35 entries in 0.647s

mircea_popescu: ag3nt_zer0 i would say so, yes. make sure you use the
dicelist method correctly, and make sure the privkey is not exposed to third parties.
mike_c: better for RNG with
dicelist assbot: Romanian
Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: Romanian
Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
benkay: you may consider a
dicelist and a deterministic wallet, Hirethestache.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoinpete bt otherwise your article suffers from a very strangely naive approach. ever heard of a
dicelist ?
benkay: ;;google romanian
dicelist benkay: so the only thing to do is an encrypted drive with a memorized
BingoBoingo: dub, The trick is making a
dicelist password and picking cat picks with the dice words in the background
mircea_popescu: so im making a romanian
dicelist, cause apparently romanians are too retarded to have one already