36 entries in 0.511s

shinohai: ( A long time ago, hashbang was actually a gentoo thing but was then
debianized by powers that be )
CompanionCube: asciilifeform: the '
debianized' boxes, as you call them right?
Framedragger: fromsiphnos: no, not user/pass, though one could try a bit of that, too, but as in, generate small set of "
debianized" ssh client keys, and try all of'em. much smaller set. see logs above
Framedragger: asciilifeform: quick unrelated q: in phuctor, do the phuctored
debianized keys appear in /phuctored ? from what i recall and understand, all of them are there. and one wouldn't have to look at /sadmods or /dupes - correct?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-19 16:16 asciilifeform: i wrote, in the qntra piece, 'examine
debianized boxes for nsaware'. now 'owner' will have a chance to clean up before any mass 'examination' takes place.
scriba: Logged on 2016-11-17: [15:40:00] <asciilifeform> btw everyone probably remembers this from the golden olden debian days, but these chumps tend to also have remote ssh login with
debianized keyz