i don't understand how http://archive.is/Bihzo#selection-111.0-115.1 is possible otherwise ?
mircea_popescu: spyked not so much a bug, traditional behaviour on adding ~new~ feeds, because people generally want to see a few articles from a new source. however, "old" feeds so to speak don't need it. so maybe have just a knob for you, doesn'teven need to be exposed to general public, to make the distinction between normal (hey, new guy added) and exceptional (importing other bot's feeds) regimes.
mircea_popescu: hey trinque, does !!register <newykey> and decripting otp work to replace old key with new ? or is it hand-cranked ?
mod6: asciilifeform: hey, happy birthday!
asciilifeform not terribly astonished that museum doesn't bother to reply to 'hey whydontcha lemme borrow your kohinoor diamond for a spell'
a111: Logged on 2018-12-04 17:34 asciilifeform: currently i see the chance that somebody will lend asciilifeform a unit for 'hey lemme pull and waltz the GALs and i'ma give it back to you, will try not to zap it' as pretty slim.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-04#1878262 << o hey, happy bday. ☝︎
asciilifeform: currently i see the chance that somebody will lend asciilifeform a unit for 'hey lemme pull and waltz the GALs and i'ma give it back to you, will try not to zap it' as pretty slim. ☟︎
asciilifeform: oh hey neat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, think -- spam trap WITH LIVE IDIOT on other end. did you never feel like "hey, are you stupid ?" @those doods ?
spyked: hey trinque, you still on for changing rss bots? I should be around for another 30 minutes or so. depending on the number of feeds/subscribers, it may take me a while to check/add everything, so we could do this in two steps: you send me the subscriptions (pm, #trilema and everything else) tonight whenever you can, and then I'll add them tomorrow and fire up feedbot whenever you're available to turn off deedbot rss
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 13:11 mircea_popescu: hey did http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875888 actually come to anything ? can i finally invoice that coin an' a half ?
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 15:46 mircea_popescu: in shit entirely unrelated to anything, but since we're doing links : hey alf, you ever ran into https://dadatroll.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/eu-erou-al-timpurilor-noastre/ ?
mircea_popescu: in shit entirely unrelated to anything, but since we're doing links : hey alf, you ever ran into https://dadatroll.wordpress.com/2010/04/27/eu-erou-al-timpurilor-noastre/ ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 13:11 mircea_popescu: hey did http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875888 actually come to anything ? can i finally invoice that coin an' a half ?
mircea_popescu: hey did http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-28#1875888 actually come to anything ? can i finally invoice that coin an' a half ? ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: it's basic shit test even fucking today in gringolandia. go up to girl in bar, "hey baby, wanna leave together ?" 80% or so odds she comes back with "can you get drugs" in some shape or form.
mircea_popescu: hey, it's what hilary teaches in dem "universities" now.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had an essay where 'hey, if i strangle you, at least it'll be a man strangling you with hands, and not a cockpuppet with paper' or how did it go.
mircea_popescu: it's my considered opinion that taking "the american experience" into consideration for any practical purpose is fundamentally stupid. might as well think in terms of "hey mr wright, this bird of yours is ok, but does it lay eggs ?"
asciilifeform: hey bulgaria even smaller, but did also build z80
mircea_popescu: but let's dig into it : WHAT ~precisely~, in central substance if not in peculiars of extension, DROVE this switch from "hey hey, soviet won space race and has ics of a sort" into this "ho, ho, soviet's buying scrapyard fare at new-from-factory prices" ?
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 22:37 asciilifeform: i still can't fucking believe that d00d. 'my experiment requires 3 litres of virgin tears' 'hey al, i took 300 virgins and ran then rom-coms until they cried 3L, here it is in a mason jar' 'but! reasons!'
asciilifeform: lol hey didn't we walk past that thing
asciilifeform: i still can't fucking believe that d00d. 'my experiment requires 3 litres of virgin tears' 'hey al, i took 300 virgins and ran then rom-coms until they cried 3L, here it is in a mason jar' 'but! reasons!' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, hey ave1 , can has approved comment!!1
asciilifeform: e.g. 'hey why is power connected to ground, must be a speck of skin in pic'
asciilifeform: hey didn't sumbody stuff in 'goldbug' virus from 1993 , and thereby trigger microshit's av
asciilifeform: oh hey the die size
mircea_popescu: trinque hey! no deedbot ?!
asciilifeform: 'where they cut off yer lips! if they dun like yer smile! it's barbaric, but hey it's home!'
asciilifeform: hey i even managed to see disneys. a coupla, with the trad ru dubbing translator with clothspin on his nose going mmmm
asciilifeform: hey BingoBoingo what do you call in english those strings ?
zx2c4: hey i like good ol rs232 too
zx2c4: hey ffa in ada
asciilifeform: oh hey
asciilifeform: oh hey guten tag mircea_popescu
a111: Logged on 2018-11-27 14:38 trinque: spyked: point is a simple "hey trinque, lets make the swap at $date, and get the PM subscriptions ported over meanwhile"
mircea_popescu: hey.
asciilifeform: hey, phree coin.
grubles: hey what was the other channel you guys used to hang out in?
asciilifeform: hey, viet cong picked up dead 'd' batteries dropped by ameri-grunts, filled bamboo stick with'em , coupla dozen added up to 1 set of live ones for radio, supposedly
asciilifeform: oh hey
trinque: spyked: point is a simple "hey trinque, lets make the swap at $date, and get the PM subscriptions ported over meanwhile" ☟︎
asciilifeform: hey if ibm can live for 40 yrs on milking real estate , wainot also these
mircea_popescu: o hey, wb spyked
spyked: hey diana_coman, ty for testing! yeah, it's a bit slow because it grabs the feeds serially, I'll have to fix that.
a111: Logged on 2018-11-21 16:44 mircea_popescu: heh. hey spyked... what became of ye ?
billymg: hey, looks good on my end (in that post) -- previously the `<br>` was breaking it a bit too soon and leaving some whitespace at the end of the line, before printing the remainder on the next line
asciilifeform: oh hey