173 entries in 0.433s

ossabot: (eulora) 2018-07-22
Birdman: !Qcalc (54*.32*10*1000)+(378*.37*10*964)+(180*1.35*1000)
ossabot: (eulora) 2018-07-22
Birdman: !Qcalc (54*.32*10*1000)+(378*.37*10*964)+(180*1.35*1000)
lobbes: asciilifeform: has been pretty quiet as of late. not sure why tbh. danielpbarron,
Birdman, et al have been quiet as well, tho, and they were frequent players
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-12 03:14 lobbes: !!rate
Birdman 1 valued customer
a111: Logged on 2018-01-09 05:33
Birdman: !!pay lobbes 0.00224535
Birdman: The operation succeeded.
trinque: !~later tell
Birdman put a 0 in front of that .0185
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
mike_c: !~later tell
Birdman here's a new version:
Birdman: The operation succeeded.
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: lol
Birdman 's got a consultancy bidniss almost going ?
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
Birdman - are you using python 2 or 3? what does it say when you run "python --version"
Birdman: well you said it had something to do with the second quote, which didn't make any sense
Birdman: The operation succeeded.
Birdman - yes, unzip the files to some directory. Say it's "c:\hands"
mike_c: !~later tell
Birdman ^
mike_c: !!later tell
Birdman ^
Birdman give out a large enough datapile the script can be made, then you can run it over your grandma.
Birdman superficially it works like 1/4 hour py script, but what do i know.
Birdman - just pick the highest number you're comfortable with. I bet somebody here will do it.
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
Birdman: That sounds like a lot of existential dread.
Birdman: I'm
birdman, live in US, know danielpbarron irl, play eulora infrequently as of late, idk
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: !!up
Birdman Are you ready to test the waters on this side of the Republic yet?
Birdman: What bring you flying in around these parts
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: lobbes rated
Birdman 1 << valued customer
lobbes: !!rate
Birdman 1 valued customer
☟︎ lobbes: I gotta say, I'm experiencing the whole "WoT make decisions easier" thing in practice now. I.e. I know hanbot is good for it, and since I trust danielpbarron's rating of
Birdman, I also trust that he, too, will be good for it
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of
birdman from 5 to 6 << good friend for many years, euloran, poker enthusiast
Birdman voiced for 30 minutes.
DianaComan: and ftr there is
Birdman who managed to blow some 10mn using the bot in one night or so
danielpbarron: btw, that guy on the right is
Birdman of Eulora infamy
TheNewDeal: !rate
Birdman 1 suspicious; keep friends and enemies close in the WOT
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 16:53:58;
Birdman: These are interesting times to be alive, that is for sure. And i have a bezzle bag so if i do somehow keep my imediate freedoms through the crash of fiat and rise of sound money my mouth will be fed.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for
Birdman with note: not very bright
liquidassets: !V assbot:liquidassets.rate.
Birdman I say not in our lifetime because from my point of view, we win, we already won, it's just the matter of convincing Alf of this fact
Birdman females are OBSESSED with who gets to sleep with who, it's one of their shows of power that some don't give up even after high school
Birdman: even that is "pay attention to me!"
Birdman natural as in I felt it before when in a 'menial' job taken AFTER accomplishments I was proud of and some surecock comes waltzing in telling everyone how mommy and daddy OWN a grocery store back in Minnesota and so blah blah...And I let him get under my skin
Birdman yeah they've been blaring it out of all horns for a coupla days now. it makes a stark contrast to how quiet they'll be about the end results of this yet-another GTO (glorious tikrit offensive).
liquidassets: I think
Birdman that it's a natural thing to want respect as you get older, especially FROM the younger. Because most younger are worthless anyway and they never got respect from their peers either