1000+ entries in 0.063s
mircea_popescu: spyked, i'm starting to suspect, incidentally, that no cheekiness is involved, he simply never saw either instance, does something like two hours/week keeping track of things, and if that week has 25 hours' worth of logs and developments, well, gets 8%. hey trinque, are you current with the logs ? how descriptive is that model /
mircea_popescu: The time to whine about "what it all means" etcetera is henceforth, 'till forever."
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 20:51:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-22 20:51:35 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
asciilifeform: going by informal walk via 'random' button -- that spamola is a substantial % of the archive, by mass
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, lobbes , et al : prolly could easily purge ~100% of spam, simply by detecting these. lemme know if you want.
asciilifeform: orcograms appear to render 100% correctly .
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-14 10:43:52 asciilifeform: both, however, occasionally forced to make 'unprincipled exception', cuz the set of what can be done by deskilled monkey with 'cluck' tool is never 100% .
asciilifeform: 90% sure it was this character.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22alice_m%22 << look at that.
asciilifeform: (granted -- the victims did 99% of the work for him, by packing into ridiculous small space and stampeding )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: afaik chinese to this day fly 100% license-built ru machines (with minor cosmetic modifications)
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: pretty sure it was linked. and imho not entirely surprising -- these folx were still sitting in trees when europe was puzzling over jurisprudence . so naturally they will write 'buggy reimplementation of 80% of lis^H^H^H justinian et al' , just as they 'invent' caesar's cipher etc
asciilifeform: observe, even today's debased piloting, where the man is largely in the cockpit to enter numbers into keypad -- gives , from reich's pov, too much to the man. and hence the ongoing effort to deskill even this profession, mechanize the machine 100% , remove the meat.
asciilifeform: lobbes: not 100% certain yet; will need to test
asciilifeform: 100% current to deployed item .
asciilifeform invites trinque to vpatch ; the posted tree is 100% current and patchable on
snsabot: 3 results for "Ⓐ Ⓩ" in #trilema
snsabot: 5 results for "♥ ♠ ♦ ♣" in #trilema
snsabot: 3 results for "♠ ♣ ♥ ♦" in #trilema
snsabot: 3 results for "⊠ ⊡" in #trilema
snsabot: 2 results for "°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿" in #trilema
asciilifeform: (i.e. #asciilifeform-test bot happily eats 100% of the examples )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: worx same in mine, http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=%F0%9F%9C%B0&chan=trilema
mp_en_viaje: of course, in continuing infuriation, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%F0%9F%9C%B0 also works just fine. ☝︎
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 22:21:36 asciilifeform: btw just as i thought, lobbes's searchtron fails if fed the liquishit in question.
mp_en_viaje: consider for instance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BD and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%92 respectively. %C5%BD urldecodes to Ž and %C5%92 urldecides to Š; meanwhile the indicated wiki pages actually described the items originally inserted, the czech letter ( Latin Z with the addition of caron) and the latin letter (o e ligated).
mp_en_viaje: ("oh but mp, it wasn't TRILEMA that opened the floodgates ; they just opened coincidentally". "really bitch ? and back in 2014, when you were supposed to show me your tits, your optionality was pushing you to nonsense arguments like "bitcoin is doomed" and "[http://trilema.com/2012/the-stockexchange-shareholders-on-welfare/?b=Wait%20until&e=TERRORISM#select][mp is in imminent
mp_en_viaje: get ready for a lot more "over usg objections" once Trilema opened the floodgates
asciilifeform: btw just as i thought, lobbes's searchtron fails if fed the liquishit in question.
mp_en_viaje: and office space for Jodie
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-14 04:22:13 mp_en_viaje: ant to continue : https://internet.com/ ; much like IAC, QuinnStreet is a "S&P 600 Component", you know, with supposed revenue out of those shit "properties" and assorted other self-imagined bullshit. believe.
asciilifeform: presently i suspect that even three dedicated folx, working in shifts, could not reliably 'meat gossipd' 100%
asciilifeform: atm logger is actually eating 100% of asciilifeform .
asciilifeform: but as it is, we have 'memory leak' for operator time -- enemy can trivially occupy 100% of l1 hands for arbitrary time w/ the work of spoon-feeding logs
mp_en_viaje: magically, bv has 44,5% more lines
asciilifeform: these are complete other than the uniturd-containing emissions by lobbesbot. but result is that the numeration has diverged. ( we already discussed q of whether such divergence is 100% preventable in light of fleanode, tho , but inconclusively )
asciilifeform: bot ate 100% of phf's log in testing phase w/out losing lines. but lobbes in fact discovered uniturds that break py's eater. i'ma implement the fix described by phf , but the q will remain re what, if anyffin, to do re the in-between.
asciilifeform: here's another somewhat obscure example of the progression. recall in 1990s there were 9000 makers of pocket comps ? the kind could pull out on train and type into. all but 1 such, ended up in thralldom to microshit, and packaged (in rom!) winblowz 'ce', abominable liquishit, but somehow '100% market dominant'. the 1 holdout was a brit outfit, 'psion' . i have 1 here in torture room, it has better responsiveness than most pc ! the re
asciilifeform: both, however, occasionally forced to make 'unprincipled exception', cuz the set of what can be done by deskilled monkey with 'cluck' tool is never 100% .
mp_en_viaje: ant to continue : https://internet.com/ ; much like IAC, QuinnStreet is a "S&P 600 Component", you know, with supposed revenue out of those shit "properties" and assorted other self-imagined bullshit. believe.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-13 15:10:34 BingoBoingo: Las empresas de consumo masivo aumentan sus precios hasta 15% y el Gobierno evalúa qué hacer con "Precios Esenciales" << Headline across the river
mp_en_viaje: fucktard. who THE FUCK is gonna give them rice for 20 years ? what "50% de nuestro sueldo" ? what the fuck nuestro, no hay nada que es argentino. 100% of everythng, and now.
asciilifeform: may well end up having to rewrite the formatter to use <table> . as in phuctor. there, and nowhere else , wrapping seems to work 100% , on all browser from 'lynx' to 1990s 'netscape'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: considering we're 100% outta unoccupied holes in which to put folx
BingoBoingo: Las empresas de consumo masivo aumentan sus precios hasta 15% y el Gobierno evalúa qué hacer con "Precios Esenciales" << Headline across the river
mp_en_viaje: tbh in your case looks mostly like slow / poorly burstable pipe ; if you look at the waterfal it's mostly grey (receiving), 95% of the 2.x seconds they wait
asciilifeform: ... 100% of the time diff, apparently, in response req time
BingoBoingo: Assorted news landings submitted for the historical record: https://archive.is/WYl3C https://archive.is/FxPWb Some lulz present including "The peso didn't fall, the USD just happened to climb 30% in a day"
snsabot: 3 results for "тунеядство" in #trilema
mp_en_viaje: ~80% by mass people hooking up on irc, iirc.
snsabot: 23 results for "from:alex" in #trilema
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-12 00:02:17 asciilifeform: or hm lobbes , can you elaborate re the internals of your thing ? does it put into wp at some pt , and ~it~ 'smartly' replaced % with ÷ and so on ??
asciilifeform: or hm lobbes , can you elaborate re the internals of your thing ? does it put into wp at some pt , and ~it~ 'smartly' replaced % with ÷ and so on ??
snsabot: Logged on 2019-06-23 17:34:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-23#1919680 << fwiw asciilifeform has not used 'portage' in year+ -- the heathen portage finally 100% broke then. ( 'updated' on the gentooist end, so that no longer agrees to build ~anything~ without 'new profile', and won't install 'new profile' because hard-contravenes asciilifeform's poetteringisms ban list... )
asciilifeform: ( and not, as one might expect, ru, or greek, etc. which 100% swallowed a+++ from phf's logs )
mp_en_viaje: saved 99% of all the sweat. once you get more than .05 hits/s this will matter.
asciilifeform: ( for folx who did not read the genesis -- snsabot is 100% 'naked' sockets , dun include any 'irc libs', so entirely possible that i missed some other fleanode wart ! )
lobbes: not 100% sure yet how this'd go
mp_en_viaje: http://trilema.com/2014/askfm-laid-bare-or-whats-half-a-million-uniques-to-you/ ? http://trilema.com/2017/how-the-beastforumcom-private-messaging-function-became-a-paid-user-only-item/ ? http://trilema.com/2016/the-unhappy-new-years-or-look-at-the-difference-a-decade-makes/?b=the%20sed&e=#select ? nope, nothing ?
asciilifeform: btw the debug knob fix appears to speed up by 50% or so
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-10 22:19:18 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-10#1927238 << the back/fwd links a la phf ? defo will go in (i'm aiming for 100% feature parity) but some time after the raw-export and similar knobs aimed to make redundant-backup installs easier
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-10#1927273 << i'ma let lobbes fix so actually eats 100%. lobbes if you get stuck lemme know
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-10#1927238 << the back/fwd links a la phf ? defo will go in (i'm aiming for 100% feature parity) but some time after the raw-export and similar knobs aimed to make redundant-backup installs easier
asciilifeform: there's an infamous legend from '80s from some comp center where a vt100 was found to be mysteriously defective, no one could log in. electricals found to be 100% proper, no one could say why. until someone noticed that the table it sat on was too low, and folx ended up ~looking at keys~ instead of keying 'blind'. and 2 letters were swapped...
asciilifeform: consider why 'spin' was at one pt considered 100% fatal
snsabot: 1 results for "http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd.html" in #trilema
mircea_popescu: (great story re fabrication, too. item is 80%+ titanium, can't be washed in tap water, can't be touched with cadmium-plated tools, its story is totally worth reading from an 'achievement of human mechanical engineering' perspective.)
mircea_popescu: in simple words, the F35 failure is bringing about a winter the likes of which was never seen ; previous achievement of lisp monkeys nowhere within 1%
asciilifeform once saw a rare photoreportage of ru army hq and on what gear runs. 100% telex, made in ddr. )
asciilifeform: problem isn't 'no way to expose', they're perfectly exposed, e.g. 'M' uses 100% raw syscalls for all i/o . problem is the fundamentally ill-conceived abstraction, where you don't ~only~ have the stream, but also a barely-known and large set of possible out-of-band eggog conditions
bvt: true, but i don't find '80% of cl argument' too convincing; if want comfort, sure, use cl/python; want hard memory limits and gcc performance, can use ada, it won't be fundamentally dirtier (due to tcp and db stuff), just more boilerplate code
asciilifeform: ftr 95% of asciilifeform's sweat to make snsabot + logotron , went into debugging regexpolade.
bvt: i would actually expect that pg protocol does not use 0terminated strings. re 80% of CL -- inside of it's implementation you'd find same shit. dunno how it would be different from using heathen libs
asciilifeform: nao if you throw out pg and sqlism, and make mmap-based db from 0... then possibly. but again goes back to '80% reimplementation of commonlisp' territory.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-09 12:37:27 asciilifeform: i strongly suspect that 'logtron in ada' would inescapably contain the proverbial 'buggy 80% reimplementation of common lisp'(tm)
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09#1926775 << while would still like znc-eating & similar to close gaps, must note that phf's bot has the closest to 100% time coverage of afaik any. so defo will make use of.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09#1926776 << i can't speak for erryone, but, in case wasn't clear, asciilifeform spends HOUR+ (and sometimes several h) erry single day of the week reading coad at btcbase/patches ! it is quite essential tool , fully 20-30% boost of brain to asciilifeform . that being said, would be imho a++ if you found how to make it eat patches/sigs through a www-based hopper, like jurov's earlier it
asciilifeform: i strongly suspect that 'logtron in ada' would inescapably contain the proverbial 'buggy 80% reimplementation of common lisp'(tm)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-09 03:26:35 mp_en_viaje: you know alf, !q seen is just http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=f%3Aben_vulpes&chan=trilema
mircea_popescu: the obnoxious part is that tarantino didn't get 50% of sopranos income ; nor lynch of xfiles. though THEY WERE OWED
snsabot: 1000 results for "f:ben" in #trilema
mp_en_viaje: you know alf, !q seen is just http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log-search?q=f%3Aben_vulpes&chan=trilema
snsabot: 1000 results for "f:ifeform f:escu trb" in #trilema
snsabot: 84 results for "too short" in #trilema
a111: Logged on 2019-08-01 12:41 lobbes: mp_en_viaje: re: lobbesbot. The heathen VPS it is hosted on is migrating their servers. Hopefully will be back online in 24 hours (I didn't want 100% of my stuff on Pizarro; potential central point of failure and all)
asciilifeform: ( as it is, 99% of threads are served by the older snapshot, cuz they concern very basic mechanisms -- but the line #s are liable to be off )
asciilifeform: dorion: you will have to show your local modification if you want to be 100% certain wtf yer node is doing. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: imho described upstack 100% covers it. ☝︎
asciilifeform: shrysr: mp_en_viaje's orig item worx 100% errywhere (that i've tried)
asciilifeform: tcp was a 'gift' of profound retardation that 'keeps on giving', even to moar obvious extent than e.g. unix. it is single-handedly responsible for ~100% of the backbreaking complexicrud of apache, ssh, ftp, etc
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: re: lobbesbot. The heathen VPS it is hosted on is migrating their servers. Hopefully will be back online in 24 hours (I didn't want 100% of my stuff on Pizarro; potential central point of failure and all) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-31 08:15 mp_en_viaje: fwiw, i've been re-reading the symbolics discussion, still just as fucking stumped on http://trilema.com/2018/the-symbolics-discussion/?b=now,%20why&e=they.#select as ever. a year passing has brought me no clarity.
mp_en_viaje: the thing with cn-style rocket is that they're 100% defensive mechanism ; this fundamentally changes the rules of the game, reverting the situation (previously, tank, 100% assault mechanism, revolutionized the previous situation, fortification, 100% defensive, etc)
mp_en_viaje: fwiw, i've been re-reading the symbolics discussion, still just as fucking stumped on http://trilema.com/2018/the-symbolics-discussion/?b=now,%20why&e=they.#select as ever. a year passing has brought me no clarity. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-07-31 00:34 asciilifeform: already (Officially!) ~90% of f35 costs in 'software' (ball of cpp...)
a111: Logged on 2019-07-31 00:24 asciilifeform: imho actually a mistake to think of e.g. f35 as 'product' that 'has a price', as if it were toyota -- what instead is that the parasitic toad at any given time demands x %% of the printolade, and produces/pretends to produce certain # of golden toilets, and x / # is then 'price'
asciilifeform: already (Officially!) ~90% of f35 costs in 'software' (ball of cpp...) ☟︎
asciilifeform: where the latter 'is to be paid 100% of yer money and in return will do as much or as little as feels like'
asciilifeform: imho actually a mistake to think of e.g. f35 as 'product' that 'has a price', as if it were toyota -- what instead is that the parasitic toad at any given time demands x %% of the printolade, and produces/pretends to produce certain # of golden toilets, and x / # is then 'price' ☟︎