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bvt: dorion: slowly getting back into shape after vacations, so far some workslots got sacrificed for more sports. other than that, on the vacation i started to write a v implementation that would not have the
performance issue; while it's 90% done, need to invest some more time to finish it. after that, will port the fg-
rng to 2.6.32
bvt: porting
rng to 2.6 kernel should indeed be not too hard, the only thing i may need adaptation is kfifo api (iirc it's api changed at some point, which may break the code)
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 12:47:24 dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his
rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his
rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
bvt: dorion_road: the kernel
rng vpatch will be finished on this weekend (i have all the components in the benchmarking blogpost, just need to clean things up).
bvt: ty, i guess after the article it will become possible to decide what to use for each of the hashes; after that one more patch - user-settable key for hashing, and
rng work will be done
snsabot: Logged on 2019-11-12 22:03:27 mircea_popescu: bvt, once done fixing the kernel
rng, you wana join in this fray by the way ?
mircea_popescu: bvt, once done fixing the kernel
rng, you wana join in this fray by the way ?
mircea_popescu: so concretely, lobbes is supposed to deliver that botthing soonish ; you're doing the above, bvt is beating
rng into the kernel, BingoBoingo is getting himself out of the 2nd failed reboot of isp
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-04 15:29:03 mp_en_viaje: incidentally, it occurs to me, bvt had
just completed a large pile of work re getting the fg in the kernel.
mp_en_viaje: anyway, to put at least one
rng'd insanity to rest explicitly : i work women rather than men not because women are weaker than men, but because women are stronger than men. if this weren't the case i'd simply be gay, no question about it.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 02:32:27 mp_en_viaje: i also kinda like the idea of permitting each user to pick his own
rng-hash-crypto key.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 02:32:27 mp_en_viaje: i also kinda like the idea of permitting each user to pick his own
rng-hash-crypto key.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:24:44 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, a) to avoid the sha1-powered contraction ; b) to reject, discontinue and clearly mark as untenable pantsuit heritage ; c) to disrupt any possible legacy of usgistani shenanigans in the output ; d) to give meaning to the notion of computer identity ("a computer's key is the hash of the sig it uses to serpent its
rng code") and e) for simplicity (one mechanism instead of two as now)
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, a) to avoid the sha1-powered contraction ; b) to reject, discontinue and clearly mark as untenable pantsuit heritage ; c) to disrupt any possible legacy of usgistani shenanigans in the output ; d) to give meaning to the notion of computer identity ("a computer's key is the hash of the sig it uses to serpent its
rng code") and e) for simplicity (one mechanism instead of two as now)
mp_en_viaje: i also kinda like the idea of permitting each user to pick his own
rng-hash-crypto key.
bvt: hi. i intend to finish the kernel
rng work end of next week - then will do a dissection-writeup on what i did + vpatch. i also have to setup mpwp somewhere - this may take a bit of additional time.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-11 11:43:50 asciilifeform: if mp_en_viaje , diana_coman , et al, ran the risk/roi calculation and it only came out in favour of FG vs. intel
rng because thought that piz could never die or that iron can be teleported , but w/ dead piz and realization that cannot be teleported -- goes other way, then so wills allah -- but asciilifeform objects to the accusation of 'scam'. erryone knew for what signed up.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 05:47:08 mp_en_viaje: it's a hardware
rng. i'd link you the specsheet / pics etc but atm its site is down
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: the fg is a hardware
rng and it can be connected to any USB port but for colocated machines it will most likely be inside already ie not an external thing
mp_en_viaje: it's a hardware
rng. i'd link you the specsheet / pics etc but atm its site is down
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, precisely. the "lacks
rng" could very well be entirely artefact of perception.
mp_en_viaje: this could be like saying "it's weird individual transistors lack
snsabot: Logged on 2019-01-15 12:35:38 asciilifeform: you represent the inputs ( any # of'em ) via stochasticizers, i.e. each 1 gets a comparator that eats N bits of
rng and outputs a 1 if they represent integer <= the currently latched binary number, 0 otherwise.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-19 05:47:32 mircea_popescu: trying to meta-smart, pseudothinking in your dumb head "if i were a literary character and these things happened to me, what'd it mean about the script" will not only fail to deliver any useful predictions (in the sense that it'll work EXACTLY as well as a
RNG-choice, to perfectly fuck you over), but it will actually prevent you from deriving any benefits from the circumstance you're NOT a fucking literary char
mircea_popescu: trying to meta-smart, pseudothinking in your dumb head "if i were a literary character and these things happened to me, what'd it mean about the script" will not only fail to deliver any useful predictions (in the sense that it'll work EXACTLY as well as a
RNG-choice, to perfectly fuck you over), but it will actually prevent you from deriving any benefits from the circumstance you're NOT a fucking literary character.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-06-07 16:36:15 asciilifeform: ( the 1 annoying aspect of lysotronic fg as currently drawn, is that it gets the +45v bias voltage for the detector, from batteries, as asciilifeform does not know of a '
rng safe' method to generate it from +5 without oscillators )
bvt: hi, sorry for delay on the linux
rng post, it is in fact ~ready, but i need one more day for proofreading
bvt: after ffa I will have a look at other things (like ripping out kernel
rng, having another look at gnat-arm64 internals, as it seems there is no ongoing work on this front atm). i expect to get something useful as a result, and maintain it in long term.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-12 17:36 asciilifeform: ( my sim -- converged!11 -- when i fed it... don lancaster's geiger
rng tarball. )
mircea_popescu: "from actual
rng per [naive interpretation] of m-r claims", but w/e.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, they're not equally distributed. here's what i propose : take a
rng run, ent ; then take out all carmichael numbers from it, run ent. then see if you can tell which is which.
mircea_popescu: but yes, the relation you unearth is sound. the problem or set thereof i started discussing is exactly homomorphic to "well, we have no proper
rng tests, "ou'll have to take the girl by the nose, count, and break out the abacuses.")
mircea_popescu: yes, "you do not even know what a working
rng mathematically means"
mircea_popescu: your
rng working or not is aside the point ; we're discussing here random numbers as a mathematical abstraction, we're not even counting "well, your set of 4, 4, 4, 4 is not exactly an implementation of that abstraction"
mircea_popescu: the bound presumes a flat spectrum
rng and properties of large sets of random numbers that ~have not been proven~, though they are experimentally VERY reliable.
mircea_popescu: in any case, it seems to me that the a witnesses MUST be generated as
rng(0, 2^4096) rather than
rng (2^4095, 2^4096).
a111: Logged on 2016-09-11 22:50 asciilifeform: it is foolish to design for 'what if my
rng silently fails'. it is a 'jesus bolt' failure