56 entries in 0.72s

a111: Logged on 2014-11-16 05:31 mircea_popescu: The brilliant Finnish-Canadian computer science professor / blogger
Ilkka Kokkarinen has taken down his popular blog, presumably to keep his job after his campus newspaper noticed his heterodox views. His skepticism about the intellectual consistency of lesbian-feminist theory and practice would appear to have been his biggest crime.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-16 05:31 mircea_popescu: The brilliant Finnish-Canadian computer science professor / blogger
Ilkka Kokkarinen has taken down his popular blog, presumably to keep his job after his campus newspaper noticed his heterodox views. His skepticism about the intellectual consistency of lesbian-feminist theory and practice would appear to have been his biggest crime.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-26 01:11 asciilifeform: reminds of
ilkka kokkarinen's 'alien problems':
assbot: Logged on 05-10-2015 04:25:17; mircea_popescu: ;;google
ilkka kokkarinen's piece re: glass
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: see
ilkka kokkarinen's piece re: glass
ascii_field: 'don't do the rape if you can't do the ape.' (tm) (r) (
ilkka kokkarinen)
assbot: Logged on 01-05-2015 03:42:41; asciilifeform: 'in a bad neighbourhood, what specifically is bad? is it the concrete, glass, steel?' --
ilkka kokkarinen
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform>
ilkka kokkarinen) << there is some merit to the ford story, but specifically, that he majorily cut down on staff turnover by "overpaying". except all the other idiots were not accounting for training costs (in the form of, not building anything too complex)
mircea_popescu: The brilliant Finnish-Canadian computer science professor / blogger
Ilkka Kokkarinen has taken down his popular blog, presumably to keep his job after his campus newspaper noticed his heterodox views. His skepticism about the intellectual consistency of lesbian-feminist theory and practice would appear to have been his biggest crime.
☟︎☟︎ assbot: Review of “The Wingnut Musings” by
Ilkka Kokkarinen | Foseti
assbot: The Wingnut Musings:
Ilkka Kokkarinen: 9781468166811: Amazon.com: Books
fluffypony: "The first valid submission was received at 4:22:01PST by Software Engineer Fedor Indutny. He sent at least 2.5 million requests over the course of the day. The second was submitted at 5:12:19PST by
Ilkka Mattila at NCSC-FI, who sent around a hundred thousand requests over the same period of time."