10027 entries in 0.784s
mircea_popescu: o look he has a blog!
smickles: thestringpuller: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/#update_28nov12
mircea_popescu: To make from Payperpost, you neeed to have a very good blog with big popularity and many readers, you must be a sort of influencer. Then, you propose your blog on Payperpost and if advertisers are interested to your blog, they will want to make a post in your blog.
mircea_popescu: as you know there is many websites regarding blog post , I don't know how should earn money through it ?!!
mircea_popescu: how can make money from blog post ?
smickles: updated to about 1.4% http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/#update_26nov12
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/proposal-for-rewording-the-ponzi-accusation-statement/
mircea_popescu: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2012/11/even-a-vpn-service-cant-protect-your-privacy-if-youre-using-bank-of-america/
toffoo: well I mentioned it because I only noticed it on your blog
toffoo: maybe it's just the font or the way the blog is rendering it .. weird
mircea_popescu: ok, quote me a sentence off the blog ?
toffoo: weird .. well the apostrophes that come out on your blog are definitely wrong
toffoo: mircea: I enjoy your entertaining blog, so I'll leave you one little tip I often mention to non-native writers of English: the correct key for an apostrophe (used in possessives and contractions) is this one: ' not this one: `
mircea_popescu: btw smickles your blog looks all fucked up in opera
jcpham: mircea_popescu jon matonis was sharing your blog the other day
jcpham: no romanian blog bullshit either
smickles: jcpham: render me an opinion of that widget on the right under the search bar http://blog.smickles.com/
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: heh, I dont even write about dmc on my blog
mircea_popescu: Diablo-D3 i didn;'t know you had a blog
Diablo-D3: he also knows I have a blog
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/#update_24nov12
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/keep-calm-and-buy-bitcoins.png
mircea_popescu: just because it's not a blog.
mircea_popescu: any newspaper has to do 1.5x more than any blog for the same attention.
smickles: Update on the S.DICE month >> http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/?preview=true&preview_id=46&preview_nonce=ddeb71c330#update_23nov12
smickles: if the trend holds, in a month, the entire planet should be reading my blog
smickles: can someone take a look at my first paragraph here http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-ponzi-of-wikipedia-and-bitcoin/#comment-12 and tell me if i'm making sense, if I am, i will bring it to the discussion in the bitcoin wikipedia page
smickles: kakobrekla: here http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-biggest-fish/#update_2_22nov12
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-biggest-fish/#comment-8 << i'm not really sure what this is about
smickles: mircea_popescu: did you notice the new fishgame address and someone trying to buy them out? http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-biggest-fish/#update_2_22nov12
smickles: mircea_popescu: http://blog.smickles.com/criticism/bitcoin-magazine-leaves-out-a-crucial-detail/#edit
smickles: I'm actually a little suprised that sudoghost say my blog, that page has only had 170 views, and that's about half as many as the biggest fish page has had
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-ponzi-of-wikipedia-and-bitcoin/#comment-6
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-ponzi-of-wikipedia-and-bitcoin/#update_22nov12 << Even though mircea_popescu disagrees, I know some of you care ;)
pigeons: Ukto: http://blog.glbse.com/issers-who-have-been-given-lists-so-far
smickles: http://www.reddit.com/domain/blog.smickles.com/ <<< whoa! who did this?
smickles: mircea_popescu: no doubt, because of my blog
smickles: 01:50 < mircea_popescu> JWU42 people run a profit by owning shares. << http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/#update_2_21nov12
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/#update_2_21nov12 <<< for which I just ran the calc ;)
Azelphur: smickles: http://blog.glbse.com/issuers-being-given-shareholder-lists :O
smickles: mircea_popescu: i can sign and send you the cert to import if you are actually concerned about the state of https on my blog ;)
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/society/the-need-to-know-why/ << if you want to read more of my writing
smickles: lol, 3rd most view page on my blog... /xmlrpc.php
EskimoBob: and hi promised to update his blog too.
smickles: an update http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-ponzi-of-wikipedia-and-bitcoin/#update_19nov12
thestringpuller: blog*
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/the-ponzi-of-wikipedia-and-bitcoin/
pigeons: http://www.cryptoxchange.com/blog/21/crypto-x-change-suspending-trading-and-returning-client-funds
smickles: man, the robots love my blog
mircea_popescu: well that was for the blog obviously.
mircea_popescu: a couple years ago i made a contest on my blog. people could comment with their address, get a stack of business card sized stickers
smickles: updated: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/
mircea_popescu: lol the blog bug, it's growing
smickles: http://blog.smickles.com/bitcoin-2/bitcoin-finance/a-good-month-for-s-dice-shareholders-in-the-making/
smickles: mircea_popescu: lol, i feel little now, my blog is all of two piddly unimportant links, this guy's blog is interesting science
mircea_popescu: you have a blog ?
Bugpowder: I wonder how much I could make off my blog with Adsense
gribble: GPG contracts pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2012/gpg-contracts/>; GPG Chapter II: <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf11001/gpg_2.jsp>; FAQs - National Science Foundation: <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/faqs.pdf>
thestringpuller: a paywall to read the blog?
smickles: thestringpuller: mircea_popescu has a paywall on his blog
thestringpuller: smickles: you had written financials for mpoe's financials that used to be on polimedia blog
thestringpuller: can i see smickles mpoe financials i cant find them on your blog cause i dont speakuh da romanian
_Fireball: honestly, by reading your blog post, I see that you have little idea how futures exchanges work
_Fireball: I'm referring to the specific line in your blog post:
_Fireball: let me open up your blog post..
mircea_popescu: http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/11/16/taliban_accidentally_ccs_everybody_on_its_mailing_list
mircea_popescu: http://blog.smickles.com haha smickles has a blog ?
mircea_popescu: it's from 2010. if it wasn't on my blog it would practically not exist.
mircea_popescu: the primary utility of the blog is documentary. say the boys start discussing women as slaves. i have a handy link of two girls chained to a shopping cart.
mircea_popescu: why don;t you start a blog btw ?
gigavps: http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/pay-another-way-bitcoin/
EskimoBob: no update https://blog.glbse.com/
mircea_popescu: i don't recall that guy's name on reddit but we did have a nice chat on my blog
jurov: i think i'll bring it to next level and start tvtropes page about trilema blog...
mircea_popescu: well i put most of it on my blog, too
smickles: "Trilema happens to be the first blog in the world that switched to a paid model, imitated about a year later by The New York Times."
EskimoBob: gigavps: https://blog.glbse.com/ is up
EskimoBob: We had a friendly short chat and I asked him to write a short post about the progress. Hi kept is word and updated the blog. When sending out the BTC is completed, he will contact the issuers and start clearing up that mess
mircea_popescu: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/10/analysis_of_how.html this is kinda cool
mircea_popescu: sgornick i guess you have a point. i recently switched my blog from romanian to english, so i kinda intend to make it the source for results. but i guess a link can't hurt anything.
mircea_popescu: trying to dig up an old post for to show thestringpuller but fuck me if i can find anything in my blog ;/
thestringpuller: I posted your blog to reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/120zdj/gpg_contracts_vs_traditional_contracts_law/
mircea_popescu: my blog.
jurov: mircea, there's your veep: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2012/10/10-reasons-you-should-vote-for-me-for-president/
Chaaang-Noi: in like a day this is the only post here <kakobrekla> http://thatsmathematics.com/blog/archives/102
kakobrekla: http://thatsmathematics.com/blog/archives/102
thestringpuller: ive been reading your blog and taking metrics for my business project
thestringpuller: to be honest from the picture on your blog I would think you were in your 20's
thestringpuller: (referring to blog post I just skimmed)
mircea_popescu: how am i enigmatic ffs. i'm like... the only person in btc using their name, my mug is all over my blog
mircea_popescu: jesus blog comment spammers are getting more retarded by the month.
pigeons: what blog is that from?
mircea_popescu: pigeons you were the original source of trouble tho weren't you, with linking that blog.
mircea_popescu: Anduck used to be in romanian that blog, so
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/fact-of-the-matter-is-the-infrastructure-was-not-ready/ << if anyone cares, my latest blog post.
Diablo-D3: facebook isnt a blog
BTC-Mining: Because being a separate thing than your blog or porn reposityr, it should be on it's own domain?
mircea_popescu: are tghese the guys who got a letter from the brazil sec to get lost and they put a post on their blog up going "o, but we beg to differ" ?
PeanutPower: nothing new here http://blog.glbse.com/
mircea_popescu: so in case anyone cares : i've switched my blog to english now.