800+ entries in 0.1s
artifexd: ;;ident "[]bot"
artifexd: decimation: If you're curious, gribble would have responded to ;;ident "[]bot" like so
artifexd: Or maybe because it has a /bot cloak. Honestly, I'm not sure.
artifexd: kakobrekla added a special exception for it
artifexd: 'tis a bot
artifexd: It isn't gribble authed
artifexd: "exposure" lol
artifexd: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1683533477 << Bitcoin news?
artifexd: ;;ident
artifexd: I don't think it is claiming "deep wisdom". It is an attempt at extracting a chuckle. Maybe a laugh. That's it.
artifexd: That's like being upset at a Michael Bay movie because the acting sucks.
artifexd: Why?
artifexd: http://crashworks.org/if_programming_languages_were_vehicles/ << the lisp section made me think of asciilifeform
artifexd: Okey dokey
artifexd: Roughly how long is the delay between a block being broadcast and bitbet updating the feed with bets contained therein?
artifexd: So the three feeds are new, resolved, betsbets? I can work with that.
artifexd: Sweet. Is that new?
artifexd: Is there an rss feed for bets placed?
artifexd: Yeah. I see the rss feeds for resolved and new bets. I don't see an rss feed for bets placed.
artifexd: Yes it is fed by twitter
artifexd: <ThickAsThieves> and said theyd give a statement early Aug << Maybe they did give a statement. They held a press conference on the back loading dock at 3 am on a Tuesday and forgot to call the press... or anybody.
artifexd: !s deeds
artifexd: mircea_popescu: yes those
artifexd: The coins that look all circuit board-y
artifexd: My "copper rounds" just showed up. They *are* nice.
artifexd: I don't want anybody to feel bad. If I lose the 2btc it is not going to come close to affecting my net worth at all. As tat says, the risk/reward seems about right.
artifexd: Yeah. We'll see how I feel in 5 days.
artifexd: I remain satisfied with my bet. No regrets yet.
artifexd: bitcoinwisdom certainly paints a picture of "I be a fool". In their whole history of difficulty increases, there have never been two consecutive difficulty increases that added up to less than 12%.
artifexd: ^ There's my bet
artifexd: ;;tslb
artifexd: Yep. You sold me. I'm going to put a couple btc on no.
artifexd: Looking at http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ it does look like the increase is slowing down.
artifexd: Hmmm...
artifexd: The estimate for the current period is over 6%. That leaves, as you say, another 6.5% for the next period.
artifexd: You need, what, a 12% increase in the next two adjustments? That seems almost certain. Which the odds on the bet would confirm.
artifexd: Working through this: 5 days from now is the 14th. If difficulty doesn't go up or down, the next readjustment would be on the 28th.
artifexd: Seeing as mp has brought up the october bet a couple time and expressed surprise that it is so lopsided, I think he is expecting it to resolve as no.
artifexd: http://www.wired.com/2014/09/satoshi/
artifexd: ;;ident guruvan
artifexd: !s satoshi compromised
artifexd: TIL my wife is guilty of "bulk cash smuggling". I wonder if there is a reward.
artifexd: I need to DCA
artifexd: The reason is simple: I bought some.
artifexd: If anybody is curious, I know why MPOE is falling.
artifexd: !s cryptominer
artifexd: S.MPOE fell off a cliff again? Volatility that almost rivals BTC itself.
artifexd: Who produced it?
artifexd: Does it carry any block chain value or is it just pretty?
artifexd: !s copper round
artifexd: I have not
artifexd: punkman: Find any interesting physical coins or are Casascius coins still as good as it gets?
artifexd: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/this-girl-designed-porn-banners-for-a-living
artifexd: ;;later tell nubbins` Flat pack it. Shall I send the extra to the same address?
artifexd: Since in each case the post bet numbers are the same, the bot reports them as such.
artifexd: Both bets happened at the exact same time. This is not an uncommon occurrence since bets occur at block confirmations.
artifexd: Very nice. Looking forward to putting that on my wall.
artifexd: ;;gettrust assbot deego
artifexd: Lemme know when you are ready for the physical address
artifexd: http://btc.blockr.io/tx/info/3fc360144b7e0ded8ef45a4e8715a1fe1c20b571cb3e305c7952e35bfa88453c
artifexd: $55? What happened to $35?
artifexd: Give me a btc amount for the poster good for the next hour or so
artifexd: nubbins`: Do you still have my mailing address?
artifexd: !s X-Rob
artifexd: ;;later tell mike_c Any thoughts on why S.MPOE has fallen off a cliff?
artifexd: I'm sure they do.
artifexd: It isn't approval. It's just a notification.
artifexd: Not at all.
artifexd: You will be required to submit a report to Fincen that includes the identities of all parties involved. But the transaction itself is not illegal.
artifexd: No. Not illegal.
artifexd: ;;gettrust assbot mthreat
artifexd: http://cryptopals.com/ <- some nice lessons teaching how crypto works, how to attack it, and how easy it is to screw it up ☟︎
artifexd: !s cryptopals
artifexd: Duval county is in North East Florida
artifexd: See if your area is covered by realforeclose.com. For example all foreclosure auctions in my area are handled at https://www.duval.realforeclose.com/
artifexd: You are correct though. Both properties were bought off the courthouse steps.
artifexd: Are you in the US?
artifexd: The two properties that I own returned their entire purchase price in 15 months from rent.
artifexd: It takes work, but the deals are there if you look enough.
artifexd: http://trilema.com/2014/why-everything-you-think-you-know-about-dns-is-entirely-wrong/
artifexd: Do you have any that don't start with btc/bit/coin/etc? You know, for the seo potential.
artifexd: $proxies
artifexd: lol
artifexd: :)
artifexd: afterwards
artifexd: I can sell my shares. Everything I sell goes up aftewards.
artifexd: mircea_popescu: I can help break the mpif curse, if you want.
artifexd: "Go Nanotube!" << lol
artifexd: ;;ud bitcoin
artifexd: What blog?
artifexd: He said something about his citibank styled btc shirt the other day.
artifexd: ThickAsThieves: This you? http://i.imgur.com/kS8uaQV.jpg
artifexd: thestringpuller: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-07-2014#777306 ☝︎
artifexd: Summary: Make a few videos showing how to register a nick, create a key, register in the wot.
artifexd: !s wot recording
artifexd: ;;later tell jurov Did you come up with a script for the wot video? Do you still need somebody to record the mac version?
artifexd: !s spank
artifexd: Maybe nearest neighbor. That would make your response more sensical.
artifexd: You say "NN". I read "Neural Net". Did I misread?
artifexd: What was the training material?