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mp_en_viaje very much protests re http://thetarpit.org/uploads/2019/10/targoviste-04-thumb.png creepy designation. not creepy at all, just... has had a hard life, but nevertheles... is very happy to see you!
mp_en_viaje: as always, romanian "dictionaries" made by tards, deeply unqualified to be away from munca de jos : https://dexonline.ro/definitie/miri%C8%99te quotes some imaginary bulgarian "мерище", that aside from not actually existing in bulgarian (there exists a town in Країна Хорватія whose name's thusly spelled IN UKRAINIAN though, of course, of course), can't even possibly be
mp_en_viaje: if not possible, then a) not schloss and b) 50% discount indisputably
asciilifeform: 2km from asciilifeform's chair there's an indoor smokery. so that dun 100% answer. but otoh there's gotta be a reason why mp_en_viaje not already bought coupla austrian schlossen
asciilifeform: right, as-written it's 100% useless
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-30#1939133 << the often-overlooked 'seekrit' is that 30-40% of these were exiles from sovok proper. and re-created it in miniature.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: they do! and, interestingly, army bases (already in early 2000s when asciilifeform worked inside 1) guarded ~100% by equiv. of mall cops, rather than uniformed folx (for whom they'd have to 'medical & dental'(tm)) , cheaper.
asciilifeform: 99% of'em never use it, so the 'less weight on belt' aspect appeals.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 04:47:00 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1939070 << afaik 100% it. also the future borne them out, not because "nuclear war" but because yeast infection. pretty much ANY platoon will fall back in a panic if you as much as hit one guy. and we're not talking here of domestic ra-ra-ra-i'm-so-bad-i-gotta-wear-a-mask cowardlice. even "battle hardened" "afghanistan veterans" are the same shit.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1939070 << afaik 100% it. also the future borne them out, not because "nuclear war" but because yeast infection. pretty much ANY platoon will fall back in a panic if you as much as hit one guy. and we're not talking here of domestic ra-ra-ra-i'm-so-bad-i-gotta-wear-a-mask cowardlice. even "battle hardened" "afghanistan veterans" are the same shit.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-29 19:13:59 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: just about 100% a basement-built , fire-from-open-bolt design ( these are Officially proscribed in usa even when half-auto , so unlikely to be industrially-baked )
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile the retards idly posing as scholars's naive read would readily decide "misogyny!!!" if applied to trilema.
asciilifeform has fond memories of 'paladin' from olden warez days, had a coupla very entertaining, if not 100% practical, pieces
asciilifeform: ~10% moar
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: just about 100% a basement-built , fire-from-open-bolt design ( these are Officially proscribed in usa even when half-auto , so unlikely to be industrially-baked )
asciilifeform: fuckno (and noshit) , mp_en_viaje described this imho 100% correctly in linked piece
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-29#1938894 << the way to gain such is the same way as gaining a lot of new children. if the russians stayed in berlin -- but for reals, not just one quickie rape passing throiugh, then modern eastern german'd conceivably have been as sluttily hybridized as phoenician-dri
asciilifeform: ( for folx who aint archaeologists -- 'ѣ' ended up turned into 100% 'е', but at one pt was a distinctly elongated æː )
asciilifeform: ( observe that folx running the prev. version of 'reader' are unaffected
mp_en_viaje had been reading what's apparently some 2016 drifter's rather extensive homespun copy. includes log with personally relevant tidbits of 2017 vintage and so on.
mp_en_viaje: there's the two liner above linked ; there's another one line in a discussion of another film. but i clearly remember taking the time to discuss this over paragraphs, i just don't remember where the fuck
mp_en_viaje: and yes, haggle. but this is no joke : to match eg romania, they'd have to haggle to 10%. looksy :
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-27 17:52:50 mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, very nice work ; but this seems untenable on the face. i mean, even the san francisco "premium" bezzleworld's been losing 2-3-5% a year, each year, since 2015 or so. and 2s and 3s ealirer, 5s and above these days, 2019 may well close more like 7%
asciilifeform: this model 100% afaik fits, e.g. muntzer . but less so in east orcistan imho.
asciilifeform: at whatever time some % of farmer 'know where out is' , but while the turnippin's good , sit put
asciilifeform suspects that mp_en_viaje is right re 'fixed %' tho. but to run w/ the analogy, the radon does stay in the ground until you dig to the bedrock, so will in effect vary
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile the remainder 98% sits there herpy-derping about http://trilema.com/2014/agency-and-other-notes/
asciilifeform: for 'lively' son of peasant, as i understand 2 'radiodecay' paths, 1 to brigand, 1 to 'kulak' (of whom, seems , was also 'stable %' historically)
mp_en_viaje: hey asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=f%3Amirc+%22+east%22&chan=trilema << why is this returning "at least" ?
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, very nice work ; but this seems untenable on the face. i mean, even the san francisco "premium" bezzleworld's been losing 2-3-5% a year, each year, since 2015 or so. and 2s and 3s ealirer, 5s and above these days, 2019 may well close more like 7%
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 13:11:29 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we weren't even in hruscheba, but in the 19th-c-converted-to-kommunalka . still 100% square walls.
asciilifeform: resetting bot is painful enuff operation that would like to get these 100% nailed before deploy
asciilifeform: maybe some energetic noob will take a stab at this one, asciilifeform sadly 100% full hands atm
mircea_popescu: yes. "a one cell table" is just a clunkier div. and the problem with div (instead of span) is that it... breaks the line where it starts.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 23:29:24 asciilifeform: nor is there likely ever gonna be any such agreement. use of reich time gotta be made 100% decorative, or to go away entirely.
mircea_popescu: s 60% the length ; but this is not the be-all end all of intellectual accessibility.
mircea_popescu: the only available support for such bootstrap is this kind of indicia, "why are my self-perceived needs conflict with my betters' designs". it could, surely, be the case they're fucked in the head. i'm sure they often are.
asciilifeform: the historic epochtimestamps are incidentally all over the place, try setting a scratch box logger to sort ~by time~ some time and weep. ( from when phf , for instance, imported his znc, evidently wasn't 100% synced to the primary logger ; and elsewhere )
asciilifeform: nor is there likely ever gonna be any such agreement. use of reich time gotta be made 100% decorative, or to go away entirely.
asciilifeform: this, rather like the 'url clocks' problem, demands a 'smart' transmutation of old l0gz, somehow, in order to work 100% correctly.
asciilifeform: picture is consistent with 'monkey unplugged then went to smoke', i.e. 100% packet loss for ~4m.
asciilifeform: mine appears to be 100% current ( haven't seen re lobbes's yet ) , diana_coman invited to pipe from there.
mircea_popescu: moreover, functional technology (as epitomized by Bitcoin) is definitionally, necessarily and unavoidably anti-socialist. so much so that reliably one can use the reverse heuristic : if something doesn't shit on the needy, doesn't it make it harder for the stupid and more expensive for the poor, that something is most likely shit, not technology
asciilifeform: ( primary headache with higher grades of part , is ~availability~, rather than cost per se (tends to be +10/+20%) -- if yer baking a small (less than 10,000) run, need 'cut-tape' purchase, which usually only exists in 'commercial' grade )
asciilifeform: iirc , was subcaste of gypsies, who lived 100% by training & exhibiting bear
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-22#1937527 << will add that 'commercialize' doesn't require seekrit sauces, necessarily (e.g. FG is 100% published, to no detectable detriment)
mircea_popescu: in fact, it's not less stupid for being what the morons are preaching BUT MORESO!
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-19#1937347 << that's the piece i dun have of yet. ( and imho oughta be implemented after the no-dates-url thing is properly solved. otherwise will have to be 100% rebaked when it is. )
mircea_popescu: further visual aid. check out anna's cute barefoot shoes, wtf is that!
mircea_popescu: dat elliott, such perfect all-esltards. he's truly the universal model of everyone.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-16 05:36:16 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936612 << you bought it ~as an inflation play~ ?! holy hell man, what the fuck's wrong with schooling there. inflation is the enemy of old men, what the fuck does a 20yo care, holy shit it's all backwards.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-16 05:36:16 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936612 << you bought it ~as an inflation play~ ?! holy hell man, what the fuck's wrong with schooling there. inflation is the enemy of old men, what the fuck does a 20yo care, holy shit it's all backwards.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, afaik the only standing paradigm of university is still socrates', "and now i will tell you why you are wrong" ; and you are stuck re-doing until right.
asciilifeform: incidentally the major ustard 'university presses' consist ~100% of these. for decade+ nao.
mircea_popescu: was alternative : goes to politburo, says "either you start hanging 10% of youth each year until they produce alternative, or else we can all hang today"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re 'face derealization' / 'they gave up, why' -- i was reading not long ago about keldysh (head of sovok academy of sciences, and overall respectable figure, in charge of ~100% of calculative works for space / atomic programs etc. ) BUT at same time is the fella who undertook 'let's ditch native comp archs and copy pdp'. seems like was a checkmate, rather than 'dolchstoss', saw no working alternative , 'we can't affor
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:54:41 BingoBoingo: Anyways, the state of the US left is such that the ONE anti-war candidate did not make the latest round of primary debates. Tusli Gabbard: veteran, active reservist, and woman of color can't consistently poll over 2% enough to get on stage
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the state of the US left is such that the ONE anti-war candidate did not make the latest round of primary debates. Tusli Gabbard: veteran, active reservist, and woman of color can't consistently poll over 2% enough to get on stage
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that was the moment asciilifeform realized rms is 100% fungus by weight, and 0 left to salvage
asciilifeform: kgb -- for n00bs -- was ~100% staffed with folx who pissed on whatever oaths, principles, and wanted to proceed asap with converting their keys-to-the-shop into hereditary 'property right' .
asciilifeform: exactly as happened in sovok, the leninists had 0 lasting dynastic succession, ~100% garbagecollected by stalin & co.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: this so, but observe that present-day china is run 100% by (sons of) folx who sat in gulag during 'cultural rev'. and not of the 'red guards'.
diana_coman: in the process I updated the awk importer too but I don't even know if it's any use given that I'm not 100% sure what is "irssi standard format" really
mircea_popescu: "intel angajeaza" the 1-2% or so of recyclable bois, and otherwise babyolon angajeaza the 4-6% of fuckable girlies.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-16#1936654 << afaik it was the ameritards who even invented 'rent to own' scam to start with. i.e. where you 'buy' and get all the ~unwanted~ aspects of ownership (gotta do 100% of maintenance; if it wears down, replace at own expense -- there are people paying for 3 cars who have to walk, all over usa) but 0 of the desirable (i.e. ~actually~ owning, ability to sell)
mircea_popescu: on-into-eyelash-flutter/][the evercunt], trying to find the workable pieces.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936612 << you bought it ~as an inflation play~ ?! holy hell man, what the fuck's wrong with schooling there. inflation is the enemy of old men, what the fuck does a 20yo care, holy shit it's all backwards.
asciilifeform: lobbes: the 'organized' co.'s are 100% poison, avoid'em if at all possible in usa
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 14:19:48 lobbes: In other words, this is step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-15 14:19:48 lobbes: In other words, this is step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
lobbes: In other words, this is step II ain't it? The *fact* is that I'm poor, so I may as well accept that and stop pretending otherwise, yes? I.e. No palpable difference between 90K WFF per month and 30K WFF per month; they are both the same level of poverty
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-15#1936439 << aa, but ameritards are, well, tards. to date found that it is 100% of the time cheaper to actually buy surplus instrument. sounds insane, but there it is.
mircea_popescu: like 90% or so by mass is exact quotation.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-14#1936276 << fucking typical retardation.
asciilifeform: ( aaand, cannot resist to pose the q, what % of this mass is autoconf liquishit ? )
asciilifeform: starting with the fact that ~80% of'em never even had an external passport at all, nor can think of why to ask for one
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-14#1936169 << dulap's been short on disk for a while. ( atm it's a raid5 of 4 x 256G , i.e. 750 usable ; ~90% full at this time )
mircea_popescu: or in other words, le bigmac and pizza can be mixed, and it would taste amazing.
snsabot: 0 results for "phenolphthalein won't forgive" in #trilema
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-14#1936012 << 'describe' is very difficult. or maybe i'm thick. but i wrote pieces that were >50% commentola by weight and when rereading still sad, 'this is not properly described'.
mircea_popescu: trying to find it i discovered http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=%22a+b%22&chan=trilema
mircea_popescu: if i'm gonna want to learn about sex ima ask rapists not "careerwomen", and if i'm gonna want to learn about war ima visit hitler not "pacifists", "global hunger fixers" an' the rest of that very sad lot.
snsabot: 1 results for "uncleftish beholding" in #trilema
asciilifeform: a 100%-striped 4disk array will perish if even 1 disk dies.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you want 100% striped (vs. e.g. 2x mirrored 2x striped ) i still recommend to think about how will back up such box. with the current pipe, backing up remotely e.g. 4TB, will take ~week (and that's if entire population of piz is idling)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: atm we still have 'kolhoz' bandwidth, i.e. 'all you can eat', but i expect if we put up an image paster it'll saturate the pipe 100% . ( naturally if mircea_popescu wants to make arrangements to get monster pipe specially for this experiment, i'ma work with him to make it go. but promises to be costly. )
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=basically%2C+all+the+architecture+systems+architects+have+managed+yet+to+produce+is+the+equivalent+of+%22we+need+10.1k+builders+-+100+to+build+and+10k+to+hold+up+the+walls+once+we%27re+done&chan=trilema <<
a111: Logged on 2014-04-06 06:17 mircea_popescu: there's two kinds of money see ? money-%, like btc. that's the money used by the people who allocate resources.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-10 13:53:17 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That part is ~90% plant genetics, and there isn't a Monsanto sorta monopoly on that. Largely for reasons of the folks doing seed development having been more or less effective dissidents. I suspect much of the percieved selectivity of the consumers is applied marketing.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-10#1935381 << one UPDATE posts SET `post_content` = REPLACE(post_content, 'http://minigame.bz', 'http://minigame.biz') WHERE `post_content` LIKE ('%http://minigame.bz%') later all should be good ; please let me know if not.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That part is ~90% plant genetics, and there isn't a Monsanto sorta monopoly on that. Largely for reasons of the folks doing seed development having been more or less effective dissidents. I suspect much of the percieved selectivity of the consumers is applied marketing.
asciilifeform: and then there's the 'stealth' binturds . e.g. linux kernel superficially seems to be 100% text, but in fact there's coupla 100MB of init-turds as hex .h includes , and so on.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 20:14:25 lobbes: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-09#1935281 << bvt, would you be able to produce the vpatch? I would, but a) my knowledge of tcp stack / kernels / etc. is pretty much nil and b) I'm gearing up to focus 100% on mircea_popescu's latest mp-wp bot ask if I end up winning this auction.
lobbes: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-09#1935281 << bvt, would you be able to produce the vpatch? I would, but a) my knowledge of tcp stack / kernels / etc. is pretty much nil and b) I'm gearing up to focus 100% on mircea_popescu's latest mp-wp bot ask if I end up winning this auction.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 03:56:22 ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-07 09:01:18 mircea_popescu;thinks: asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 03:56:22 ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-07 09:01:18 mircea_popescu;thinks: asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 03:56:22 ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-07 09:01:18 mircea_popescu;thinks: asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-09 03:56:22 ericbot: Logged on 2019-09-07 09:01:18 mircea_popescu;thinks: asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-07 05:01:18 mircea_popescu: thinks asciilifeform should also get something ; though it's unclear how exactly to figure this out. but -- lacking a better idea, i guess he can have 10% of the winning bid in royalties and we see.