41 entries in 0.604s

mod6: however, i might try a hand at keeping all but the most recent blk###.dat files, cutting them up with
blkcut, then feeding them back in with eatblock.
mod6: wrote a perl one liner to cut them all apart with
blkcut... now just gotta feed 'em in.
mod6: using
blkcut? that might be worthwhile
a111: Logged on 2016-06-18 16:15 mod6: i may try to find some time yet this weekend to take a look at this
blkcut thing -- this may be away to roll life saving numbers on your block chain after a power outage in the future.
mod6: i may try to find some time yet this weekend to take a look at this
blkcut thing -- this may be away to roll life saving numbers on your block chain after a power outage in the future.
☟︎ mod6: asciilifeform: hey (i think I've asked this before) but; the
blkcut utility doesn't allow a guy to exacto-knife one block out of a blkindex file does it?
phf: ascii_field: saw it of course. i wanted to cut out the whole
blkcut -> block -> eatblock roundtrip, plus i want to see how fast it can eat at saturation. which is surprisingly not fast at all
ascii_field: gernika:
blkcut for the former. but otherwise, yes.
assbot: Logged on 20-07-2015 15:05:16; asciilifeform: somebody found a bug in '
blkcut' but did not follow up re: replicating
mod6: is this the one where
blkcut error made it fall over?
ascii_modem: decimation: there is no reason to reimplement bash loop, etc in something like
blkcut shinohai: that
blkcut utility is bitchin'
shinohai: how small can u make the files with
blkcut ascii_field
mod6: ascii_field: re:
blkcut, neat!
ascii_field: 'Here is a '
blkcut' utility. Cuts or counts.'