1000+ entries in 0.306s
decimation: precisely. pogo starts its own stopwatch, and starts watching for blocks to verify
asciilifeform: pogo is able to keep time, in the relative sense, similar to how msdos did (periodic interrupt)
decimation: do you trust your own clock on the pogo?
asciilifeform: say i feed your pogo the entire sequence of blocks 0,5000 with the period times. now it believes that it's 2009 ?
asciilifeform: transmitted just for the purpose of fucking with pogo
decimation: asciilifeform: what about waiting for a few hours to observe several blocks upon pogo boot?
assbot: Logged on 07-07-2015 10:58:01; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re the entire timing discussion : suppose the pogo gets started always with a realtime switch, -time=14blablabla, and after that gets its time from the most recent block it accepts and checks for next ones being within +-7200 seconds.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-07-2015#1190838 << pogo has to work when plugged into the wall! what 'switch' ?!! and you cannot learn ~anything~ about the current time from a purported block. this is circular logic!1111 block is only valid ~if~ within 2h of current time. any backflow can and will result in enemies 'nudging' the time ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform re the entire timing discussion : suppose the pogo gets started always with a realtime switch, -time=14blablabla, and after that gets its time from the most recent block it accepts and checks for next ones being within +-7200 seconds. ☟︎
asciilifeform: pogo needs to plug into the wall and immediately fight
asciilifeform: decimation: my pogo didn't come with a gimbal telescope; did yours ?
asciilifeform: on pogo we very much have no such thing
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2015 19:53:03; ascii_field: right now, our pictured supply chain looks like 'any pogo -> any ethernet jack'
ascii_field: punkman: 'pogo' has no rng...
mircea_popescu: why is pogo connecting to anything but good nodes again ?
ascii_field: trinque: adjusting anything whatsoever on pogo is nontrivial for a 'civilian'
trinque: ascii_field: and then going down that route, anyone can diddle his pogo soon as it's in hand
ascii_field: and now you've throttled the pogo to 10/100
punkman: "[OPEN] Reimplement pogo in chinese"
ascii_field: right now, our pictured supply chain looks like 'any pogo -> any ethernet jack' ☟︎
shinohai wants to start a pogo bitnode factory, ensure domination of therealbitcoin
kakobrekla: <ascii_field> trinque: 50 is almost TRIPLE the cost of a pogo < if you dont include ssd you dont have a working node
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: there wouldn't be any '-connect' on pogo net
trinque: was going off "double" and including pogo
ascii_field: trinque: 50 is almost TRIPLE the cost of a pogo
ascii_field: trinque: yes. costs about what the pogo does
ascii_field: trinque: realize that without pogo, you're paying literally 10+ TIMES more per node.
punkman: pogo can use something like https://github.com/ioerror/tlsdate
ascii_field: POGO HAS NO RTC CLOCK
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2015 17:37:21; trinque: anyone know offhand if armv5tel-softfloat is the appropriate arch for pogo?
trinque: I tried building stator with arm-linux-gnueabi and it segfaults on the pogo
trinque: anyone know offhand if armv5tel-softfloat is the appropriate arch for pogo? ☟︎
shinohai is eagerly waiting on his pogo to arrive this week.
assbot: Logged on 05-07-2015 15:08:42; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188151 << do those even come in the form factor used by pogo? might be interesting to try
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188266 << this the build script I used -> http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build.sh.txt ☝︎
shinohai: @ asciilifeform I should have a pogo up and running inside this week.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188151 << do those even come in the form factor used by pogo? might be interesting to try ☝︎☟︎
jurov: obv not an option for pogo
ascii_modem: pogo & the other junk is in different category than 'capital proper' in my mind because none of this stuff 'pays for itself'
mircea_popescu: pogo is not your pants.
mircea_popescu: even not counting the nsa etc ; pogo is a capital good.
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-07-2015#1187199 << whoops. My pogo node is the one that is fully synched after today's craziness; it's my 0.7.2 node that is currently stuck.. ☝︎
danielpbarron: the one stuck at 36 is not limited to one seed, but it is running on a pogo with archlinux
asciilifeform: phf: pogo is 32bit
mats: 0.25 to buy pogo for purpose of setting up node, if you are L1/L2
shinohai: @ mats O.o 0.1 to buy pogo wid ?
mats: no takers for 0.1BTC to pick up a pogo so far huh
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-07-2015#1185550 << yes problem. because pogo. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 02-07-2015 18:02:08; shinohai: I'm still working on the electrum server thing, but I imagine it should fit neatly on the pogo as well.
mod6: i need to get MY pogo going! lol. it's just been sitting here in a box.
trinque: I think I'll get my pogo going again first, as that's the best device for me to do any blockchain syncing with
shinohai: I'm still working on the electrum server thing, but I imagine it should fit neatly on the pogo as well. ☟︎
ascii_field: shinohai: unlike the various arm dev boards folks like to overpay for, 'pogo' actually comes in a spiffy plastic chassis, complete with disk vagina
shinohai: I could see the pogo being a mass product, given a little 3-d printing magic
shinohai: I'm just gonna buy a pogo or two w/ btc i suppose. An extra for the lab wouldn't hurt
ascii_field: speaking of brand-new pogo, by the shovelfull, even
shinohai: true. I found a pogo on craigslist *with* a HDD
ascii_field: that thing costs literally 10x a pogo
danielpbarron: mats, what can I do to make my currently running pogo useful to you?
mats: if you've been meaning to get a pogo for a node, haven't for whatever reason, are L1/L2, ill send you some btc with honorable condition you purchase and set one up
ascii_field: decimation: pogo is to have strength in numbers
decimation: right, but pogo class machine only has one drive
decimation: yeah, but I don't give a shit if a pogo's code bit flips, probably will crash
Jautenim: but dpb's fix for the pogo also werks
ascii_field: davout: 'stator for pogo' is just the old 'portatronic'
davout: i need to sink some time into building stator bitcoind for the pogo
mats: BingoBoingo: do ya have a pogo yet?
assbot: Logged on 28-06-2015 05:26:58; mircea_popescu: also, kernel is a good idea maybe for pogo. not for a proper server. you want people to add it to all their noncritical dedis.
asciilifeform: until we actually get limited mempool, shoot fragging in the head, etc. pogo will be a bit slow
mircea_popescu: pogo.
mircea_popescu: pogo = dedicated node ; this = stick everywhere
mircea_popescu: also, kernel is a good idea maybe for pogo. not for a proper server. you want people to add it to all their noncritical dedis. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i was actually thinking of doing for ibmpc something like what i did for pogo
mircea_popescu: doesn't help us on pogo, but that's a diff story.
decimation: asciilifeform: is this for the pogo?
mircea_popescu: atm the entry level thing for coders is, "follow the pogo thing, build along, test cases etc". for non-coders is, qntra.
ascii_field: then no need for gentoo on pogo
ascii_field: trinque: the fundamental problem with gentoo on pogo is that pogo is absolute misery to build ~anything~ on
trinque: pogo project deferred or what?
trinque: I'm going to fiddle with my pogo this weekend anyway.
trinque: ascii_field: mod6: would there be any benefit to trying to get an ARM version of this gentoo install going on the pogo?
ascii_field: mod6: thing is, at least for pogo, ~whole shebang~ is to be built 'inside bundle'
mircea_popescu: on the other hand, bitcoin on pogo seems destined to end up melded in the kernel anyway, so this is just a sooner/higher up the tree merge than we expected.
mircea_popescu: seeing how the pogo will have to run nothing else anyway
asciilifeform has a mips ci20 but not tried it for bitcoin, considering its cost it is not a viable successor for 'pogo'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: actually this is the only version that could conceivably function on uclibc/pogo
ascii_field: it is good for approximately same kind of uses as pogo
decimation: as I recall this was needed in the pogo
asciilifeform: if this can be had, result will become part of a 'buildroot' for pogo with swap-enabled.
BingoBoingo: <ascii_field> but basic point - yes - need nodes, so can have usable default << As weaponixation approaches a suggested .conf updated occasionally may be welcome for maintained nodes but harder for pogo "fire and forget" nodes
ascii_field: e.g. pogo or nintendo etc
asciilifeform: pogo is really a 400 usd widget selling for 20.
asciilifeform: (pogo itself used to come with 256, otherwise identical)
mircea_popescu: before bitcoin on pogo looks like eulora/binaries,
shinohai: You got me interested in that pogo thingy. I got one ordered.
danielpbarron: shinohai, my 0.5.3.x pogo is 6 blocks behind my 0.7.2 full size machine, and I'm not sure if it's because the network doesn't like two nodes asking for the same blocks from the same IP or what
asciilifeform: to roughly compare, this wouldn't be an airplane, just a pogo stick that lets you jump a few metres.
mircea_popescu: do we yet have something that people can put on pogo and run ?
asciilifeform: sorta like 'pogo'
shinohai: I had never even heard of a pogo before.