57 entries in 0.744s

BingoBoingo: Especially if they can't shoot the lesser theives for Oslo
larp reasons.
nicoleci: mp_en_viaje, oh yes you're missing out....you should see that thing! asciilifeform couldn't convincingly
larp an isp, & is now going to
larp - the whole orchestra instead
mp_en_viaje: i got actual shit to do dude, go
larp somewhere else.
trinque: mp_en_viaje: one is going to have to figure out to get fed post-apocalypse, or ever
larp in the grand shadow of mp
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:52:22 trinque: speaking of
larping, what's this "gassed" thing?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-09 23:02:01 trinque: anyhow that copy I wrote for your wacky
larping index page never went up. I don't beg my way into other people's struggling businesses.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-10 02:51:40 trinque: speaking of
larping, what's this "gassed" thing?
BingoBoingo: When the Bitcoin declaration of independence went around gathering signatures in 2014, it was enough to dislike the USG and want to see the USG done. Now, for the failures of marketing outside of the MP household... much of the language about the Republic seems
larpish, except when he says it because... He's been a battleship before Bitcoin.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-10 02:01:18 trinque: anyhow that copy I wrote for your wacky
larping index page never went up. I don't beg my way into other people's struggling businesses.
trinque: speaking of
larping, what's this "gassed" thing?
trinque: anyhow that copy I wrote for your wacky
larping index page never went up. I don't beg my way into other people's struggling businesses.
mircea_popescu: oh oh oh that's what he was,
larping about something or the other, i ended up making money on an investment in it.
mircea_popescu: right. because, again, 'while(cops willing to
larp) kill()'.
mircea_popescu: taking individual such examples and declaring "i interpret ~this~ particuylar case of 'while(cops willing to
larp) kill()' as somethingentirely else!!!" isn't gonna do much.
mircea_popescu: it's a historical fact, the only way for a revolution to win is for the wanna-be pantsuit cop
larpers being killed, in such numbers as not to leave any behind.
mircea_popescu: contention is, "the only way through which revolution ~ever~ wins, is 'while(cops willing to
larp) kill()'".
mircea_popescu: leaving aside the cases where "army -- shot the would-be cops", from odessa to what have you, 2016 turkey, the point remains : shooting the
larping pantsuit until no pantsuit left willing to
larp is the only way.
mircea_popescu: this worked splendidly well, and through the exact process described : they started shooting the "cop"
larpers until no one wanted to
larp anymore.
mircea_popescu: if you take a narrow "history started in 1993" view, you can arrive at this "army" notion. but the actual equation underlying that ~as well as any other~ applications, is 'while(cops willing to
larp) kill()'
mircea_popescu: it's the modern version of "breaking the will to
larp". but consider the case of the old pretender : for 50 fucking years, the (orange) revolution was stuck killing the wanna-be-cop catholic
mircea_popescu: and quite specifically because, "kill the cops, until there's no pantsuit left willing to
mircea_popescu: white bois gotta fucking learn already. kill the cops, until there's no pantsuit left willing to
larp. do not "peaceful" hurr durr, that does 0.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-30 13:22 mircea_popescu: the overarching point being that neither #trilema nor tmsr is a sort of dilbert-
larping-zone, here for the
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845588 "salaried zek" element to gather after hours, smoke, and predictably if circularly discuss how-stupid-everyone-but-us-is.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-20 19:56 mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-06-02 22:57 shinohai:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-02#1820300 <<< Even if this were resolved, I have pretty much decided Pizarro wouldn't meet my current needs or risk profile, if at anytime after posession of my BTC and equipment one of the lords might
LARP about and negrate me.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-06-02 22:57 shinohai:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-02#1820300 <<< Even if this were resolved, I have pretty much decided Pizarro wouldn't meet my current needs or risk profile, if at anytime after posession of my BTC and equipment one of the lords might
LARP about and negrate me.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: because totally, i'll be supporting their
larping, why the hell not o.O
larping, yes, but not merely for fun nor profit.
larping as a life philosophy.
mircea_popescu: as there's not enough room in reality for both their
larpings, they eventually split, there's a useless "new" php without mysql and a similarily useless "new" mysql withouyt php now. that neitjher were ANYTHING other than "one piece of LAMP, which exists STRICTLY because tmsr v 0.1 says it does" entirely wooshes over all their herads.
mircea_popescu: almost like
larping, "one magic spell they used was..."
mircea_popescu: "but won't anyone charge ?" "of course some will" "so won't that rally the others ?" "no, very much the opposite -- in making plain the difference between actually being a hero and
larping, it'll bring home to the idiots that they REALLY have no business being there."
mircea_popescu: trinque> all anyone does today is
larp, from chiraq to palestine << word. and the
larp that they do is always and very amusingly a sort of first-person-cool. i was explaining a coupla days ago the mechanics of "pantsuit uprising" and how firing a line would send the whole field of 'em packing to deeply disbelieving girly. she honestly thought that if i march a 100 strong regiment to the sider of a 100`000 strong "color revol
trinque: all anyone does today is
larp, from chiraq to palestine
trinque: pretty common to end up
LARPing in retirement, even if one lived as a man, unfortunately
trinque: to date the guy has produced zero anyone uses, and I dunno why anyone entertains the
larping and dick-pulling
cazalla: trinque, sure, but i'm talking about the Cantwell types who go to a march, stand there while they get shit, piss and acid thrown on them but don't even fire upon them, why bother even showing up then? just to
larp trinque: was I
larping when I sent some dindus away from my door couple months ago?
AlfredAlfer: But I wouldn't consider it
larping. Helmets and shields are necessary when you're getting acid thrown in your eyes.
cazalla: AlfredAlfer, no-one shoots anyone, they're all a bunch of Cantwells in that they come armed to the gills but never a single shot is fired, just
larping at best
fyr: Anyway I know I'm on the
larp server for "not getting pwned by unspecified pgp-fearing non-Mossad is hard, reliable backups and Linux audio is easy"
trinque: no one can seriously claim the guy wearing steampunk goggles and going to conferences isn't
LARPing in the grand american tradition of pretense to existing
trinque: couldn't find the log, but the other day mircea_popescu discussed that some pedo case's dismissal had very much to do with that the guy refused to
LARP with them re: their importance.
dub: or wear
LARP costumes