54 entries in 1.05s

a111: Logged on 2018-01-03 17:37 ben_vulpes: so i dug this
ti-89 platinum out of my closet last night to have something tactile to do arithmetic on and holy shit i'd completely forgotten about the input lag
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-17#1800909 << wasn't, no. and yes, the
ti-89, sure. or my ancient citizen solar powered item which i haven't seen for 15 years at the least but which was revolutionary for its time and literally worked by degrees -- if you obstructed two of its cell it could still slightly power the screen so it did.
☝︎ ben_vulpes: so i dug this
ti-89 platinum out of my closet last night to have something tactile to do arithmetic on and holy shit i'd completely forgotten about the input lag
☟︎ danielpbarron: apparently Euler argued that 0^0 should equal 1 on the basis that n^0 equals 1. also, my
ti-89 says 0^0 = 1
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 21:33 davout: if what i want is sell dildos online, and $framework runs on 15$/month box, wtf do i need a website that could run on a
ti-89 for x10000 the price?
davout: if what i want is sell dildos online, and $framework runs on 15$/month box, wtf do i need a website that could run on a
ti-89 for x10000 the price?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: With same language you can program the two best portable computers ever. The
TI-89 and the TI-92
BingoBoingo: Also far more fun than real macs and the
TI-89 because useful default software and full keyboard.
assbot: Accuracy Information for the
TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family, and Voyage™ 200 Graphing Calculators. - Knowledge Base by Texas Instruments - US and Canada ... (
http://bit.ly/1F1G8EA )
assbot: Logged on 13-09-2015 16:54:14; asciilifeform: e to attempting to match the
TI-89's level of automation. The fact that Mathematica, Sage, etc. also will not perform these simplifications without a 'hint' makes me feel a little better, but the question remains: How on earth did the TI engineers manage to do this with literally a tiny, tiny fraction of the computing power a desktop has?'
BingoBoingo spent two weeks of dishwashing checks on
ti-89 senior year for the AP calc test
shinohai: Found a decent
ti-89 for ~$200.
decimation: maybe use that guy's
ti-89 code for making key
BingoBoingo: ag3nt_zer0:
TI-89 is probably a better platform for play computing
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: No, I had the
TI-89, mostly the same except for form factor. I have no idea what that important looking rectangle is.
decimation: yeah it would be interesting to know about a test that allows
ti-89 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Palm V and I have great memories. My only regret is that PalmV and
TI-89 never traded the best of their aspects
BingoBoingo: It was on the
Ti-89 I had and the computer I acquired in the same window of time. My affinity is probably mostly through familiarity
danielpbarron: still got my
ti-89; that was my favorite toy in school / used it in non-math classes instead of paying attention
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Best value proposition though is
Ti-89 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I tended to like it because in Highschool I had Hypercard, a giant
TI-89, ot Compaq dos
BingoBoingo: Look, the way Bitcoin regulation works is my
TI-89 was my favorite computer loving ass said the systemd war is over and initd won. Give it time to stew, but that's the fina word.
BingoBoingo: Azelphur: You mentioned the friend with a 486, if you've ever used a
TI-89 you can convert him to saner options
BingoBoingo: Diablo-D3: My
TI-89 met it's end in my usefulness when I realized the cheaper Mac Classic was basically the same thing.
BingoBoingo: Diablo-D3: I actually sold my
TI-89 for money to buy weed
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well I was more imagining what it would take for a Rasberry Pi to truly be a
TI-89 surrogate than imagining a project for myself in the near future.
BingoBoingo: When I fucked around on the old macs usually telling shit to wait worked. Never had a printer that was willing to cooperate though. Pretty much only had the change to touch screen, keyboard, and mouse... Also even faster
TI-89 BingoBoingo: Before that though I banged away in motorola 68k assembler on the
TI-89 and mac
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: At some point even a big head faile unless is surrenders to the aspersorzing. The
TI-89 and the 0x0 Macs were the last machines I remember assembler and BASIC flavors being comparably organizable, though my experience in the matter is limited.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Probably, but it is quite a leap creating code that can be organized in assembly for the
TI-89 and assembler for a modern x86 chip. I imagine the leap to the assembler OCL compile to would be still harder to organize.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, I'd probably be limited to using the existing GCC port for the
TI-89 to compile and hoping the NSA would let science the courtesy of having some decent sources for random and pseudo random numbers.
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Maybe? After reading some of asciilifeform's blog though I took time to get reacquainted with my
TI-89. It might be older hardware, but sometimes going for the Cougar is worth it... provided you remember the rubber and can afford the Valtrex.
nubbins`: BingoBoingo: So I'm thinking of getting a new offline computer and considering the Macintosh SE/30. It seems like a
TI-89 on steroids. Any obvious faults I'm overlooking?
BingoBoingo: So I'm thinking of getting a new offline computer and considering the Macintosh SE/30. It seems like a
TI-89 on steroids. Any obvious faults I'm overlooking?