1000+ entries in 0.126s
artifexd: The heat has to go somewhere
artifexd: Waterblocks are available for just about everything now. It can take some looking. They aren't cheap. But they work well.
artifexd: I don't think I would use copper tubes. My configuration changes too often.
artifexd: Most decent water blocks don't come with connectors at all. Just threaded holes.
artifexd: Ew
artifexd: That's how you connect the barbs. Screw 'em in.
artifexd: Every one I has is threaded
artifexd: The work in conduction with the barb. The barb provides interior pressure against the tube. The zip tie provides exterior pressure.
artifexd: Zip ties are cheap, clean, provide uniform pressure, and are easy to remove with no mess.
artifexd: I need to find a single video card that can drive all my monitors. Then I can get rid of the water cooling.
artifexd: Ever had problems with the compression connectors?
artifexd: I prefer zip ties
artifexd: asciilifeform: That's exactly what happened. One of the connections decided to call it quits. It's what I get for using barbs and not securing it.
artifexd: Also, oddly, in my wife's office. Not in mine though.
artifexd: Yep. We have them in both bathrooms and all over the kitchen.
artifexd: asciilifeform: Will a GFCI fire fast enough to save a power supply in the face of an internal short?
artifexd: Water cooling sprung a leak and blew my power supply. I guess it could've been worse.
artifexd: That was fun.
artifexd: In a world without assbot, only the other bots can speak... (Read in the voice of Don LaFontaine)
artifexd: It would appear that my assessment of the Germany-Brazil game was a little off...
artifexd: mircea_popescu: keep reading
artifexd: It isn't that I think Brazil is a better team. They're not. I think the refs are paid off.
artifexd: I don't think Germany will pass Brazil. I'd like to see Germany win, but I doubt it.
artifexd: Messi (Argentina) is still playing and has 4 as well. But in order for 905 to resolve as yes, one of them will have to score another 4 goals. Unlikely, in my opinion.
artifexd: In other words, betting no on 905 is pretty safe now.
artifexd: The current high scorer is James Rodriguez with 6 goals. He played for Colombia who is now out. The next is Muller from Germany with 4. They're playing Brazil next.
artifexd: Reportedly, that picture is from a bitcoin conference in Russia.
artifexd: http://i.imgur.com/5uevYuv.jpg
artifexd: Eulora?
artifexd: You mean UEFI?
artifexd: With kakobrekla in the python camp, that's probably an automatic win.
artifexd: I'm in the "Down with Python" camp. C/C++/C#/go are my tools of choice depending on the task at hand.
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> artifexd: We auction off your data." << you can't put it in a truck. <<< But you can put it in a packet :)
artifexd: There is this tv show called "Storage Wars" where they auction off the contents of storage units whose bills haven't been paid. I wonder if a cloud storage provider could get away with something similar. "Don't pay your bill? We auction off your data."
artifexd: ;;later tell kakobrekla I see you fixed the ampersand thing. Cool. Thanks.
artifexd: Ah. I see it now.
artifexd: Yes
artifexd: mircea_popescu: These numbers that you're having the girls put on their chests, do they combine to make your public key or something else significant?
artifexd: Anyway, []bot is now more resilient. \o/
artifexd: Apparently an interface can be point to a nil value but not be nil, in golang.
artifexd: Those tweets were causing []bot to crash.
artifexd: Example: https://twitter.com/BitBetsBets/status/484943483502100480
artifexd: Whenever bet 989 gets tweeted, the tweet gets truncated at the ampersand.
artifexd: kakobrekla: You around?
artifexd: np
artifexd: !up Bella_
artifexd: Investigating....
artifexd: Hmmm... another crash.
artifexd: Where?
artifexd: Not that I see.
artifexd: So, not yet.
artifexd: Last bet created was 30 minutes ago
artifexd: Last bet was 14 minutes ago
artifexd: As her creator, I refer to her as such. And thus, yes.
artifexd: She should start acting right again.
artifexd: Thanks
artifexd: No worries. Take a breath. Regroup. Learn to use the tools at your disposal (brain, eyes, wot, google). Come back stronger, better.
artifexd: Trolling? No. Joking? Yeah. Hence my next line started with "That was a joke. Seriously though...."
artifexd: xmj: Learn to use the WOT. Seriously. 30 seconds of perusing http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=magicaltux would have told you all you need to know.
artifexd: Using any reasonable definition of "professionally"
artifexd: I don't think MagicalTux does anything "professionally"
artifexd: Are you kidding?
artifexd: That was a joke. Seriously though, if what mike_c says is correct, then anyone (with a positive rating) on this list could assist: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=nanotube&sign=ANY&type=SENT
artifexd: xmj: See if you can get MagicalTux to posrate you. That would offset mp's negrate.
artifexd: ;;gettrust nanotube artifexd
artifexd: mp is the source of xmj's negrating
artifexd: ;;gettrust nanotube mircea_popescu
artifexd: Ah
artifexd: ;;rate ThickAsThieves 3 Long history of doing what he said. And he bought some ATC.
artifexd: He does
artifexd: ;;gettrust xmj
artifexd: ...
artifexd: ;;rated ThickAsThieves
artifexd: ;;ident ThickAsThieves
artifexd: %t
artifexd: ThickAsThieves: Are you really looking to buy some ATC or were you making a joke?
artifexd: ;;later tell BingoBoingo Sure.
artifexd: ;;ticker
artifexd: tampon services... saturated... LOL
artifexd: ;;rate punkman 1 purchaser of the atc
artifexd: How much do you want?
artifexd: I do
artifexd: ;;rate BingoBoingo 2 Fast on the send, is he.
artifexd: ;;rated BingoBoingo
artifexd: Done
artifexd: Where do you want the ATC sent?
artifexd: Send ^ to 17ASG7qdYYs9WXBm6QVx8d1bWHA2e1Nr4s
artifexd: ;;calc 25000 * 0.00000238
artifexd: That was fast. I'm ready when you are.
artifexd: connected rigght up
artifexd: I need a little time to get my altcoind synced up.
artifexd: Yes
artifexd: BingoBoingo: Still looking for some ATC OTC? How many? What's your offer?
artifexd: Oh
artifexd: Uh...
artifexd: Just a reminder: []bot only reports bets over 1BTC in here. If you want to see them all, join ##bitbet-rt.
artifexd: http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/39551/where-does-the-saying-made-from-scratch-originate
artifexd: Bitbet's search can return json so it isn't a problem. Just add /.json to the end.
artifexd: My bot is written from scratch by me.
artifexd: Oh. Nah.