40 entries in 0.705s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform,
zamac is precisely that, industrial zinc alloys
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ( and who's to say that borated. can entirely be ordinary. ) << To be clear doping glass is borosilicate because dopers are clumsy when doped. Because dabbing is apparently a thing now titanium means titanium when it comes to dope tools that get heated. Otherwise metal not specified means
Zamac, and Aluminum usually means
Zamac, because that's what the first A in
Zamac is for
ben_vulpes: im also evaluating this claim that the lone star state is somehow not the same thin plastic veneer over
zamac the rest of the country's made of. it at least has endogenous oil stores and the locals carry a reputation for being profit minded
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, i recall having sed crash on me last week. "tools".
zamac 100% quality guaranteed.
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160916/#242 << plausible, sure, but what has actually happened is that a) the chicoms have diddled the phillips female bit such that it cams out at the slightest provocation and than on top of that the
zamac used to replace it wears after so much as a single slipped drive and b) torx is a convenient workaround for the shit metals
mircea_popescu: sure, sure. a proper alloy saves you from shitty geometry, but you can't use
mircea_popescu: dude that shit you linked... jesus god. yes, you can get a
zamac thing for "1500".
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: aha, if for eating, doesn't much matter if the nonpressurized parts are of
zamac << Yes
ascii_modem: made in usa at this time (if not car) means that labour was ruinously expensive - and so there was no sense in saving five cents to make all the parts '
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i thought
zamac is actually an alloy not a carbide
BingoBoingo: fine, the outer case is a plated flexible Brass, the inner insert is rigid steel. There is a taper and ring combination between the case and inset that is tight to non-polar fluids. Aluminum on aluminum and
Zamac on
Zamac don't accomplish this. <<< ATTN CHINESE COUNTERFEITERS PLS ACK
mircea_popescu: wtf who ever thought "o look, this
zamac is too strong! we need a shittier replacement!"
BingoBoingo: Broke 3
Zamac turds, moved to a beauty in 440 stainless steel
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 100 percent machined parts, nothing stamped, nothing made of shitmetal (e.g. '
zamac') << no, because metals can be purified, but organics not so well.