1200 entries in 0.893s
airgapped: working on pogo as we speak
danielpbarron: the pogo is < 20 USD
ascii_field: (note that 'pogo' won't ever boot from usb3)
danielpbarron: "mod6 was able to successfully modify asciilifeform's build script of the portatronic build used in the Pogo, to statically build .. " << was this the issue? because I used the portatronic build script and the resulting binary didn't work on debian for arm -- said it needed a different version of some thing i don't recall at the moment
BingoBoingo: mod6: Don't have pogo
mod6: who is testing a pogo currently? asciilifeform, danielpbarron and BingoBoingo?
danielpbarron: Asenath, you mean the pogo? or just nodes in general?
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron nice work on the adult pogo guide!
danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt << if anyone wants to make an "adult" pogo, i have some instructions documented here
asciilifeform: another data point - the linux kernel originally shipped with 'pogo' had precisely the same behaviour
ascii_field: at any rate, danielpbarron now has an 'adult' pogo
ascii_field: take a good close-up of dongle & pogo pcb
ascii_field: failing this, boot pogo into arch and echo "something" > /dev/ttyS0
ascii_field: then - without unplugging the usb - power cycle the pogo
danielpbarron: ok well i got the usb thing to show up in a live ubuntu, but nothing gets sent from pogo
danielpbarron: this was done to an otherwise untouched pogo
danielpbarron: the pogo light turns red after blinking green, and nothing new appears in /dev/tty
assbot: POGOPLUG MOBILE CLOUD DEVICE POGO-V4-A1-01 ... ( http://bit.ly/1A3yKPr )
nubbins`: you follow instructions somewhere for your pogo build?
danielpbarron: speaking of oom, pogo just crashed on height=221870
danielpbarron: i got my pogo to load asciilifeform's netbsd.ub over ftp, and it stops at "Starting kernel ..." // is this step supposed to get a long time?
danielpbarron: i think i finally bricked a pogo; rebooted the one with the netconsole thing setup (which has worked in the past) and now i get nothing out of it :<
plonky: if you can explain what mean "for use on pogo", i would understand better :)
ascii_field: plonky: do you know for certain that this is the very same arch as was published (see log) for use on 'pogo' ?
ascii_field: (the one on pogo's www)
asciilifeform: on pogo.
nubbins`: one pogo, no charges
assbot: Pogoplug Pogo V4 A1 01 Mobile FOR PC MAC AND Iphone Ipad 850877002290 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1zZAM2U )
nubbins`: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Pogoplug-POGO-V4-A1-01-Mobile-for-PC-MAC-and-iPhone-iPad-/261410065617?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cdd410cd1#shpCntId
nubbins`: sadly, the cheapest pogo a canadian can land is $25usd
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo et al: the way i'm thinking now, the 'sync from one node at a time' thing will have to be killed with fire before 0.5.3/pogo (or otherwise) is given to civilians
asciilifeform: incidentally, seems like all the bsd folks disable the cpu cache on pogo
nubbins`: you're not trying to compile it on the pogo itself, are you?
nubbins`: re: uboot on pogo
danielpbarron: and if anyone has a pogo already and doesn't want to wait, i'd say go with debian over arch; right off the bat it looks like there's no systemd with debian
asciilifeform: once have pogo: if you use the tftp recipe, you no longer need to wear out your nand to run these
ben_vulpes: no pogo.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: danielpbarron: in other news, i got netbsd ramdisk to build. << Beautiful, but there's going to be some very sad japs who still can't netbsd up their pogo next to their toaster because nand
decimation: asciilifeform: are the pogo serial port 'holes' filled with solder?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if can't solder this, should ask a friend. it is a first class bitch to debug pogo w/out a serial console
asciilifeform: mod6: thanks for posting a tarball << it contains a 12MB turd (mostly nulls) that can be booted to show that netbsd boots on pogo and diddles the network. that's all
asciilifeform: because there is no connector inside the 'pogo'.
asciilifeform: and everybody who is seriously dealing with this stuff ought to have at least one 'pogo' with serial jack.
asciilifeform: if you monkeyed with your pogo's mtd mappings, you will have to recalculate
asciilifeform: i have demonstrated that netbsd kernel (of my custom trimmed build) will correctly init the periphs on pogo
asciilifeform: the only conceivable use of the above sample is to demonstrate that netbsd will function correctly on 'pogo'.
asciilifeform forgot that not everyone's pogo has the serial jack
decimation find this to be a good reason to buy a pogo and play along
decimation: asciilifeform: does this mean you installed on the pogo's nand flash?
asciilifeform: netbsd on pogo.
asciilifeform: for some reason i thought the question was about the 'pink pogo'
mircea_popescu: hopefully this alleviates with better pogo density on the network.
asciilifeform: pogo was not.
danielpbarron: your pogo is fully synced?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron which setup is this again ? pogo and sata ?
danielpbarron: and i can use the flash_erase and nandwrite that come on the stock pogo?
danielpbarron: /tmp/nandwrite /dev/mtd0 /tmp/uboot.2014.07-tld-1.pogo_v4.mtd0.kwb
thestringpuller: everytime i see pogo plug now I think of a pogo stick shaped butt plug
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: pogo notes << shameful mistake on my part re: jtag pinouts. the soldered wires, turns out, actually lead to (useless to me) gpio pins, not jtag
ascii_field: danielpbarron: not only, but i said what that way is on the day i mentioned 'pogo' here for the first time
danielpbarron: apparently there is a way to enable ssh on a brand new pogo without using their stupid website
danielpbarron: so apparently a pogo can survive a fall to the floor from about 3 feet while running; on a related note, not all devices ship with the same length ethernet cable
ascii_field: (must confess that i have not tested that particular incarnation, however. but my pogo has not once overheated or shown any signs of hardware failure. has been running more or less round the clock since purchase.)
ascii_field: jurov: it's unstable << i'm gonna guess that the unstable part is the proprietary nas app that comes with 'pogo'
ascii_field: jurov: the 'pogo' you found is the one without sata port.
thestringpuller: aight. i'll give that a try. ordering a pogo soon.
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: i may setup a gentoo machine just to make a pogo
danielpbarron: ;;later tell asciilifeform http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/ << so far just some notes and what i think is your specification; corrections and suggestions welcome
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: i figured you were into gentoo based on your pogo guide ;)
danielpbarron: although my experience in that regard is limited to pogo->pogo
danielpbarron: whenever i check in on these things, the solid state drive is usually busy processing new blocks, and the 5400 rpm pogo is busy discarding bogus data or whatever it does besides processing blocks
danielpbarron: nubbins`, you set off a mythology about the pogo; some guy on the forum keeps telling everyone about the "ten thousand nodes" that MP is gonna use to stop the fork
nubbins`: this pogo thing is gonna make tsunamis
assbot: 51 results for 'pogo from:asciilifeform' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pogo+from%3Aasciilifeform
nubbins`: !s pogo from:asciilifeform
Adlai: go pogo go
danielpbarron: height=189051 vs height=182929 (solid state pogo vs 5400 rpm)
danielpbarron: so uh.. it comes as little suprise to me that my pogo using a solid state drive is significantly faster than the one using a regular laptop hard drive
thestringpuller: I wonder when my pogo buttplugs are coming.
fluffypony: oh my Pogo Plugs just arrived!
danielpbarron: thestringpuller, http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build.sh.txt
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: factory pogo ?
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: searched the logs and can't find what version is running on the pogo :P
danielpbarron: well i would still like to put gentoo on my pogo inplace of arch, even if it is not the final solution
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: linux 2.6.x kernel is a mega-turd. and while there remains a single line therein which does not execute during the normal operation of bitcoind-on-pogo, i will maintain that this is true.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: i have not been able to build the linux that comes with pogo. the included patches do not apply cleanly.
danielpbarron: is there a way to modify the linux that comes with the pogo?
danielpbarron: asciilifeform, what about gentoo on the pogo? ☟︎
asciilifeform: and while i could, with some effort, shoehorn bitcoind into one of the still-produced alternatives for 'pogo' - all of which have no more than 32M of ram - it presumes something other than the mega-turd that linux kernel is.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i already bought a bunch of the pogo guys
asciilifeform: ramdisk is a must because there is no support in netbsd for pogo's nand flash
asciilifeform: re: pogo: i have a cross-compile setup of netbsd for pogo (run on any reasonable unix) working
assbot: 111 results for 'pogo' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pogo
mircea_popescu: !s pogo
thestringpuller: !ascii pogo count
mircea_popescu: for they, the pogo.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it most certainly cannot be true that he cannot get a pogo shipped in. but quite likely true that he cannot get a pogo shipped in for 18 usd per. <<< it doesn't even reach that. the value of ME running pogos is minimal. there are N+k**p things i can do to halp bitcoin.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it most certainly cannot be true that he cannot get a pogo shipped in. but quite likely true that he cannot get a pogo shipped in for 18 usd per.
ben_vulpes: but now says he can't even get a pogo shipped in.
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: netbsd on pogo << last i checked, lacked support for internal eeprom