867 entries in 0.532s
benkay: fuck bitches, get bitcoin. daytrading's for shitheels who can't promote bitcoin into their wallets by driving back the forces of entropy.
asciilifeform: you still 'lose at entropy' because now you have clear pattern.
mircea_popescu: but in the interest of sanity : obviously radioactive decay is purely entropic. the methods people use to try and extract that entropy however... tsk.
BingoBoingo: Has radioactive decay improved its entropy to compete with the Cardano yet?
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html
asciilifeform: anybody notice how quickly the discussion of 'where the hell do you get entropy on a VPS' began and ended?
mircea_popescu: so in the most recent rng tests for the cardano we now see Entropy = 7.999926 bits per byte.
Vexual: enthalpy and entropy
asciilifeform: in fact, bonus points if you use a known turd for an entropy source
asciilifeform: helps if you have a reasonable entropy source, but not essential for this application.
Apocalyptic: <kakobrekla> hows the entropy on that // pretty bad
kakobrekla: hows the entropy on that
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm still unclear on where the hell entropy is supposed to come from on that thing.
mircea_popescu: so cardano rng board was successfully populated, there's like oscilloscope illuminated randomness and general entropy pouring out of it. i'll be making a post with pics and whatnot once the lot of you stop hawking over the exchange.
nubbins`: hipster jealousy is too uniform to be a good source of entropy
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It seems like I might have to see if I can find the script that generates entropy from hookers and microphones from the trilema comments.
Vexual: gather entropy from hipster jealousy
asciilifeform: none of this helps unless the system is actually programmed to gather entropy from said manipulations.
asciilifeform: entropy generation is the inevitable bottleneck here.
asciilifeform: dollars to doughnuts, it's blocking on entropy milking
BingoBoingo: I'll also try mashing the keyboard to generate some entropy
asciilifeform: chances are, it's waiting for keystroke entropy.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Key generation is still continuing. Either the entropy is really good or it is relying too much on virtual memory to try to accomplish this which... I think defeats the purpose if there are going to be a bunch of hard drive writes of the process.
asciilifeform: where the hell is a luser supposed to get 512kb of entropy
mircea_popescu: it's def entropy starved.
pankkake: BingoBoingo: can you monitor cpu usage? if it's idle it could be entropy starved
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, I'm trying a 128 Kbit key on it. If it can be air gapped... At least it seems to have decent entropy so far.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo maybe it uses really good entropy
jurov: mircea ic, you thought too hard about good entropy sources.. so one got manifest :D
ozbot: You are Bad at Entropy. : programming
mircea_popescu: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1p3ti1/you_are_bad_at_entropy/ << stanislav takes over reddit
asciilifeform: for the crypto/information-theory buffs: http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html
pankkake: could a vacuum tube be used as an entropy source?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: anything attached to a human brain is a terrible source of entropy
asciilifeform: if you're ok with a glacially-slow entropy source, just expose a DRAM chip to sunlight, with deliberately inadequate refresh cycles, wait for radiation bit-flippage.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> on the surface it sounds great. rub the contact mic against any surface and get all the entropy you need << o no, not at all. you can't use such low bits.
nubbins`: on the surface it sounds great. rub the contact mic against any surface and get all the entropy you need
asciilifeform: nubbins`: not that you can't use audio as an entropy seed, but most of it is incredibly periodic
asciilifeform: the digits of 'pi' pass every test of entropy you can think of. (save one!)
asciilifeform: cryptographic 'randomness' is a matter of provenance (as in this: http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/lawpoli/colour/2004061001.php) rather than entropy per se.
BingoBoingo: benkay: Maybe? Nature generally seems to push for increases in entropy though. The poor get poorer somehow. With enough buttcoins eventually you get enough asses that they can't all be traps.
benkay: there's only marginal profit to be made in just increasing entropy
asciilifeform: problem is: it is quite possible to build a HRNG that passes any conceivable 'test of entropy' while remaining insecure.
asciilifeform: 'Entropy Key' is thought to be acceptable, but it's been sold out for ages.
bitesak: Matthew Green seems a good candidate to review the entropy of Cardano?
mircea_popescu: i wonder if periodic polling of the dice profit would actuyally qualify as entropy bearing.
nubbins`: but let's assume that one is intelligent enough to create a passphrase with a very high level of entropy
jurov: ;;later tell mircea_popescu "is there some way to make a website where people can put in their pgp keys and they get tested for entropy quality/statistical weakness ?" nope, except for few debianlike-pathological cases.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is there some way to make a website where people can put in their pgp keys and they get tested for entropy quality/statistical weakness ?
mircea_popescu: it's basically a shade under 13 bits of entropy per word.
mircea_popescu: The streams are also exclusive-ORed together and that stream's entropy is estimated in the same manner. If the raw streams appear to have severely reduced entropy then it indicates a fault in that generator, if the third stream has low entropy then it indicates that the generators have correlated and are not independently gathering entropy.
ozbot: Simtec Electronics Entropy Key: USB True Random Number Generator
pankkake: I tried a thing to make audio an source of entropy, but couldn't get it to work
mircea_popescu: "The Entropy Key contains two high-quality noise generators, and an ARM Cortex CPU that actively measures, checks and confirms all generated random numbers"
pankkake: "Please note that there is a very long waiting period for Entropy Keys at the moment." oh well…
jcpham: entropy isn't what it used to be.
optimator: but I agree I like my own entropy over someone else's - I like my own brand :)
thestringpuller: Might be the entropy atm
imsaguy: whenever my entropy pool is empty, I just pipe in 0
davout: it pregenerates the addies, so it eats entropy when you refill the pool
mircea_popescu: how exactly does it use the entropy or wtf does it do ?
Framedragger: in the entropy way, too..
benkay: if we write it to minimize entropy, that would be cool
dub: <tcatm> lianj: These are from a hardware wallet called bitcoincard(.org) with little entropy.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if that could work as an entropy source
mircea_popescu: or in the physical. enthalpy is the energy of a system. entropy is the opposite thereof, the locked energy so to speak. all physical processes flow only one way (to greater entropy) and that's the flow of time.
mircea_popescu: it'd pretty much measure entropy i think.