130 entries in 0.788s
ascii_field: 'We have enough bits mapped that we can create a functional verilog model for almost all bitstreams generated by Lattice iCEcube2 for the iCE40 HX1K-TQ144, as long as no block memories or PLLs are used. ' << wake me up when that last part changes. and when i can get this chip from ten different chinese foundries.
ascii_field: and get more bits back (to victim, that is) than you had to send.
assbot: Logged on 29-06-2015 00:50:35; mats: i'd be happy to share a few bits to encourage folks to get one
mats: i'd be happy to share a few bits to encourage folks to get one ☟︎
jurov: so ben_vulpes will then use camera to get the random bits off osciloscope?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's so deeply baked into the structure of the world, you'll never be free of it. << johnson noise, shot noise, etc. are intrinsic to electrical circuit. yet we have to sweat and build whole other box to get pc to cough up random bits.
mircea_popescu: point of woman bits is to get pregnant. what's woman supposed to do with her bits ?
asciilifeform: see, when i use memory, and put bits in, i expect to get them out later.
asciilifeform: incidentally, i will use this occasion to point out that prng is not deadly because enemy can somehow get the exact bits again
bagehot: Where I can go to get the gory details on how the interesting parts of the bitcoin source code are implemented and why those interesting bits actually work cryptographically and in a game-theory sense. I think its pretty incredible that a bunch of people can credibly store tokens of considerable value on a decentralized, digital network.
mircea_popescu: "The current solution as proposed by Bitcoin Core is, when you get right down to it, “let’s just be really careful with code changes and hope for the best”. There is no real disaster recovery or prevention plan. Yes, there is ongoing work to split the consensus critical bits out into a library and I think this is a good idea and am glad to see it happening. However, it still does nothing to address the real fun
mircea_popescu: lizard empire very large, very porous, generally i get the good bits before they fully propagated even. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: they get gender bits retrofitted. it's a joke.
Vexual: yes, the bits that get left out are always interesting
assbot: 149 results for 'get bits' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=get+bits
thestringpuller: !search get bits
thestringpuller: !seach get bits
mjr_: it is statistically possible to get that arrangement of bits by chance
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves im not sure i get what you're asking there. /// I'll break it down into bits
MisterE: If I could get all the bits back this channel has stolen I'd be rich!
davout: you'll get filled in bits of whatever its order size currently is
nubbins`: generally you just get spice and a few freeze dried bits
cerelenius: i already explained bitcoin has 2 sources of demand 1) speculative and 2) settlement, break down what settlement means and you get mostly black market activities and maybe 5% of little bits and pieces
BingoBoingo: Drill bits that actually get used as opposed to gathering dust also have rather short effective lifespans.
asciilifeform: this is also a handy way to store bits in the chain that will never, under any conceivable scheme, get 'pruned.'
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> on the surface it sounds great. rub the contact mic against any surface and get all the entropy you need << o no, not at all. you can't use such low bits.
mircea_popescu: [\\\] i get the selected bits.
mircea_popescu: Namjies prolly best idea is to do very small bits first, get a good feel of how it works.
knotwork: so it would get to buy little bits at a time as price falls
mircea_popescu: Where you get it in bits as hard as tin in the land where spunk is spunk-