40 entries in 0.629s
mod6: asciilifeform picture scene from film 'idiocracy', where hero gets 'his name', 'Not Sure', tattooed on forehead << his arm, but yeah, great movie.
asciilifeform picture scene from film 'idiocracy', where hero gets 'his name', 'Not Sure', tattooed on forehead
trinque: meant the neurons; seems to me the right virus would yes, make the perfect creatures of idiocracy
the_scourge: asciilifeform: Was your WH prophecy inspired by idiocracy?
BingoBoingo: The idiocracy guy was wrong here in the states. In future 'Murica carbonation will be "what plants crave"
thestringpuller: wow reading the footnotes on the new trilema took me straight into idiocracy
HeySteve: but the ultimate result is Idiocracy world
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: yes but the affect of "preventing" natural selection from occurring in the family unit is only temporary. even d00d protected in parents basement until his 40's may never have kids. (or perhaps the barrier to having kids is so low the termporary shield against selection of any sort gives unfit offspring the opportunity to spawn with other unfit offspring i.e. idiocracy)
trinque: I think the problem with the idiocracy idea is precisely "here is everywhere"
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: aaaahahahaha. jesus it must suck to live in the us. << we usians are pretty much living in idiocracy. soon we'll see mass famine due to watering crops with electrolytes.
trinque: clearly the only thing preventing idiocracy is that it could never get that far
trinque: mats: the US is literally idiocracy throughout
the_scourge: fluffypony: never seen it, would idiocracy be a similar example?
thestringpuller: As mircea_popescu points out in his article on YCombinator (Facebook lining up a billion idiots of investors), I wonder if the the world Mike Judge envisioned in Idiocracy is possible.
assbot: 23 results for 'Idiocracy' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Idiocracy
BingoBoingo: !s Idiocracy
chetty: we are already living idiocracy
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Yeah, Idiocracy being cruel doens't necessarily mean it is untrue <<< kinda meh slapsticky nonsense imo, but hey.
BingoBoingo: Yeah, Idiocracy being cruel doens't necessarily mean it is untrue
DreadKnight: erm Idiocracy is one of my fav movies
assbot: Idiocracy Is a Cruel Movie And You Should Be Ashamed For Liking It
BingoBoingo: lulzy butthurt http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/idiocracy-is-a-cruel-movie-and-you-should-be-ashamed-fo-1553344189
DreadKnight: decimation, ever seen Idiocracy movie?
BingoBoingo: “We need Darwinism to sneak back into our society. We [medical community] have propped up too many people that shouldn’t be alive today which has allowed the creation of ‘super idiots’ that the world has never seen before. Seriously, has anybody seen the movie Idiocracy..we are starting to live it.”
asciilifeform idiocracy << prefers the old, paper version, 'the marching morons'
pankkake still wonders how scientific Idiocracy is
assbot: Real Life Idiocracy in America - The Obama Effect - YouTube
assbot: Idiocracy "I like money" - YouTube
MisterE is watching "Idiocracy 2006" in VLC
ThickAsThieves: i cant come up with a choice analogy for btctalk, but I'd say Idiocracy is close
mircea_popescu: thats something they could have had in idiocracy
asciilifeform: nobody cancelled 'idiocracy'; expect a 'bigbooms' sub for war reportage, etc.
pankkake: http://i.imgur.com/58acA0m.png looks like Idiocracy even predicted inflation
pankkake: I should rewatch Idiocracy
thestringpuller: is idiocracy really didactic?
pankkake: oh your Idiocracy article is in that barbaric language
mircea_popescu: People like to believe Idiocracy is a movie laying bare the stupidity of contemporary America, at its core and in its outskirts. It’s a convenient commonplace, but it isn’t factual, not really - Idiocracy is merely a tedious, didacticist agglomeration of nonsense.
MJR_: yeah is idiocracy the opposite of meritocracy?
damientrog: The movie idiocracy seems like a prophecy
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: idiocracy is the word you're looking for