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asciilifeform: but if you think keeping one gentoo box around is work, try five.
asciilifeform: (if re: gentoo)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: gentoo << complicated. the lead dev surrendered to microshit (literally) some years ago, and it's been run by a skeleton crew ever since, with numerous high-profile catastrophes (of the 'your machine is suddenly rendered unusable by a perfectly innocent-looking action' variety) -- but there is -no- adequate replacement to this day.
asciilifeform: gentoo.
asciilifeform: linked gadget runs on top of pedestrian gentoo on pedestrian x86.
asciilifeform: on an entirely 'pedestrial' gentoo box, even.
asciilifeform would like to turn this into an unofficial 'gentoo' overlay at some point
asciilifeform: incidentally, any gentoo user having problems with db4.8:
asciilifeform: re: gentoo & ljr: i'd like to suggest a new patch to the latest bitcoind. if the day of the month is odd, format hdd.
asciilifeform: (anyone who uses gentoo, see recent logs for systemd exorcism notes)
asciilifeform: (gentoo out of the box, as found now, is atrocious. i'm having face rubbed in this as we speak.)
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: it's been quite some years since one could safely rely on gentoo defaults.
asciilifeform: incidentally, that crap gets magicked away when you zap 'udev' (actually, the name - under modern gentoo - now refers to a satanic udev-systemd - and replace with 'eudev'.
asciilifeform: and - if you don't mask the turd, 'sanitary' gentoo (sans systemd) will indeed pull in udev-systemd by default.
asciilifeform: http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gentoo_Without_systemd << for a start
asciilifeform just spent four hours ripping poettering out of what appeared to be a perfectly sanitary gentoo, is mighty pissed
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: a recent gentoo
asciilifeform: http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gentoo_Without_systemd << unrelated but very useful
asciilifeform not particularly enamoured of gentoo, but there is no real alternative.
asciilifeform wishes there was an alternative to gentoo, does not know of one
asciilifeform did not know mircea_popescu is aficionado of gentoo
asciilifeform in his 10th year of gentoo now.
asciilifeform: 'chromebook' can be turned into a perfectly normal machine (diassemble, remove eeprom write protect jumper, write in an ordinary linux, e.g. 'gentoo')
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: example of this machine: http://www.notanon.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/gentoo_libretto.jpg << the circular object underneath 'intel' sticker is the mouse. two buttons on the back of lid.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: gentoo is a source-only distro, where you get to twiddle compiler flags, wait a week for newly-provisioned machine to compile the universe, and - most annoyingly - suffer in the innermost circle of 'dependency hell' where you have to tear up the entire world to build xxxx
asciilifeform: gentoo is arguably a 'bad life decision' - like the folks who insist on bicycle for commuting
asciilifeform: i personally like gentoo because i'm a *bsd exile.
asciilifeform: considering that a gentoo box can take a week to provision, i rather like raid.
asciilifeform: gentoo is more or less a final solution to the 'extraneous crud problem' much lamented by ubuntu, etc. users.
asciilifeform: artifexd: gentoo.
asciilifeform: for users of 'source' linux flavours, e.g. gentoo, the comical picture above is daily reality.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: gentoo, debian, freebsd, openbsd, all booted
asciilifeform: every gentoo aficionado i've ever met was an 'expatriate' from *bsd.
asciilifeform: pankkake: every once in a while, the gentoo dev people push out a turd that auto-breaks everything.
asciilifeform: i also tend to lazily read the source of things while they build (gentoo crackpots unite!)
asciilifeform: 'gentoo'