35 entries in 1.052s

benkay: i'd like to see this diagram someday… y'know your
blog would've been a good place for such a thing
BingoBoingo: Oh,
benkay also, how do you like the
blog's new look... Or did I ask already?
benkay: someday my
blog will have its own blade << what, and be liek trilema ?!
benkay: ur blawg, i gave you my
blog commenting virginity and you snubbed me
benkay: the notebook is like his
blog, a running tally
BingoBoingo: Mysteries I want in a
blog post,
Benkay, why did you ever stop trolling me after my return to -assets
dexX7: what was your
blog again,
kakobrekla: asciilifeform last
blog post from
benkay ?
herbijudlestoids: you guys sure are weird sometimes.
benkay, the point of the article is to highlight things that people might not know about. if i had some info or opinoin that MPOE was undervalued or overvalued, why would i put it on the
blog for morons to see instead of just buying or selling MPOE?
benkay: I just regret your
blog doesn't seem to as of yet have comments enabled.