1200+ entries in 0.128s
artifexd: mike_c: I also changed the bot to not put the links in parenthesis. Thanks for pointing that out.
artifexd: cable5 and a gun to scare you off your phone is the height of idiocy."
artifexd: "Furthermore, putting bitcoins on your phone is probably the goddamn stupidest thing that I've ever heard of. Bitcoins are going to be the world's reserve currency4, and as such fated to rise to prices per coin that dwarf even the outlandish Winklevoss' most media-hungry "predictions". To leave such a precious commodity within reach of anyone with a USB
artifexd: fluffypony: I tend to share benkay's view of bitcoin. Specifically from here: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/02/09_bitcoiners-upset-at-apple-understand-neither-apples-business-model-nor-bitcoin.html
artifexd: be trusted with further money.
artifexd: moiety: My understanding is that there are two definitions of "scammer". One from the business owner's point of view (dishonesty or theft). One from the investor's point of view (failure to pay obligations). The popular view here is from the investor's point of view because it doesn't matter *why* someone didn't pay their obligations. That person should not
artifexd: That would make for a nice S.BBET dividend.
artifexd: Seriously?
artifexd: Sure. If you have that kind of cheddar to throw around, sure.
artifexd: Idea for a bet: Total bet on 786 to exceed 2500BTC
artifexd: "Long" meaning "since I came onboard"
artifexd: It has long been the stated goal of our ceo to get bought.
artifexd: A good thing.
artifexd: Any recommendations for what to ask them? I mean, what are things that are in question when one company acquires another? For example, it didn't even occur to me that my salary would change, as mentioned by dignork
artifexd: Correction: That *is* pertinent advice.
artifexd: That *is* good advice.
artifexd: If it makes a difference, I'm a programmer/coder/developer. My official (self-appointed) title is "Deviser and Artifex".
artifexd: "Inflate my position" What does that mean? The company is small enough that everyone knows my contributions.
artifexd: It isn't an amount that will make me independently wealthy, but it will greatly improve my current situation.
artifexd: How? Until when?
artifexd: I figure the lump sum payment I get from stock options is already set, right?
artifexd: Goal number 3: A raise.
artifexd: Goal number 2: Maintain the autonomy that I have enjoyed for the last few years.
artifexd: Goal number 1: As much money in a lump payment as possible.
artifexd: Goal.... thinking...
artifexd: That's the thing. I don't know what advice I need.
artifexd: Any thoughts or advice for me? Is there any extra information I can provide that would help get better advice?
artifexd: It is a small company. Less than 20 people.
artifexd: The company for which I work is being bought.
artifexd: I could really use some advice. I find myself in a position that I, honestly, never expected.
artifexd: bnc == irc bouncer?
artifexd: moiety: Cool. Thanks.
artifexd: moiety: Are you keeping your activity log somewhere besides http://bitcoinassetsreception.wordpress.com/ ?
artifexd: fluffy white pony
artifexd: You need a rand() that can return a negative number. ;)
artifexd: ^ the fix
artifexd: r := regexp.MustCompile("([0-9\\.]+) #?BTC on '([Yy]es|[Nn]o)'")
artifexd: Because I need to pull the amount and side out of the tweet. Thus regex.
artifexd: Adding the # to BTC breaks my bot. :(
artifexd: ^ damn...
artifexd: jurov: My fault?
artifexd: That's disgusting, on many levels.
artifexd: fluffypony: Have you taken ABitInterested up on his offer to share his website with you? Have you verified it?
artifexd: moiety: What timezone are you in? What kind of hours do you expect to keep in order to answer the phone?
artifexd: bitcoinpete: Put something at http://bitcoinpete.com/avatar.png so your comments on trilema have an avatar instead of that dumb 404 image
artifexd: A large number of bets are getting created. kakobrekla: Did you up the advertising or are you just getting around to approving them?
artifexd: That's a pretty big spread
artifexd: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/612530753/gitchain <- decentralize ALL the things. even things already decentralized.
artifexd: Interesting
artifexd: TheNewDeal: Ok :(
artifexd: TheNewDeal: Ok. Check back tomorrow.
artifexd: Top 2 results as defined by what? Closing soon? Bet amount? Should it only return bets that are still open?
artifexd: Something like: []bb 834 and it responds with what? Give me an example of what you would like to see.
artifexd: TheNewDeal: What is it you would like []bot to do?
artifexd: pankkake: Can you make penguirker display the total in bitcoin and whether it was a sell or a buy? Something like "Buy 4882.0000 ATC @ 0.00000220 BTC [0.01074040BTC]"
artifexd: mircea_popescu: As per your request, bets placed notifications in this channel are limited to those that are 1BTC or larger.
artifexd: kakobrekla: Bug fixed and confirmed as fixed. :)
artifexd: ty
artifexd: kakobrekla: Changes/bug fixes were made to artibot. She is here. But assbot didn't voice her. Her nick is []bot
artifexd: It does. But there is coding that needs to be done.
artifexd: It is ~artibot@unaffiliated/artifexd/bot/artibot
artifexd: Already done.
artifexd: kakobrekla: Do I need to anything special to get artibot voiced in here? Is being a bot enough? I can (and will eventually) code it to ident with gribble and !up with assbot if necessary but if you have a list of preapproved bots, that would be easier.
artifexd: <mircea_popescu> mind adding it in here with a special rule to only dump bets > 1btc ? << No problem.
artifexd: <kakobrekla> artifexd you might take out 'New' out of the strings, since the thing is never 'old' <- Excellent idea. I shall implement.
artifexd: I see that. I have a plan. I will code it up tonight.
artifexd: Interesting idea. Put the warning in the topic. Ban them with a message: Send 0.001 BTC to XXX to get unbanned. Collect riches.
artifexd: s/should be/will need to be/
artifexd: Topic changed. Anybody that wants to offer suggestions/criticisms/whatever and can't talk in here should be smart enough to figure out who runs the bot.
artifexd: I should probably change the topic to point people to here if they want to discuss it.
artifexd: http://bitbet.us/bet/846/ <- first time I've seen a bet before the initial two bets were placed.
artifexd: Isn't that were the20year is doing his RENT thing?
artifexd: lol
artifexd: If kakobrekla creates a feed for comments, I'll add them.
artifexd: No. Just bets created and bets placed.
artifexd: ty
artifexd: Since it is kinda slow, this is what the past 12-ish hours looked like: http://dpaste.com/0QNY970/
artifexd: This has been running smoothly for a while now so I'll share it here: ##bitbet-rt ☟︎
artifexd: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Typo in http://trilema.com/2014/these-people-should-be-shot-basically/ Item 23 is missing the leading "B" <-- lol @ my own typo
artifexd: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Typo in http://trilema.com/2014/these-people-should-be-shot-basically/ Item 21 is missing the leading "B"
artifexd: aok
artifexd: benkay: You have said "ratm" a couple times. What does that mean? The best google returns is a reference to the Rage Against The Machine band.
artifexd: <fluffypony> how would you even cut that <- Lorena Bobbit may have some advice
artifexd: <+benkay> also don't capitalize the first letter of your nick <- Why? Is your autocomplete case sensitive?
artifexd: \o/
artifexd shrugs
artifexd: http://tylervigen.com
artifexd: ^ http://tylervigen.com/view_correlation?id=2751
artifexd: Could be. Just goes to prove that we can reduce oil imports by banning chickens.
artifexd: No ozbot? http://tylervigen.com/ is "Things that correlate". A bunch of graphs of completely unrelated things that appear to be related when graphed on top of each other.
artifexd: http://tylervigen.com/
artifexd: I think it was the reverse, but yeah, they were run by the same guy.
artifexd: Lol
artifexd: ;;later tell mod6 It looks like pitythepool has the current network hashrate in their json stats. I don't know the source or how it is calculated, but it may be easier for you to grab it from there than calculate it. Less accurate, but easier.
artifexd: jurov: You are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you.
artifexd: It isn't enough for me to be upset about. But I was curious.
artifexd: The bitcoin tx id is 955cb8cf9b4e936a9d79b49331aa29c8fb135d639649438211c3de5fcd88145b
artifexd: The order # in coinbr is 3985
artifexd: So, is there a policy about rounding deposits?
artifexd: But the management fee came out 3 days later.