2900+ entries in 0.26s
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 12, Type: F, Subject: Makefiles for building full orchastra, Antecedents: , Notes:
mod6: %p trb 12
asciilifeform: and in many cases, in particular the one now contemplated, is wholly unnecessary: fetching the trb deps is a once-per-machine thing
mod6: I tend to agree, overall though. It should belong with trb.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502685 << what has mircea_popescu been smoking?? there is no qt in trb ☝︎
mod6: The thing is, they /are/ really a part of trb itself.
mod6: The one staring me in the face is this: If we place them in trb's tree, we'll be adding vpatch after vpatch to the source base to update the makefiles as they require to be updated. Having them in their own tree could elimiate cruft in trb.
mircea_popescu: it seems to me they should be in trb tree. which tradeoffs do you see ?
mod6: this really leaves one last question that has to be thought through before we move on; Do we place the makefiles into trb's tree, or do we place them in their own tree? I've thought about this quite a bit. And there are tradeoffs to both.
mod6: trb
shinohai wants to run a cock.li trb node
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html << is missing dulap, the single most robust trb node i know of
a111: Logged on 2016-07-06 23:18 mod6: <+trinque> mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki << perhaps. i was hoping that with wiki (which, I admin, is not ideal) people could help out a bit more easily - as opposed to a blog or wp thing.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-06 23:17 shinohai: My trb node drops connections one by one every few hours and needs restart to connect. I'm way behind.
mod6: <+trinque> mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki << perhaps. i was hoping that with wiki (which, I admin, is not ideal) people could help out a bit more easily - as opposed to a blog or wp thing. ☟︎
shinohai: My trb node drops connections one by one every few hours and needs restart to connect. I'm way behind. ☟︎
mod6: <+trinque> I am wedged at 419554 too << did your trb continue on then too?
asciilifeform: i'ma install it trb-style
a111: Logged on 2016-07-06 00:26 trinque: mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki
asciilifeform: trb? trinque made one
trinque: mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki ☟︎
trinque: mod6 │ http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html
mod6: trinque: is that the deedbot trb ip then?
asciilifeform: mod6: i was damn sure there was a draft cookbook but i slept through it, and it was not yet posted to trb www.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 the link in trb.foundation STILL POINTS TO BITCOIN-ASSETS WIKI << Is this necessary?
asciilifeform: soooo it appears that we do not have ~any~ recipe posted for building vtronic trb ?
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 the link in trb.foundation STILL POINTS TO BITCOIN-ASSETS WIKI
mats: er, for building trb.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-04 22:12 mats: is there an up to date guide to rolling trb on pogo's little-endian armv5?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497206 << my original recipe still worx and will always work. use a recent trb tho. ☝︎
mats: is there an up to date guide to rolling trb on pogo's little-endian armv5? ☟︎
asciilifeform: we dun even have 3 reliable trb nodez.
shinohai: thestringpuller: I don't have a job other than trb/Qntra
a111: Logged on 2016-06-29 22:54 pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy
deedbot: pete_dushenski rated funkenstein_ 2 << trb privkey patch guy
pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy ☟︎
deedbot: pete_dushenski updated rating of shinohai from 1 to 2 << trb tester+navigator
pete_dushenski: $rate shinohai 2 trb tester+navigator
thestringpuller: I don't see a good scenario where TRB could deploy a fork i.e. "the prequisite".
a111: Logged on 2016-03-05 15:15 mircea_popescu: i suppose IF the july many-fork time comes and trb has nothing to offer then it might as well close.
asciilifeform: anything other than unconditional capitulation to trb, == prb.
thestringpuller: if it's possible to mine and validate against TRB...
phf: (trb instance)
shinohai: No, shiva the trb addition. >.>
mats: hanbot was gonna look at it but got caught up in some trb thing
mircea_popescu: trb acted correctly.
asciilifeform: i disagree that the enemy ought to have any say in how trb works.
mircea_popescu: trb has no notion of "coin history". nor should it. because taint is not a thing.
thestringpuller: cause there is no way TRB will ever enforce segwit, so there is no way it can ever truly verify a segwit output was spent "legitimately"
thestringpuller: okay. so lets say Segwitz address starts with 'P00'. you send 1 BTC from a standard address as inputs into the segitz address. the segwitz address now spends back to a standard address. but the way it spends is with non-standard opcodes, so called "bastard unspent outputs". so it spends to a real btc address "1something". When TRB validates it's the chain of tx's it'll encounter the segwit part as NO_OP. Should we just bury these coi
mircea_popescu: i don't see trb should do anything. i also don't see why any sane person would continue dealing with any entity using it.
thestringpuller: ah. but with segwit coins TRB should treat coins as if they are burned?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-22 22:52 BingoBoingo: Moar anti-trb pillz https://archive.is/QKFlx
BingoBoingo: Moar anti-trb pillz https://archive.is/QKFlx ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so really, either iB or outright TRB will have to have an auth layer for nodes.
ascii_deadfiber: the transparent ploy behind the 'soft forks' and related crapolade is to try to siphon btc into corners from which it can no longer be removed with a trb node.
mod6: thestringpuller: so, one thing i can tell for sure from your dpaste is that you're not running the latest trb tree.
asciilifeform: trinque: it was how we genesis'd trb, recall.
asciilifeform: i am NOT and will NOT be willing to sign off on, e.g., tinyscheme, or even trb, with same level of assurance as for code that i and i alone had written.
trinque: my actual possible code paths in say trb should be reflected in the code
mircea_popescu: i personally never got the idea it's part of trb or anything. seemed to me more like a "alf's other project", sort of like the ffz thing.
phf: asciilifeform: i understand that but you're missing what i'm saying. you yourself said that you're not particularly trusting tinyscheme. it has overflow bugs, it has all kinds of issues, and keeping its apartness insulates ~you~ from a certain amount of responsibility. it's no longer serving a purpose as part of a bigger trb patch, now it's this third party "pedigree" thing, that we can sort of rely on, but nobody's responsible for etc.
asciilifeform: 1) trb-genesis
asciilifeform: as would be the case in a mircea_popescuated shiva trb.
mircea_popescu: mod6 : if you're building trb, you start from a trb genesis. if you're building V (via V), you start from a V genesis. and so on.
mod6: so what would your implementation look like here? a patch to a current leaf of the trb patches that inflates say t/t.pl from 'false' on the end of the trb 'light-code' ?
mod6: so we are agreed then that things outside of the trb light-cone, get its own light-cone - a multiverse of things, yeah?
asciilifeform: trb-genesis, and shiva-genesis.
mod6: one inflates the trb universe into bitcoin, the other into v. i guess it doesn't have to be that way.. v-genesis could be added later on down the line as a leaf node. but then it probably shouldn't be named "genesis" as that seems to break the convention.
mod6: mircea_popescu: i mean, if i have genesis.vpatch (trb) and v-genesis.vpatch in http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-13#1481822 << mircea_popescu made a very convincing argument in favour of ~not~ having a central repo of any kind, but rather - if anything - a streamlined mechanism for each lord (including mod6 & ben_vulpes under the banner of trb foundation) to put ~his own trb~ in usable format on ~his own~ www ☝︎
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 if i want trb i don't need to ask for '/trb/whateverthefuck-fixes-retardation.vpatch', asking for whateverthefuck-fixes-retardation.vpatch must suffice !
a111: Logged on 2016-06-13 23:39 mod6: and since now we have; trb, t, v, ... and many others probably forthcoming, one should need to specify what they want to pull down locally.
mircea_popescu: so you cd trb and it takes you to it.
mircea_popescu: none of this "trb". just make a dir like /7ad78d387187350 or w/e
mod6: so it would be something like: /v/, /trb/, /t/, /gossipd/ or whatever.
mod6: and since now we have; trb, t, v, ... and many others probably forthcoming, one should need to specify what they want to pull down locally. ☟︎
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 30, Type: I, Subject: Investigate a new design for the Wallet, Antecedents: , Notes: An investigation must be conducted to create a specification for a reimplemented wallet. The outcome of this will drive ticket 29.
mod6: %p trb 30
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 3, Type: I, Subject: Further investigate a solution for mem leak/fragmentation, Antecedents: , Notes: An OOM error occurs from mempool tx's that are never deallocated. A well defined and researched plan need to emerge from this investigation.
mod6: %p trb 3
mod6: %e trb 3 I "Further investigate a solution for mem leak/fragmentation" "An OOM error occurs from mempool tx's that are never deallocated. A well defined and researched plan need to emerge from this investigation."
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 'It has been well established that OOM error occurs from bastards not being freed from memory.' << not accurate. bastard tx don't enter the mempool in trb. it is mempool tx that never deallocate...
mod6: ok. so what I was thinking, at least for the quick/dirty method was that lord of a project would update tickets with peoples' submitted vpatches linked either from the ML or if/when accepted. doesn't only relate to TRB obv.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-09 22:25 mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ticket_graph.html
a111: Logged on 2016-06-09 22:25 mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ticket_graph.html
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 28, Type: S, Subject: Ideal bitcoin, Antecedents: 3,4,5,12,14,15,18,19,20,21,25,26, Notes:
mod6: %p trb 28
mod6: I'm sick of "epic" tickets, so came up with a "saga". For trb, a saga is something like ``ideal bitcoin''.
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ticket_graph.html ☟︎☟︎
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trickets/trb_ticket_graph.html
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ascii_graph.txt << ideally numbers should be hooverable, ie show ticket content if you put mouse on it. title="$ticket" iirc. << sure. the ascii ticket graph is just ascii. not sure of any way to "mark up" the text without turning into something that's not text.
mircea_popescu: mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_ascii_graph.txt << ideally numbers should be hooverable, ie show ticket content if you put mouse on it. title="$ticket" iirc.
tb0t: Projects: trb
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 32, Type: T, Subject: Test funk's import/dump priv key vpatch, Antecedents: 2, Notes: Use mod6's rebased vpatch, apply to latest vpatches in thebitcoin.foundation mirror. Test import/export of private keys. Should use both valid and invalid keys here. Also test send/recieve; leave no stone unturned. http://www.mod6.net/btcf/test/mod6_funken_prikey_tools.vpatch
mod6: %p trb 32
mod6: As soon as we get through the testing, will deploy here and hopefully can turn attention to trb stuffs.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-04 18:44 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 the openssl people hosed your stator script by moving their turdball without a redirect. can we plz stop linking to derps in trb autoloaders ?
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: any timeline on the 99994k release ? looking forward to testing trb with import/export, etc. << not at the moment.