279 entries in 0.577s
asciilifeform: 'keybase' ?
assbot: Ryan Castellucci (ryanc) | Keybase ... ( http://bit.ly/1DWTBcg )
ryan-c: ben_vulpes: https://keybase.io/ryanc is me
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Apparently he has a keybase.io according to the gitrub
mats: mixing social networks and bitcoin networks? isn't that what keybase does?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But since the founders made the Keybase abomination, I want to find out how much their original venture lies
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Nominally they accept Bitcoin and the same founders also made the Keybase.io thing. Gotta see if the average man on it looks worse than an ungulate.
thestringpuller: https://keybase.io/coinbaseguy << coinbase apparently has a GPG key published
xanthyos: NO LONGER A KEYbase boy, are you proud of me?
mircea_popescu: xanthyos: i don't use keybase but my key was generated there <<< "your".
xanthyos: i don't use keybase but my key was generated there
kakobrekla: someone actually uses 'keybase' ?!?! < no surprise there
asciilifeform: lol! someone actually uses 'keybase' ?!?!
xanthyos: blame danielpbarron for setting me up with a keybase.io gpg key when he recruited me
thestringpuller: ben_vulpes: didn't you hear? keybase.io is the future of GPG
ben_vulpes: yeah where can i find more keybase users to whack
undata rolls up his newspaper, thonks a keybase.io user
asciilifeform: check out the shitgnomes in the comments. 'use keybase!'
assbot: Uploading private keys puts users at risk Issue #160 keybase/keybase-issues GitHub
ben_vulpes: from the shitgnome lulzotron: https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues/160
asciilifeform: hn << notice how the circus has all of the obligatory clowns, acrobats. including the inescapable shitgnomes pushing 'keybase' etc.
mats_cd03: top comment conflates gpg with pgp, ten odd comments in a useless discussion about key exchange and comms over the same channel, five comments by a bunch of fucking dummies talking about key signing parties, and a few pumping keybase
pete_dushenski: like keybase for bitcoin!
thestringpuller: this is as bad as that keybase.io
asciilifeform: blocksign << aha let's have a 'keybase' variant of 'deedbot.' haha.
assbot: keybase/triplesec GitHub
punkman: well if anyone's inclide to try, should probably start here: https://github.com/keybase/triplesec
punkman: 20 BTC for breaking this js wallet: https://keybase.io/warp/warp_1.0.6_SHA256_e68d4587b0e2ec34a7b554fbd1ed2d0fedfaeacf3e47fbb6c5403e252348cbfc.html
mircea_popescu: yeah, THAT is the solution. keybase.
mircea_popescu: "The lack of transparent key management in PGP isn't unfixable. For those who don't trust Google or Yahoo, there are experimental systems like Keybase.io that attempt to tie keys to user identities."
pogakuofie: keybase??
kakobrekla: did you ask keybase pogakuofie ?
danielpbarron: i set it up for him; keybase was the quickest way to get him in the WoT :/
benkay: but seriously danielpbarron xanthyos if you can type "keybase" at the command line you can type "gpg -d" at the command line too.
benkay: keybase suggests you give them your private key.
xanthyos: what other than keybase would i use?
benkay: keybase lol f'reel xanthyos ?
xanthyos: leave a keybase tab open and authing takes no time
mircea_popescu: benkay: keybase wanted your 'encrypted' private keys. << oh such lulz.
benkay: keybase wanted your 'encrypted' private keys.
thestringpuller: didn't this already go down with keybase.io ?
danielpbarron: Micon: i can invite you to keybase, they make it really easy to do all that
danielpbarron: Micon: you can prove your twitter is you; see keybase.io
fluffypony: BingoBoingo: did he go on to create Keybase.io?
punkman: isn't there one like keybase that works on namecoin?
danielpbarron: lol so don't trust keybase; you can still GPG sign a data object describing your association with a twitter profile and then calculate a hash of that signature and tweet it
asciilifeform: how keybase can be trusted to do anything at all, is beyond me
danielpbarron: you don't have to use keybase to do what i'm suggesting
asciilifeform: keybase.io << the scambase that wants your priv key, right
fluffypony: yes, keybase.io
danielpbarron: which you could do yourself, but keybase is like a yellow pages of these associations
danielpbarron: keybase has you tweet from your twitter account, a special message containing a hash of a GPG signed statement of association
fluffypony: keybase
fluffypony: I don't get keybase.io
danielpbarron: is that something keybase is working towards?
asciilifeform: 'google buys keybase'
kakobrekla: ;;google keybase.io site:http://log.bitcoin-assets.com
thestringpuller: https://keybase.io/ - anyone know about this?
asciilifeform: 'keybase' is still alive!?
benkay: keybase blowback ramping up: http://blog.lizdenys.com/2014/03/31/refusing-to-verify-myself/
benkay: it's called keybase.io, asciilifeform .
ozbot: Keybase.io vulnerability
benkay: http://ejj.io/keybase-io-vulnerability/
benkay: "Keybase.io is also a Keybase client, however certain crypto actions (signing and decrypting) are limited to users who store client-encrypted copies of their private keys on the server, an optional feature we didn't mention above."
Mats_cd03: has anyone tried keybase.io and have anything to say about it?
asciilifeform: re: keybase.io - this was the idiocy that wants your private keys
mircea_popescu: copumpkin "Keybase will be a public directory of publicly auditable public keys. All paired, for convenience, with unique usernames."
copumpkin: mircea_popescu: keybase.io, does that look like something you'd use?
punkman: keybase.io wants people's private keys? lulz
asciilifeform: keybase.io/chadilaksono
asciilifeform: keybase.io/chris
asciilifeform: co-founder of OkCupid and Keybase
asciilifeform: keybase.io/max
asciilifeform: co-founder of OkCupid and Keybase
asciilifeform: keybase.io
asciilifeform: '...co-founder of OkCupid and Keybase.'
asciilifeform: re: 'keybase' link: brilliant honeypot
TomServo: WillTablet: it was a paste from the keybase.io page
punkman: pankkake: related, https://keybase.io/