27 entries in 1.509s
a111: Logged on 2019-07-26 18:53 mp_en_viaje: im guessing for this one time
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fn1VH/?raw=true will have
to be
it ; but for the love of christ, what
are you doing
to me here ? am i
going to simply ignore your articles because i know for a fact i'm not interestreded in reading something i can't comment on and
you're forcing on me the dilemma of either not commenting at all or else losing
it in pastes ? this won't
if i use an hour
to read a post i
a111: Logged on 2019-07-26 18:53 mp_en_viaje: im guessing for this one time
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fn1VH/?raw=true will have
to be
it ; but for the love of christ, what
are you doing
to me here ? am i
going to simply ignore your articles because i know for a fact i'm not interestreded in reading something i can't comment on and
you're forcing on me the dilemma of either not commenting at all or else losing
it in pastes ? this won't
if i use an hour
to read a post i
mp_en_viaje: im guessing for this one time
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/fn1VH/?raw=true will have
to be
it ; but for the love of christ, what
are you doing
to me here ? am i
going to simply ignore your articles because i know for a fact i'm not interestreded in reading something i can't comment on and
you're forcing on me the dilemma of either not commenting at all or else losing
it in pastes ? this won't
if i use an hour
to read a post i
☟︎☟︎ mp_en_viaje: irrespective of what "i am supposed
to do", what i'm
going to do is this : ima give everyone a ~short~ interval
to bring their log stacks up
to speed, meaning ~absolutely~ a complete and ready
to use v-tree (even
if it's just one genesis, like idiots) that they can send any asking lord -- and i don't give a flying fuck how "proud"
you are of the code
you're using,
you're what
you do not what
you say, or what
you imagine yourself
you wish
to be. that
mircea_popescu: the logic behind
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-01#1916530 if it wasn't self obvious : secure box and gaming box
are exactly opposite design constraints. computer games (as a distinct and opposite category
to eulora)
are by definition code that'll run on your box without your having run
if you're
going to do that ANYWAY, might as well save your time.
☝︎ BingoBoingo: Leads
to: "Then he says I am not sure
you are going to get anything. I says What
do you mean? And he says I have gave
you a very fare contract and
if you don't want
to live up
to it that is your own business."
a111: Logged on 2016-11-03 14:34 phf: up in Connecticut where they have remnants of that culture still around they actually know what
to do with spaces, and
it becomes very obvious how even moderately well
to do people here
are poor. that's how
you end up with bathroom serving as a library (because
if you play a piano, where
do you put a grand piano?
if you put
it in the library how they
do in american beer commercials, the books
are going to dampen the sound,
you want a
phf: up in Connecticut where they have remnants of that culture still around they actually know what
to do with spaces, and
it becomes very obvious how even moderately well
to do people here
are poor. that's how
you end up with bathroom serving as a library (because
if you play a piano, where
do you put a grand piano?
if you put
it in the library how they
do in american beer commercials, the books
are going to dampen the sound,
you want a
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: well,
if you look at the seals folder
you'll noticed that your sigs for the two patches
are not there either, nor
do i have them in my backup. since i remember meticulously
going over mailing list and collecting vpatches and sigs, then correlating them
to what mod6 had, then ... etc. etc. i suspect that there's some reason for why they
are missing but i don't remember what
it is. i suspect that
it has something
to do with regrinds t
phf: ben_vulpes: well, binary types
are unrelated
to the issue though. binary types
you declare your struct,
you still want
to decide yourself what goes in the struct. treating hashes as numbers makes sense
if you're
going full lisp, i.e.
you're actually
going to do math with those numbers (which is at the end of the day their whole purpose), unless
it's not actually a hash but a bit mask or a xor'd something or other
mircea_popescu: how the fuck
are you going to introduce payment for, eg, deeds ? and
if you do, how is
it going to beat $pay deed.
mircea_popescu: not how
it works.
it has A LOT of upside and virtually no downside. what ELSE
are you going to do with that "money"
if you don't go
to the market ? and what ELSE
are you going to do with that certain time and alleged expertise
if not sign this stuff ?
decimation: but
if you are going to do it industrially, than 480v three-phase
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-08-2015#1222669 << the problem is this :
you have
to verify old blocks. all of them, al lthe way
to genesis.
if you do not, for whatever reason,
you are on an alt. and
if you're
going to make an alt, better make
it properly and deliberately rather than the idiot woman "i had too much too drink so things happened" approach.
☝︎ undata: “Many [doctors]
are dropping out of the profession because
it’s overregulated. Now, what may happen
to the bitcoin community is that,
if there’s so much regulation, there’ll be a lot of people who say, '
You know what, I’m done with this. I’m not gonna
do it,' and
going to crush the industry.”
assbot: Logged on 19-10-2014 02:27:17; kakobrekla: PeterL
if you are going to do it, make the syntax 'New blog post on $sitename by $author: $url"
mircea_popescu: what happened
to "we
are sold out.
if you want
to preorder
going to be $100 extra.
if you do not want
to preorder,
you can have
it when we get
it, at a $250 surcharge"
kakobrekla: PeterL
if you are going to do it, make the syntax 'New blog post on $sitename by $author: $url"
☟︎ BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: Well these things
are going to color people's reactions. Instead of getting reactively defensive note people's concerns and think about how
you can correct things in the future when
you want
to actually
do the thing
you solicit advice for,
if you make
it too that stage.
mike_c: what
are you going to do with them?
you can't sell them until ipo is off. tough
to short
if it gaps down.
mircea_popescu: They
are only assholes
to new people, not people that know all about bitcoin. My first experience with bitcoin users was asking them how
do I buy
it. The answers I got was "its so easy! How
do you not know?
You are stupid, its so simple" And lets not forget my favorite one..."
If you don't know how
to buy
you shouldn't be buying
it" For a new person
to crypto, its basically like
going into a restaurant with really r
☟︎ usagi: PeterL
If you're looking at investments,
you do not know which investments will win and lose.
If you are honest, in hindsight,
you can only say that since
you were
going to buy /something/,
it would have been better
if you bought BMF than, say, PAJKA.BOND.
if you are going to parse html
do it with regex so its at least completley wrong