37 entries in 0.623s

ben_vulpes: this greenmail notion is entirely unrealistic, shares allocated to "enginering" are utterly trivial compared to investment tranches, and
shartup operators routinely reneg on non-dilution clauses for staff.
ben_vulpes: critiquing headshots on
shartup websites
ben_vulpes: i realized that the
shartup bezzletron actually got this right
mircea_popescu: i can't recall wtf that
shartup was supposed to be doing anyway
trinque: kakobrekla: I would like to invest all my doge in your logs hosting
shartup trinque: every
shartup in the valley has someone who thinks he's jobs
assbot: Logged on 18-04-2015 05:16:18; ben_vulpes: 'cto', some form of
shartup lobbes:
shartup might, but you have to think someone -may- have archived the history somewhere
trinque: I used it long ago working on a parental controls thing at a
shartup ben_vulpes: i'm going to focus on murder and mayhem for my
shartup business plan
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> i'd guess that many folks can't even think about this subject without their brain melting from rage << a good eighth of my time is spent talking smart young guys down out of a
shartup-inspired rage attack
mircea_popescu: well i can't seem to find it, but he has a bit about "you don't believe me ? then believe x, she was stupid enough to quit medical school to join x
shartup and now is a relationships expert"
trinque: mircea_popescu: I'm sure there's some
shartup out there going by Hoodie
ben_vulpes: notion being: show up; don't pitch; build hilaribad thing; present like seasoned
shartup pros; clean up
mircea_popescu: "clearly bitcoin needs moar technologiez! brb making
ben_vulpes: gotta wait for the
shartup to come along claiming "zeroth best amazingth" i guess now
ben_vulpes: no, the spamgun
shartup recruiter is deliberate
ben_vulpes: sure, it guarantees cash in pocket instead of worthless paper when the music stops, but all i'm left with when the music stops is a company that makes software in competition with all the other
shartup engineers.
ben_vulpes: it's a convenient chumpatron - both my
shartup short and the touchscreen phenom.
ben_vulpes: one man's greed another man's short against the
shartup market.
benkay: cooked up a decent one last night: "