700+ entries in 0.105s
artifexd: And now we have a blockchain growth problem.
artifexd: If you do the gossip thing then each server needs to maintain a history (of possibly infinite length)
artifexd: I could see the value in that if maintaining an unbroken history was important.
artifexd: Now you're talking about a lot of back and forth instead of the bundle approach.
artifexd: What'd you say?
artifexd: Sure
artifexd: Anybody have a good name for this project? ircd isn't going to cut it.
artifexd: You broke it
artifexd: O noes!
artifexd: asciilifeform, mircea_popescu, et al: http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc/#comment-111243
artifexd: ben_vulpes: You don't. You keep sending money to yourself until it happens.
artifexd: XFF?
artifexd: So the "Hi there" part could include destination information in addition to the message. Much like irc does now.
artifexd: Oh! That shifts my interpretation somewhat.
artifexd: refreshing the page to see new comments does.
artifexd: I'm burning up a lot (ok, more than a few) credits on http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc/
artifexd: Or just put it on port 80
artifexd: 576 bytes ain't a lot of space.
artifexd: true story
artifexd: It is also possible that my own ignorance is complicating the design.
artifexd: Fountain codes, insomuch as I don't understand them, complicate the design. Padding the the structure that gets encrypted doesn't.
artifexd: Yes.
artifexd: Right. But "once a second" is in the first draft of the rfc.
artifexd: As far as traffic analysis goes, as long as all of the transmissions are opaque noise (because they are encrypted) and are of constant size, analysis is impossible.
artifexd: Boxes that sit in front of the server that establishes connections and only passes on the connected ones can be bought of the shelf, right?
artifexd: syn floods are a solved problem
artifexd: TCP does offer advantages. Not having to reinvent/reimplement transmission reliability/ordering is not a minor thing.
artifexd: Is "can be transmitted via carrier pigeon" really a priority for this project?
artifexd: I fear that the more complicated the math, the more likely I am to screw it up.
artifexd: !s erasure coding
artifexd: mircea_popescu: Do you envision the ircd project have the end goal of replacing the freenode #b-a channel or is it only supposed to be a way for one individual to communicate with another individual?
artifexd: asciilifeform: I was typing up that exact same idea
artifexd: asciilifeform: lol
artifexd: mircea_popescu> can you actually do it ? << There are mad amounts of detail to work out. That said, yes. I can do it.
artifexd: mircea_popescu> am i s/open/artifexd/ ? << huh?
artifexd: Would you like to discuss in here or keep it in the comments?
artifexd: I like it to the point of being willing to commit time to do it.
artifexd: I have decided that I like this ircd project.
artifexd: Anybody else having problems getting anything useful from trilema.com?
artifexd: http://imgur.com/gallery/KyGoaQQ << This would make an awesome shirt. Maybe an S.NSA advertisement.
artifexd: I believe it is right around where it started. No up. No down. Or at least not much.
artifexd: At least it hasn't lost 90% of its value
artifexd: mircea_popescu: Nope. No ideas. Just asking.
artifexd: And there hasn't been much talk of MPIF lately. I'm in an information vacuum, so to speak.
artifexd: I'm just trying to make a decision to sell what I have, buy more, or wait some more.
artifexd: If I had any to offer, yes. Alas, no.
artifexd: Are there any plans for new profit centers in MPIF?
artifexd: <kakobrekla> yes, someone requested to make a custom rss feed for []bot only for it not to be used << It will be. Just... not yet.
artifexd: Trilema is up here now
artifexd: dig response?
artifexd: Yeah. Trilema isn't working from here.
artifexd: Hmm
artifexd: ;;isup trilema.com
artifexd: !isup trilema.com
artifexd: kakobrekla: Will do. Thanks.
artifexd: http://onerng.info/ << asciilifeform: Your thoughts on this project would be appreciated
artifexd: !s openrng
artifexd: kakobrekla: Where is that from?
artifexd: I haven't settled on a distro yet though.
artifexd: I'm looking at centos right now.
artifexd: I don't see a -C option
artifexd: Ah no. That was joecool. Same color as you.
artifexd: I thought I just read that you got a mbp...
artifexd: kakobrekla: If you find a way to get the mbp to not sound like it's overheating while using a non-mac os, I'd love to hear about it.
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> how the fuck it is code never shrinks ? << Code does shrink sometimes. But not due to concentration on features or bugs. If it happens, it happens because the developer grows and improves. One of my favorite days was deleting 60k lines of code that I had written and replacing it with 100 lines. Simpler. Faster. Easier to understand.
artifexd: Remember that, sometimes, a negative rating can be a good thing. Depending on the rater.
artifexd: Although, you will often find rating appear in pairs because many ratings are in response to specific events that involve both individuals. Hence it is appropriate for both to rate.
artifexd: You give ratings according to what you want. It isn't a tit-for-tat thing.
artifexd: No
artifexd: ;;rate r3wt 1 Ran failed exchange but appears capable of learning
artifexd: Like ;;rate <<name>> <<rating>> <<explaination>>
artifexd: There ya go
artifexd: !down r3wt
artifexd: Like: /msg assbot !up
artifexd: r3wt: you need to pm that to assbot
artifexd: I am certain enough to not negrate you about it. :)
artifexd: I'm fairly certain that you don't owe me anything.
artifexd: At one time, yeah. I pulled them all off though.
artifexd: I have slept since then.
artifexd: Hmmm... Nope.
artifexd: r3wt: You summoned me. Why?
artifexd: r3wt: What can I do ya fer?
artifexd: Yup
artifexd: qntra.net << Awesome DNS
artifexd: Why is assbot not reporting havelock trades anymore?
artifexd: Ah
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> AND there's an entire reddit community dedicating to reading trilema and stroking it to just how bad it is ? << Which subreddit is that?
artifexd: poor sheltered gribble
artifexd: I don't remember. I remember it being a thing about there being several who are.
artifexd: Anybody else going to the bitcoin conference at Disney? With so many b-a'ers in FL, maybe a b-a get together is not out of line.
artifexd: ;;later tell nubbins` The poster is beautiful. Thanks!
artifexd: ;;rate nubbins` 2 Produces quality stuff but don't let him wrap Christmas presents unless you want to spend days unwrapping
artifexd: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:a8e872c5fd617f835565a25b959766a3653ae4129b752735e66611b3
artifexd: ;;eauth artifexd
artifexd: ;;ident
artifexd: ;;rate nubbins` 2 Produces quality stuff but don't let him wrap Christmas presents unless you want to spend days unwrapping
artifexd: lol
artifexd: Oh. The [\\\\] dude
artifexd: huh?
artifexd: There used to be a guy in here who's nick was [\\\] just to fuck with people.