1200 entries in 0.928s
nubbins`: you can get used pogo (purple logo, w/ sata) for $15usd on amazon, used
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform> make a $100 node << 100 buys a pogo and a reasonable solid state sata <<< 64gb on the way, should get me through to the summer at least
trinque: what's the latest compile for pogo doc, if any?
asciilifeform: make a $100 node << 100 buys a pogo and a reasonable solid state sata
nubbins`: and if you're really interested, http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/notes.html
nubbins`: also http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
danielpbarron: Chillum, http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/spec.html
mircea_popescu: buy a pogo try it out, look into the past week's log it's full of people working on it, danielpbarron posted some excellent guides.
nubbins`: oh, and guess who just un-bricked their pogo? http://imgur.com/dR3tx16 http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dmveVt3N
pete_dushenski: mebbe "bitcoind pogo afficionados" is near the threshold for obscurity
mircea_popescu: this is what i get for not letting him build pogo cnc
asciilifeform: not that i expect it to fail on any pogo. but it'sa pons asinorum
assbot: dpaste: 25ESNNY: pogo turdel_with_telnet.gz, by trinque ... ( http://bit.ly/1EKa81b )
nubbins`: then just power cycle the pogo and watch the show
nubbins`: $ nc -u <pogo ip> 6666
nubbins`: /tmp/fw_setenv bootcmd 'run boot_tftp; run bootcmd_mmc; run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_sata; run bootcmd_pogo; reset'
nubbins`: the first thing you have to do is update the boot sequence on your pogo
nubbins`: worth figuring out the tftp setup, flasing the pogo, etc
trinque: pogo's not a bad little device, surely not for the price
nubbins`: right now my pogo will try tftp, then boot debian from sd card, or original pogo if none present
nubbins`: if you follow vanilla "hack the pogo" instructions, you can keep the original setup in the loop too
trinque: got stock debian on my pogo
asciilifeform: <danielpbarron> i have yet to encounter a stock pogo that that url didn't work on << afaik the backdoor works on all released pogov4
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075224 << even a stock bitcoind, hobbled to ONLY talk to your local pogo.
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075218 << one is going to use pogo as god meant it, proxy for walleted bitcoind.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:39:24; mod6: <+funkenstein_> anybody sync a node yet? << i have a lot of times, probably at least 15 times since october. but... not a pogo. just the R.I. on a linux install.
trinque: rebooted the pogo, light on the front went green, and the curl worked
trinque: pogo was mad about this for some reason, yet got an IP
trinque: danielpbarron: in messing with cables, my router came up after the pogo
danielpbarron: i have yet to encounter a stock pogo that that url didn't work on
trinque: POGO-V4-A3-01
danielpbarron: trinque, what does your pogo look like?
trinque: nah the pogo
danielpbarron: heh i was just updating that, trinque. -> http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
trinque: danielpbarron: got a link to the pogo instructions?
trinque: pogo plug...er.. plugged.
danielpbarron: i do the restarts manually, as i keep an eye on them nearly all day; i use the restart as an opportunity to back up the block database of the solid state pogo
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: pogo's in the mail.
ben_vulpes: pogo's not my baby by any stretch of the imagination, but doing anything but getting them running seems like unnecessary yak shaving.
mike_c: to be clear, ben_vulpes, this is for future unspecified project to create node out of smaller device than pogo
ben_vulpes: cant' use a pogo to send btc
mike_c: uh, run a pogo
ben_vulpes: "pogo variant"
ben_vulpes: <mike_c> short-term (i.e. pogo) solution is to run bitcoind with the config switch. in the near future the foundation will remove the wallet << oh we will?
ben_vulpes: <ascii_field> ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: who wants to consider tossing the wallet code from pogo variant of 0.5.3 ? it's dead weight << don't see why not
ascii_field: i, for example, only need to cycle power to the 'pogo' to test a newly-built turdel.
ascii_field: i want folks building their own pogo runtimes soon.
nubbins`: what's the endian-ness of the pogo's arm, big?
mike_c: of course, i use 'we' loosely since all i've done is buy a pogo and wait.
mike_c: short-term (i.e. pogo) solution is to run bitcoind with the config switch. in the near future the foundation will remove the wallet and miner and then it will be smaller around the same time we want to fit it on a 8m device.
mike_c: yeah, fine, but that's different from starting a pogo branch. if it gets cut from master branch, problem solved (if there is a problem?)
ascii_field: mike_c: i have several candidates for replacement of 'pogo' if something 'happens to' our supply.
mike_c: but, now a separate pogo branch must be maintained?
ascii_field: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: who wants to consider tossing the wallet code from pogo variant of 0.5.3 ? it's dead weight
mod6: <+funkenstein_> anybody sync a node yet? << i have a lot of times, probably at least 15 times since october. but... not a pogo. just the R.I. on a linux install.
trinque: oh hey, pogo and sd card are to be delivered today
danielpbarron: TomServo, http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
nubbins`: i've got a, uh. turdel and a pogo
nubbins`: but that's what a bricked pogo does as well
nubbins` has one unbricked pogo left
asciilifeform: costs approx. same as pogo, for much poorer specs
nubbins`: put another way, do not solder a battery holder into your pogo and use it as a wallet, either 8)
asciilifeform: POGO IS NOT A WALLET
asciilifeform: mod6: not on a pogo!
mod6: ok, maybe i don't understand. but im gonna ask anyway. but what you're saying is that the pogo embedded os wont have a rng?
nubbins`: bricked the pogo, guess i'll need serial cable after all ;/
Vexual: might have to buy this pogo thing too
nubbins`: prolly should have tested tftp before setting it first in the boot order on the pogo
asciilifeform: barring any other peculiar surprises, we have a linux kernel that builds for pogo, and runs there
asciilifeform: you can boot a pogo with it
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i must remind you - and everyone else here - that pogo has no rng.
danielpbarron: overheating of the serial adapter, not the pogo
danielpbarron: you meant the pogo board
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-03-2015#1070912 << this bit of nubbsy wisdom is perhaps the pivot for understanding what's to understand in this pogo debate.
nubbins`: <+danielpbarron> if the thing ascii is making will not sshd, anyone who wishes to help test will need to "adulterate" their pogo <<< plz to sshd!
danielpbarron: if the thing ascii is making will not sshd, anyone who wishes to help test will need to "adulterate" their pogo
danielpbarron: top might not be needed; i'm just listing the things I use on a regular basis on pogo
ascii_field: for pogo/linux
mircea_popescu: build a cnc mill in every pogo, be done with it.
ascii_field: fact is, 101st or 202nd pogo, whichever, will cost $maxint.
mircea_popescu: wtf people. srsly. if anyone WANTS TO run a pogo they can
mircea_popescu: there can not be a power ranger node that can run on a pogo.
ascii_field: nubbins`: it's just a demo kernel for pogo
mircea_popescu: what's the pogo gonna do ?
nubbins`: also woot, 2x raspi & 2x pogo just showed up
ascii_field: likewise physical delivery is expensive. (witness kakobrekla's attempt to buy so much as one pogo and still have it 'feel disposable')
nubbins`: danielpbarron at the risk of being silly, does db_cxx.h exist in /home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.7th/ourlibs/include
danielpbarron: my adulterated pogo behaves strangly, sometimes it uses stock u-boot and sometimes it uses some thing i flashed to it, and i'm not sure why it changes
nubbins`: $OPENSSL_LIB_PATH resolves to /home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.7th/ourlibs/lib
nubbins`: danielpbarron so $OURLIBS resolves to /home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.7th/ourlibs
nubbins`: -I/home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.5th/ourlibs/include -I/home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.5th/ourlibs/include -I/home/dpb/pogo/bitcoind/static.5th/ourlibs/include
danielpbarron: i think it would take about a year for a 5400 rpm drive pogo to sync with the network
ben_vulpes: http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt << wowee, danielpbarron
nubbins`: you could put whatever lid on the pogo you wanted
asciilifeform: wrong pogo!!!
ben_vulpes: and no, it's not pogo
nubbins`: jam it on a pogo!
asciilifeform: the result ought to be a self-contained bag of shit that, when executed on any reasonable unix, eventually churns out a set of images suitable for flashing to a 'pogo'.
trinque: my pogo's promised to me by the 3rd
asciilifeform: lol i cleaned a cm of dust off my pogo today.