33 entries in 0.804s

mircea_popescu: there's exactly nothing similar between rsa
packet and serpent
packet. for the same money could ask to have busses and flour delivered in
single container.
diana_coman: alternatively the hello message stays
packet and uses a keccak hash of the public key (n,e,comment) as "account ID" so 3.1.5; then key is sent via Data packages and basically I need to define another type for RSA public key; server can ask/expect the RSA key *every time* to preserve same answer behaviour or otherwise only if it doesn't know the key
a111: Logged on 2015-01-07 01:22 asciilifeform: with udp, you can make the 'friend or foe?' decision upon receipt of a
single (!)
ben_vulpes: "the greatest website to ever fit in a
single TCP
sina: "To craft a valid
packet, a sender must collect a
single auth string from the receiving node's lighthouse (via whatever means, can be a shortwave tuner), craft auth with it as described by Mircea Popescu earlier, encipher to receiver's RSA pubkey, and send." ?
decimation: so you are against
single packet routing in general?
assbot: Logged on 07-01-2015 01:22:05; asciilifeform: with udp, you can make the 'friend or foe?' decision upon receipt of a
single (!)
assbot: Logged on 07-01-2015 01:22:05; asciilifeform: with udp, you can make the 'friend or foe?' decision upon receipt of a
single (!)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> some jobs simply do not parallelize. <<
Single network interface with
packet filter
RagnarsBitch: It has to do with
packet loss and pools not being designed for just a
single miner. I know I've had these same issues anytime just one miner is active on a pool , then resolves as soon as a couple more come online
decimation: I like the idea of sending a
single udp
packet as a request and receiving a stream of udp packets in reply