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davout: danielpbarron: so, do you have instructions on how to set up the pogo? does it necessarily imply soldering wizardry?
danielpbarron: i'm reading the thing you pasted, and the instructions are very similar to adulterating a pogo
danielpbarron: not so bad; i used ubuntu to do that with pogo for my first attempted after soldering the serial thing onto it
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: install instructions relating to my accounting software, not pogo/bitcoin
davout: my goal when setting up the pogo is to end up with a full walkthrough that looks roughly like this -> http://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/assembly_instructions/stuva-grundlig-corbeille-en-fil__AA-420855-2_pub.PDF
davout: asciilifeform: so i have finally acquired a dedicated SSD and a euro-plug adapter for the pogo, where do i start?
ascii_field: hence the pogo suitcase, aha
mircea_popescu: $500 buys the us a pogo.
assbot: 388 results for 'pogo' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pogo
mircea_popescu: !s pogo
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: So what are these Pogos? I had a look for them but I found some cloud backup company who didn't even advertise a pogo plug as far as I could see
danielpbarron: and this is on a pogo
nubbins`: <+ascii_field> nubbins`: if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it << what did you buy and play with instead? a nagant, testing how it feels in the mouth, as in mircea_popescu's 'dulap' story ? <<< not in so many words :P
ascii_field: nubbins`: if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it << what did you buy and play with instead? a nagant, testing how it feels in the mouth, as in mircea_popescu's 'dulap' story ?
nubbins`: if i worked in a cubicle, the last thing i would do is buy a pogo and mess with it
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: how not ? how many pogo purchases and gnupg downloads have resulted from time spent here ?
trinque: as far as which distro, it's just a matter of preference; nothing in one or the other will rule out operating on the pogo
trinque: http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what are your current thoughts on initial nodes for RI's running on the pogo? << the initial nodes must be us.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what are your current thoughts on initial nodes for RI's running on the pogo?
assbot: 377 results for 'pogo' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pogo
asciilifeform: !s pogo
mats: same reason why pogo is only accessible over serial
ascii_field: this is quite like proposing that bitcoind be built -on- the pogo.
asciilifeform: everyone who has not yet done this, will quickly find that at least one pogo with serial port is necessary - if only for testing own build of uboot.
ben_vulpes: no, the part where pogo boots and then attaches to a nc instance running on your host machine
TomServo is the proud owner of 'adulterated' pogo.
asciilifeform: decimation: just build from scratch as i did for 'pogo'
asciilifeform: <BingoBoingo> mats single handedly took on the legal equivalent of pogo linux and won << considerably more interesting than pogo linux
BingoBoingo: mats single handedly took on the legal equivalent of pogo linux and won
asciilifeform: sorta like pogo
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It just sounds so much like the Pogo linux situation
assbot: Logged on 05-04-2015 19:39:37; ben_vulpes: me pogo's at the office
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-04-2015#1089515 << a man with just one pogo is like the woman trying to get pregnant off a single spermatozoid. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: me pogo's at the office ☟︎
nubbins` scrambles to xfer to pogo
decimation: so this is not an issue for pogo anyway
decimation: ah you are using uclibc for pogo
nubbins`: this is cross-compiling for pogo
mircea_popescu: "a bitcoind (pseudo-static, portatronic, orphanage-burner patch with max-bastard constant value of 5 running on pogo, heathen linux.)" << i lelled.
asciilifeform: [BTC-dev] Process mem. stats from heathen pogo running ineffectual orphanage burner (max==5)
nubbins`: i'm still having some issues getting a sensible bitcoind built for the pogo w/ the buildroot toolchain
asciilifeform: (pogo, heathen linux, pseudostatic, modified skull'n'crossbones)
asciilifeform: ^ for anyone who thought 'eh why do we need static anyway, at the very least on pogo'
asciilifeform: like i do on 'pogo' builds.
asciilifeform: (typically it contains a thing that can be booted from and ends up living in ram, like my pogo 'turdel')
asciilifeform: ;;later tell nubbins` can't felch it from the OS at runtime? << os does not know your external ip, if you are behind a nat. as, e.g., a pogo is overwhelmingly likely to be.
asciilifeform: but to cross-compile for normal machine (ibmpc, pogo, vax, whatever)
trinque: jurov: I have a pogo here
asciilifeform: like we now do for 'pogo'
ben_vulpes: putting bitcoind on pogo.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: if exactly same, then will. this is kinda my notion with 'pogo'.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field exactly. which is why i said, "when confronted with a bad software stack (pick a pogo, fix the os, run it there) is the correct solution not just for THAT one problem but for all the problems derived from the same source."
mircea_popescu: and so what we're essentially doing when confronted with a bad software stack (pick a pogo, fix the os, run it there) is the correct solution not just for THAT one problem
nubbins`: it's their pogo
ben_vulpes: ascii_field: pogo or...?
danielpbarron: nubbins`, http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build.sh.txt
mod6: iirc ascii mentioned it, said he'd maintain the pogo project. it's not a horrible idea.
nubbins`: not sure if he's targeting the same, or the pogo via portatronic
danielpbarron: ironically enough, the same computer that successfully built bitcoind for pogo way back when the project first began
ascii_field: it's a computerized gadget, like pogo
ascii_field: in other 'news', week straight of scouring the net for traces of anything even roughly comparable to 'pogo' still being in production -
asciilifeform: the inevitable 'price of open source' is that we made pogo suddenly considerably more appetizing for just about everybody.
jurov: that solves the triggering of male pogo
asciilifeform: jurov: pogo won't have any management interface beyond that button? << that button (ought to) spawn a telnetd with root shell. what more management could one want ??!
jurov: ^^ applies to cement pogo, too
mircea_popescu: jurov stands to reason that if one wants to run a devel pogo they'd run the devel pogo rather than the cement pogo ? or am i missing something ?
jurov: what, the pogo won't have any management interface beyond that button?
asciilifeform: 'male' pogo sitting on normal lan with one of more 'females' could be manually triggered to spoodge, using the telnet shell and a util that takes argument of female's ip
asciilifeform: (i do not presently know if the nic on pogo has auto-crossover)
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, nubbins`, danielpbarron et al: is there any interest in the pheature i discussed in october (?) where one pogo would deflower another, virginal unit ?
nubbins`: <+cazalla> g'evening all.. so what do exactly do i need to access the pogo via serial port? <<< any usb-to-serial converter will do. i think mine was "deluxe" and cost $10 from arduino-supply shop
trinque: cazalla: http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt << soldering instructions here, as well as net console
cazalla: g'evening all.. so what do exactly do i need to access the pogo via serial port?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: speaking of 'pink pogo' here
asciilifeform: for instance, there was at one point a pogo entirely like this one but 256M.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` we can now just capture the packets and "activate" any pogo anywhere on the basis of another pogo can't we.
nubbins`: asciilifeform you log into website, "activate" pogo, then can enable ssh login via website
nubbins`: there's also a built-in "request unlock from pogo" thing
nubbins`: Chillum: a stock pogo will spread cheeks thusly: curl -k "https://root:ceadmin@[PogoplugIPAddress]/sqdiag/HBPlug?action=command&command=dropbear%20start";
asciilifeform: Chillum: stock pogo comes with 'dropbear', a miniature sshd
nubbins`: <+Chillum> you can open ports on a lot of routers by using ajax to make a http post that looks like IRC commands <<< this is actually how you root the pogo without attaching a serial cable
mircea_popescu: so here's an idle thought : one could import apple into the pogo, create an autovote application for 20 dollars a device
nubbins`: <+cazalla> while i await danielpbarron's response, anyone want to suggest why the pogo flashes green after following his guide after a reboot? <<< i fucked up setting some of the fw_setenv parameters. you'll prolly need to serial into it, next time use fw_printenv to double check all your boot cmds before you commit
mircea_popescu: bitcoin is, but the pogo is single core neh ?
trinque: I installed uboot on my pogo already
mircea_popescu: it should compile a pogo bitcoind
asciilifeform: even if no pogo.
trinque: but have working cross compilation tooling otherwise, which farts executibles agreeable to the pogo
trinque: asciilifeform: am meeting up with ben_vulpes and other friends tonight, and I'll bring along the pogo
cazalla: while i await danielpbarron's response, anyone want to suggest why the pogo flashes green after following his guide after a reboot?
nubbins`: MFW an avr butterfly costs more than a SATA pogo
nubbins`: i doubt pogo paid less than $18/unit.
nubbins`: anyway long+short we'll never get a deal like the pogos until, well, the next pogo-like thing comes along
asciilifeform: summary: the cheapest commercially-advertised microcontroller with integrates sata costs more than 'pogo' even in qty. 10,000+.
trinque: asciilifeform: I have crossdev and built a simple main.c which ran on the pogo
trinque: mod6: trying to cross compile for the pogo
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: see, if we're gedankenexperimenting about a mass-produced equivalent of 'pogo', then unreliable hardware can be rationalized, 'отряд не заметил потери бойца' (TM) - what's one flipped bit. if we're gedankening about a 'wallet' - whole other ball game
asciilifeform: 'this' being the certain doom of pogo as off-the-shelf machine? yes, it is necessary to do something. main boojum is the ram-poverty of most available hardware in that weight class.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i've been looking since before i mentioned pogo in b-a