900+ entries in 0.063s
ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-07 09:01:18 mircea_popescu;thinks: asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 05:16:52 mircea_popescu: thinks asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 13:01:50 mircea_popescu: isp will throw fit if you're even within 1% of 1% of this theoretical maximum, rated capacity.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-07#1934857 << why do you suppose piz pipe, 200Mb/s costs ~1k$/mo , while in timis 1Gb/s advertised at 10 $ ? the industrial pipe can, and in fact does (lately) run at ~100% capacity for weeks on end. which is not to say that there aint scam providers which will try to throttle a customer to less than he paid. simply, piz did not suffer the misfortune of sitting under any such.
mircea_popescu: isp will throw fit if you're even within 1% of 1% of this theoretical maximum, rated capacity.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 05:01:18 mircea_popescu: thinks asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-02-03 12:27:29 mircea_popescu: in other news, mp's own bash grenadiers regiment suggests an ad interim solution for http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891951 in the shape of ls | grep ^x..$' | while read line; do curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} -X POST -F "pastebox=@$line" http://p.bvulpes.com -w %{url_effective}; done
mircea_popescu: and you know, if we manage to get this going, it then follows, in-yo-face, angry "your college is wasting your money" billboards, 100% all in scanda.
mircea_popescu: c) we don't take your elder sons/merit-washed eromenoi, fuck off, this is only for nazi kids.
mircea_popescu: where the fuck is the "oh, mp, here, forth!" answer when one asks ? what, "oh, but mp, i meant comfortable in the sense of exactly opposite of comfort, because i subscribe to imperial nominative conventions, everything's gonna be called the opposite of what it actually
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 05:01:18 mircea_popescu: thinks asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
mircea_popescu thinks asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: lolz; it's the "familiar" word for students though, basically pattern-matches what they expect, to have them cross the threshold (so that in all probability I have to kick 99% out after that, but such is filtering by def)
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=f%3Asnsabot+results&chan=trilema << 23 entries found in trilema for 'f:snsabot results' ; meanwhile
mircea_popescu: not intentionally an' not deliberately and not awaredly nor am i out for heads. but the situation is indeed like the case where someone just discovered the impact of filth on medicine, and everyone (by which we mean the top whatever %) understood what the theory is, and for their merits gets now to struggle with expellas issues forever.
mircea_popescu: thing 1 is like http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-02#1933212 ; thing 2 is like http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=%23select&chan=trilema
mircea_popescu: she's been in here, available, 90% of the time wasted during the intervening year. anyone had anything to ask, about easily the most interesting thing that happened ~on a personal level~, at least since bb actually got the fuck out / mocky tiptoed the sea ?
mircea_popescu: and, exactly like the dumb strippers of yore, you... explained it away, rite ? (for bonus lulz points, in a manner already documented on trilema, to boot!)
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 13:41:15 asciilifeform: hey diana_coman , didja ever manually test the reconnector? i -- did; but from lobbes's bot i have dark suspicion that it doesn't 100% work !!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 15:52:02 asciilifeform: tho possibly still isn't exactly what we traditionally want. e.g. this , possibly oughta match only space-bounded strings when quoted term ?
asciilifeform: trinque: how do you keep the serv from serving it up before 100% written ?
asciilifeform: tho possibly still isn't exactly what we traditionally want. e.g. this , possibly oughta match only space-bounded strings when quoted term ?
asciilifeform: oook , e.g. this and other quoted-search nao worx from www form. still gotta find out why not worx from bot cmd.
asciilifeform: hey diana_coman , didja ever manually test the reconnector? i -- did; but from lobbes's bot i have dark suspicion that it doesn't 100% work !!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we weren't even in hruscheba, but in the 19th-c-converted-to-kommunalka . still 100% square walls.
mircea_popescu: the "adults" come out of them will surely do the fucking same just as soon as they're 20% or so by social mass
spyked: other than that, I guess you meant "recent comments"? recent posts are on the main page; and as for title-urls, http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=from%3Afeedbot+hunchentoot&chan=trilema works from what I see
mircea_popescu: the naive view is to think that making the cost 10% less will result in... what, 10% more output ? if it takes me 9 seconds of unpleasant laboru instead of 10, i'll just do 11 images instead of 10.
bvt: would not work: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=time+man vs http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=time+%22man%22&chan=trilema
bvt: i kind of remembered that it had something with to do with percentages, this surfaced out mod6's message; when you mentioned that the result is still ~wrong, remembered that it had something to do with "man who invests X% of time into empire...", used phf's log for a keyword search.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-03-04 16:14:16 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist. man who works 70% of the time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that man.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-04 21:14 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist. man who works 70% of the time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that man.
diana_coman: basically my "less of a man" was more precisely "20% of a man", ahem.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-03-19 18:52:57 mod6: Because like we discussed before, some paraphrasing "man puts in 20% of time is 20% of a man".
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: I thought "less of a man" was in there but I can't say I'm 100% sure
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-04 04:33:18 mircea_popescu: i'm like 99% sure i published this, what the fuck, did some trilema articles vanish ?!
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-09-03#1933417 <-- afaik sardinian close as well, possibly even closer. some ppl say romansch also, but I listened to some and only got about 20% of it.
mircea_popescu: and in ongoing regexp lulz : "i am sure it was an image ~in a footnote~" "oh, ok then, WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%((%.jpg%%))%'" "mno, that only looks for pics after a footnote opener and before a footnote closer, not necessarily of the same footnote. it'll include all pics in an article with at least two footnotes, pretty much." "fuck"
mircea_popescu: i'm like 99% sure i published this, what the fuck, did some trilema articles vanish ?!
mircea_popescu: \http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e25cdd47fad095a028165e3b44d5dd85?s=632&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D32&r=X << wtf is this then
a111: Logged on 2019-09-03 17:09 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: laff, but iirc there's folx who live 100% in emacs. ( trinque iirc )
asciilifeform: ( spoiler: ~100% of the time , complainer's hands were found to grow from arse )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: laff, but iirc there's folx who live 100% in emacs. ( trinque iirc ) ☟︎
snsabot: 13 results for "best machine is no machine" in #trilema
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-02 19:16:05 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-02#1933181 << ~90% of bus in washingtonistan, run on compressed propane nao. ( massive tank on roof )
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-02#1933181 << ~90% of bus in washingtonistan, run on compressed propane nao. ( massive tank on roof )
asciilifeform: presently i doubt that this sorta thing can ever be safely 100% automated.
asciilifeform: eventually ~will~ come the time when to reconstitute 100% proper picture gotta actually walk N db's .
asciilifeform: afaik this is actually 1st time that we have 100% interchangeable-part bots .
asciilifeform: >25% of total mass, that one.
asciilifeform: together these 8 accounted for 41706 blox, i.e. >90% of the total mass.
asciilifeform: entirely possib. that the actual # is smaller yet -- some % of the 182 may be folx on dynamic ips, or since dead, or otherwise >1 to 1 ratio of ip in log to physically-alive machine .
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-31 14:51:24 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and fwiw i suspect that the entire set of >7 nodes is 100% solid dross, and responsible for 0 block conveyance
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suggested mirrorism to mod6 cuz iirc it's the type of chore he's historically a++ in. as i understand lobbes is 99% of the way to 3rd logger , so not exactly burning , tru
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ~100% of the folx who gave rat's arse re 'talmudic tradition' went in the ovens. i.e. it has as much to do with the current 'unsinkable carrier' as the spew of thomas aquinas has to do with current usg.
asciilifeform: marx -- was wrong, i suspect, when wrote that 'for 200% profit, capitalist will sell mother; for 300% -- will go to almost certain noose'. he did not account for cowardice.
asciilifeform: as i understand , all that'd be needed to bring that shitshow to a permanent close, is a dozen or so blocks mined w/ '51%' thrust, containing the segshit unwinds.
asciilifeform: to formalize : asciilifeform's current hypothesis is that there is a thin 'tube' of trb-compat. nodes b/w pekin & trb orchestra. responsible for 100% of new blox.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: and fwiw i suspect that the entire set of >7 nodes is 100% solid dross, and responsible for 0 block conveyance
asciilifeform: presently i blame 100% of the headaches in pilot plant, on lack of proper air
asciilifeform: mod6: it's a nearly starvation-bare logtron atm, missing all kindsa luxuries (e.g. phf's backlinks system) . but atm it's the only 100% working ~published~ one
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: last time this q was raised, asciilifeform sat and wrote in fact 80% of a 'tmsr node explorer' proggy, to try an' find 'where are the humans' instead of continuing to rely on chance. but never got chance to finish.
asciilifeform: real pipe is quite expensive. at e.g. piz it is substantial % of the operating cost.
asciilifeform: girlattorney: usg takes the 'rats in a barrel' approach to ipv4, they hog 80+% of the ip space and wait for the remaining people to choke from crowding and eventually submit to centralized control
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-29 18:38:11 asciilifeform: ( mp is fond of old php , but it suffers from 100% of same headaches , and in fact even slower , esp. if the job is even slightly moar complicated than wp ; he arrived at it same way i did at 'flask' -- picked up decade ago and 'it worx, i'ma pour cement on this' )
asciilifeform: if owner of argentina wants someone to buy it, could start whenever he wants by sending in the wood chippers and mulching the 'samba si, trabajo no' aboriginals 24/7 until leaves the 2% or what who were the reasonable auto mechanics etc .
asciilifeform: ( mp is fond of old php , but it suffers from 100% of same headaches , and in fact even slower , esp. if the job is even slightly moar complicated than wp ; he arrived at it same way i did at 'flask' -- picked up decade ago and 'it worx, i'ma pour cement on this' )
snsabot: Logged on 2019-06-23 17:34:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-23#1919680 << fwiw asciilifeform has not used 'portage' in year+ -- the heathen portage finally 100% broke then. ( 'updated' on the gentooist end, so that no longer agrees to build ~anything~ without 'new profile', and won't install 'new profile' because hard-contravenes asciilifeform's poetteringisms ban list... )
lobbes: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-29#1931835 << that was an educational footnote,ty. Also a good reminder that I am still in 'dirt' status, and to not let any of the cannibals out there try and lead me back into pretense
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-28 19:59:18 lobbes: incidentally, it may be time I join the rotaku club. Good % of Trilema that I can't even begin to read
asciilifeform: right nao my proggy is 100% js-free
asciilifeform: there's the hieroglyphs ('kanji') which cover normal adult lit , or rather 95%; connective tissue , proper names, older loan words -- in 'hiragana' ( syllabic ); 'katakana' ( a sort of minimalist hiragana, moar 'runic' aesthetic ) largely for foreign words, names of dirty euro devils, some children's lit.
lobbes: incidentally, it may be time I join the rotaku club. Good % of Trilema that I can't even begin to read
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-28 15:00:36 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-28#1931651 << now that's just plain silly. why not talk to a 50yo slave with 2-3 decades' experience instead ? she's much more likely to can be bothered with you in the first place, and much more likely to have what for you to learn if she does. even her owner might be more tolerant.
mircea_popescu: 100% contemporary frisco.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-28 15:00:36 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-28#1931651 << now that's just plain silly. why not talk to a 50yo slave with 2-3 decades' experience instead ? she's much more likely to can be bothered with you in the first place, and much more likely to have what for you to learn if she does. even her owner might be more tolerant.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-28#1931651 << now that's just plain silly. why not talk to a 50yo slave with 2-3 decades' experience instead ? she's much more likely to can be bothered with you in the first place, and much more likely to have what for you to learn if she does. even her owner might be more tolerant.
lobbes: amusingly, to this day, however I'll always dress in a suit for air travel. After enough experimenting I discovered that indeed I get better treatment when I do (often am addressed with 'sir' than when in jeanz and t-shirt, get moar attention from the attendants etc). Why? Because the airlines *know* that a huge % of their business comes from... repeat business travelers! Can't kill industry
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-27 22:40:47 asciilifeform: incidentally, i agree w/ mircea_popescu re 'airport strippings have ~popular~ support in usa' but not with his hypothesis re why ( sumthing with 'cuckism' ). instead i suspect it's an idjit stab at 'class warfare' , the ~90% of usa that can't afford to ride in an airplane delights in hearing 'them snooty fucks in suits' getting stripped
asciilifeform: i.e. where 'class war!111' fuckwits in usa cheered at 'raise tax rate' until then find ~themselves~ expected to pay same % as buffett would pay if he were to ever pay at all
asciilifeform: incidentally, i agree w/ mircea_popescu re 'airport strippings have ~popular~ support in usa' but not with his hypothesis re why ( sumthing with 'cuckism' ). instead i suspect it's an idjit stab at 'class warfare' , the ~90% of usa that can't afford to ride in an airplane delights in hearing 'them snooty fucks in suits' getting stripped
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-27 15:15:47 mircea_popescu: ~60% of what fedex'd have been
mircea_popescu: ~60% of what fedex'd have been
asciilifeform read maybe 10%, max, of tlp corpus, for this reason. it's just barely digestible to asciilifeform's enzymes.
mircea_popescu: i spent 60% of the time with that article hunting for references.
a111: Logged on 2019-08-27 02:20 asciilifeform: atm i also suspect that a certain % of links imported from 'era 2' (phf's april 2016 -- aug. 2019) also do not go where expected, on acct of clock difference b/w the boxen.
asciilifeform: atm i also suspect that a certain % of links imported from 'era 2' (phf's april 2016 -- aug. 2019) also do not go where expected, on acct of clock difference b/w the boxen. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: re pedro , variety for a reason!
mircea_popescu: 100% soviet, fuck that dumb shit.
asciilifeform: trinque: i'm actually all for offering it as a preconfigged variant of rk . my objections were 100% re the traditional variant, where all packets nominally become part of an indistinct outgoing soup via 1 shared ip.
asciilifeform: trinque: i'm 100% through enumerating, lol. will go into read mode for a spell, if trinque has specific 'get this obv. $item through yer thick head!' i will read.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had a piece where 'if malpractice suits cost 100,000 $ and chance is 0.1%, procedure aint ever costing anywhere close to 100 $ '
asciilifeform: ftr asciilifeform is solidly convinced that vpnism, aka 'hide my ip!1111' derpery, is a fundamentally braindamaged 'solution' to a fundamentally misconceived problem. (to which the 1 and only possible ~actual~ solution is a 100% gossipd-style net which treats the older ip net the way the latter treats ethernet & co.)
mircea_popescu: and lemme say i can't recommend namesilo enough. they turned out to be exactly the needed pill, but their bitcoin integration is actually so good, it interfaces with deedbot directly!
mircea_popescu: yes, it is true, illo tempore, in ages long past, with expensive paper process, this was a useful approach. but today, it is counter-productive.
asciilifeform: each of whom would be willing to pay perhaps even equiv of 20bux/mo. i.e. collectively not even 10% cost of that pipe ..
lobbes: I'm thinking I can perhaps do the html-izing bits 100% in awk and bash, tho for the bot echoing and search bits I think those will need at least a sqlite database and php
BingoBoingo: It was a bit of a surprise to me, but outside the wire... cockwrapping girls are easy to find. Like mp's or not like mp's is a matter of scarce head quality. Tomorrow, I'm going to have to put another dump out on my fight in the realm of what asciilifeform calls "unbounded symbols" and the enemy calls "modern democracy". There is a 10-12% chance per heathen polls that the risk profile of Pizarro in Uruguay elevates substantially over
mircea_popescu: on one hand, something simple like "tag each article with the 12 most frequently occuring live words over 3 characters long ; keep a central list of "dead" words that occur in more than x% of articles, re-tag all articles tagged with one of the words there"
spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-22#1930226 <-- to be clear, discussion was re. rss bot, which is built atop trinque's bot. I made the mistake of having a long-running operation on the main bot thread, which is the same thread that handles pongs and does lag tracking. imho the fault was 100% in the feedbot coad, but if deedbot