2300+ entries in 0.354s
asciilifeform: (book, not tattoo)
BingoBoingo: Anyone want a pdf of the Folsom book?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: me - i don't want jsonism in my book. << anything actually solidified in your head as to what you actually want ? sigs, really ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Thank you for pointing me to the Folksom book. The practice drills are the best.
undata: someone should write a book of #ba metaphors
asciilifeform: do i need to explain why i asked for the book?
asciilifeform: the bare naked minimum worthy of nubbins` book, is a gadget that functions, reliably, on current network
asciilifeform: me - i don't want jsonism in my book.
asciilifeform: but 1) i'm not interested in a book with gavin's excretions 2) not interested in a book describing system which does not work on battlefield.
asciilifeform: undata: http://explo.yt/post/2014/10/29/some-dangerous-idea << i just wanted a fcking book.
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2014 06:23:40; asciilifeform: channelling herr naggum: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'
nubbins`: well, tell alf to cut COPYING from the book, i guess
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> what, it's on the interwebs, anyone can come publish it and sell the book ? <<< "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software..."
mircea_popescu: what, it's on the interwebs, anyone can come publish it and sell the book ?
nubbins`: nope, book will be 100% produced by me
mircea_popescu: nubbins` is going to end up immortalised in history like a bug in amber : that one guy that was going to print a book when all hell broke loose.
mircea_popescu: www.negotiatinggenuinely.com/holding/admin/gucci_online_433.html << guy wrote a book. herp.
asciilifeform Just Wanted A Fucking Book
thestringpuller: if there were text book example for "The Case of Too Much Money" this would be in that chapter.
assbot: BOOK REVIEW: The Star Diaries by Stanislaw Lem (1971) | Republibot
asciilifeform: decimation: It soon became clear that nobody there was actually against << http://www.republibot.com/content/book-review-%E2%80%9C-star-diaries%E2%80%9D-stanislaw-lem-1971 >> grep 'eleventh voyage.'
TheNewDeal: mp are you reading that buchanan book?
asciilifeform: TheNewDeal: old book.
asciilifeform: unrelated: https://archive.org/details/HowToStartYourOwnCountry << a little riot of a book. no-bullshit guide to (failed) attempts at ab initio sovereignty. (i met the author in person, incidentally. fun fella.)
Adlai: (it's not in the b-otc order book anymore)
Adlai looks in the otc book
asciilifeform: or even showed symptoms of having so much as smelled the book gas in kiczales et al
gribble: Oankali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oankali>; Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Trilogy: An Introduction - Biology: <http://biology.kenyon.edu/slonc/books/butler1.html>; Imago: Book Three of the Xenogenesis Series (1989): <http://www.literatureandgenetics.org/viewwork.php?id=60>
gribble: Put 'Em Down, Take 'Em Out!: Knife Fighting Techniques From ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Put-Down-Take-Out-Techniques/dp/0873644840>; Knife Fighting : About Folsom Knife Fighting - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGVcoMJx-zw>; Put Em Down, Take Em Out!: Knife Fighting Techniques from Folsom ...: <http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1744698.Put_Em_Down_Take_Em_Out_>
asciilifeform can't help but remember beloved childhood book, 'mysterious island'
asciilifeform: well, any book in ru
decimation: I like how any book worth reading is now warez
asciilifeform just wanted a goddamned book he could take to the forest and go Hmmm with
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform maybe buy you a complimentary book copy of the code ?
asciilifeform: i'd like to plant the tree of 'koraktor' book of src, so when i actually have time to do the deed with it, it's there.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'd like this shit done, so six month from now i can get the damned book.
asciilifeform: (evil magic book)
nubbins`: i hope there'll still be enough to fill a book ;/
bounce: then you'll just have to wait for the book
joecool: oh book on mobsters, i haven't managed to find a copy of the book that came out a couple years ago about samsung
pete_dushenski: speaking of mobsters, anyone have any book recommendations on mafia/mobs?
asciilifeform: about similar (in conceptual 'weight' rather than design!) to the unix described in 'lions book.'
asciilifeform: i've bound an odd book here & there.
BingoBoingo: <jurov> so you say what will be hosted - only list of patches and a script << I actually imagined set of books for the core an annumal supplement book of refinemnts
othernubs`: calling it a book seems to boorish at this point
mod6: <+othernubs`> mod6 ben_vulpes put this book thing to rest once and for all; merge useful changes from 0.6.3 into 0.5.3 and call that your baseline << agreed.
othernubs`: mod6 ben_vulpes put this book thing to rest once and for all; merge useful changes from 0.6.3 into 0.5.3 and call that your baseline
othernubs`: book of kells
ben_vulpes: your book, sure.
gribble: Chuck Smith :: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Part ... - Blue Letter Bible: <https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/smith_chuck/HolySpirit/hs_05.cfm>; Prophecies in the Bible about Joseph Smith - Ensign Jan. 1989 ...: <https://www.lds.org/ensign/1989/01/prophecies-in-the-bible-about-joseph-smith?lang=eng>; Book of Mormon. A Scripture Testament of Jesus Christ | Mormon.org: (1 more message)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: don't confuse this item with phil z's pgp book
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> the bug is not so much of a concern, nobody is typing the book into a machine. << Wait, then what was the purpose again?
asciilifeform: each of us, i suspect, has his own use for book.
mircea_popescu: the bug is not so much of a concern, nobody is typing the book into a machine.
othernubs`: you'd be sad if you paid 1btc for a book that's got a shitty bug, or that's 1 release behind a major improvement
mircea_popescu: my bet is you'll end up with a free book and beer.
othernubs`: yep, the forums would eat this book
othernubs`: grey book sounds serious enough and is underutilized
mircea_popescu: Bitcoin's Book of Jesus ?
mircea_popescu: The True Book of Bitcoin
asciilifeform: vomit book?
othernubs`: the blurple book
mircea_popescu: The Pink-Violet Book of Bitcoin ?
othernubs`: the ____ book
asciilifeform: othernubs`: see ubiquitous 'lions book' that we're imitating: http://v6.cuzuco.com/v6.pdf ☟︎
assbot: Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz - Book Review: Empire of the Summer Moon
asciilifeform: also the book is neato.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform decimation i think it quite likely that once nubsy gets on you'll get your book.
asciilifeform: i'd pay quadruple for an intelligently-commented 'Lions Book'-style item
asciilifeform: at any rate, i would genuinely like that book. if someone wishes to make it happen.
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be identified via GPG to use the order book.
mircea_popescu: TomServo i have nfi. bounce sure, teh future's an open book.
mircea_popescu: lmao this book is cooked.
decimation: asciilifeform: amusing book http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/ST/
asciilifeform: decimation: this is abundantly clear in the mentioned book
decimation: heh yeah I half expected the book to end with the man dying at the end of the sights of a Terran space-marine
decimation: BingoBoingo: oh you mean the book duh. I like cylinder 22
mircea_popescu: "Applying Growth Hacking to a Book (and to getting ahead) October 14, 2014 — 4 Comments I just put up a 5,000 word breakdown of the campaign for Growth Hacker Marketing for the New York Observer. " << dude these people...
decimation: " For example, in America, observed de Tocqueville, a book that does not make money – because it does not sell well – cannot be good, because the test of all goodness is money. And anything that makes a profit must be admirable in every way. I"
Adlai: mircea_popescu: he's paraphrasing a book, i don't think he agrees with that statement himself
assbot: United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book), 2012
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: if you like paper, and live near a secondhand book shop - it'll be $1 or so.
decimation: you mean the 'plum book'?
asciilifeform: if you know folks in the publishing industry, consider the story of the sf book/film 'eragon.'
asciilifeform: yes. without the client's cooperation, not possible (as pictured in the book)
bounce: likely. peruse the order book?
mircea_popescu: it's like reading a comic book written by the author about himself.
mike_c: another section of the paper that isn't news: classifieds! put the otc order book out of bizness and makes shareholders happy.
asciilifeform: 'It is like going to a library full of books that took 50 man-years to produce each, inventing a way to cut down the costs to a few man-months per book by copying and randomly improving on other books, and then wondering why nobody thinks your library full of these cheaper books is an inspiration to future authors.'
Vexual: oldest trcik in the book
Adlai would probably not get invited into the operating theatre just for walking around outside the hospital with an anatomy coloring book
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 23550.527 bitcoins, for a total of 18333428.3555 USD and take the price to 99999.9900. | Data vintage: 19.2906 seconds
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you may have to break down and get the book.
ben_vulpes: ofc i have to book the withdrawal as "profit", but...
ben_vulpes: known for the "not a bad premise" book
ben_vulpes: book features an extraordinarily clumsy girl who is also extremely lucky.
assbot: GOD IS A GAMER by Ravi Subramanian - The official book video - YouTube
Adlai: ok, this is the first time i've watched a video trailer for a book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruba41fF1Ag
mircea_popescu: cazalla The book is available to purchase as a paperback via Amazon India or via Amazon Kindle << are those qntra's amazon links ? ie, you make comission ?
gribble: National Energy Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Energy_Program>; Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark: The West Versus the ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Eastern-Bastards-Freeze-Dark-Confederation/dp/030740062X>; Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark - Random House Inc: <http://www.randomhouse.com/book/208460/let-the- (1 more message)