600+ entries in 0.041s
mircea_popescu: 1080 px (ie, just enough to MAYBE be able to identify ~something~, say 50% of the time, given you have neither iris nor crystalline, meaning your camera's fixed lens, doesn't adjust for either depth of field or luminance) will produce 1mb per color PER FRAME. if there's 10 frames in the second and 24 hours in the day, why,
BingoBoingo: In other joys of the 4 month transition until the new government comes in March 1st... The outgoing government is declining to do their annual inflation based adjustments to the various rates charged by the state monopolies... after the price of beef at the carnicerías climbed ~70% for "asado de tira" this year. Backdoor welfare as only dollar economies pretending to be their own peso economies can manage.
BingoBoingo: Last I looked into it they brought at a minimum an additional ~GB of RAM consumption and ~2-50% of CPU utilization as a "Don't copy this floppy" deterrent that forces everyone to download the version with that shit cut out.
mircea_popescu: ima try putting the first few in and we see (i hope for eg you do the sed 's%"%\\"%g' | sed 's%*%\*%g' escapings, yes ?)
mircea_popescu: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22error%3A+%27thd_lib_detected%27+undeclared%22&t=ffsb&ia=web << in other lulz.
BingoBoingo: Apartment rents in their neighborhood appear to be ~150% to 175% of similarly situated Montevideo rents, and they opened the conversation with a request for my salary expectations. I appreciated they replied, even with an opportunity other than what I approached them about... but I'd like to avoid the situation where I end up in the wrong job *and* underpaid for taking on the extra risk.
mircea_popescu: what's left is the one remainder in the hands of this yet-another ex-republic (ex, through its failure, conscious even if disavowed, an' in any case vehehehery carefully constructed out of vehehehehery carefully curated [http://trilema.com/2
BingoBoingo: 92.5% of circuits reporting just under 32,000 vote advantage to Luis over fat forehead. Balancing that are 125,876 blank, annuled, or observed votes which have been discarded per anti-vote buying rules.
mircea_popescu: in other wtf, awk does not have a native date increment ; people do insane shit like awk -F"\",\"" '{cmd="date -d \"$(date -d \""$0"\")+10days\" \"+%Y-%m-%d %T\"";cmd | getline datum; close(cmd); print $0 ",\""datum"\""}' test.csv > test-increment-10days.csv
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log-search?q=%F0%9F%98%80&chan=trilema << holy crap, look at that.
mircea_popescu: some kinda http://trilema.com/2011/de-ce-nu-ma-place-beranger-v4/?b=Nu%20reclamele&e=Trilema#select anger, dude keeps running into my ejaculate in his princess or w/e.
mircea_popescu: possibly only ever explicited in http://trilema.com/2012/and-another-one-bites-the-dust-bitmarketeu/?b=This%20is%20how&e=prove%20it#select
mircea_popescu: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Aossasepia.com+aspasia&t=ffsb&ia=web << aand of course, the web search doesn't do anything besides feeding chicken pellets,
mircea_popescu: and meanwhile in cesspool news, every larger turd splashing in there sends all the lesser turds into a tizzy. who knows, maybe it's their time now ?!?!?! THE TURD'S TIME TO SHINE!!!!
hanbot: old women === 99% of "the public"
mircea_popescu: if 1% of 1% of the million can be convinced to be fucking sane, that's already enough people to finish the damn thing already.
mp_en_viaje: no, most posoning ~worldwide~ is currently the result of incidental exposure of rando dorks to organophosphates in the "civilised" world. 5% of the per-capitas accounts for MOST of the occurence.
mp_en_viaje: incidentally, re the organophosphate holocaust, wikipedia is typically logical : "Organophosphate poisoning occurs most commonly as a suicide attempt in farming areas of the developing world and less commonly by accident." ; "OPs are one of the most common causes of poisoning worldwide. There are nearly 3 million poisonings per year resulting in two hundred thousand deaths. Around 15% of people who are poisoned die as a re
mircea_popescu: like one of those sperm-donating cvasi-fish doesn't think you're nearly as important as you think she does. nobody does, because nobody can, because it's NOT POSSIBLE.
lobbes: But still, python-istic at the core (which does comply with your original spec).
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in poilu france, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Adolphe_Willette_-_Madeleine%2C_Monologue_et_9_dessins.jpg/800px-Adolphe_Willette_-_Madeleine%2C_Monologue_et_9_dessins.jpg
mircea_popescu: ive who buries random objects a foot apart in the dirt, fish like corn cobs alike, because that's what he's doing. even if the former returns empty handed and the latter happens to strike a combination that works, nothing changes : one's human and the other not, one's rational and the other's just some flavour of magician.
mats: i played 100% pvp, never had any interest in killing mobs for hours
spyked: in other sunday rss epiphanies, I just figured out why this might not work while reading this. long story short, it's (currently) not a rule that articles are published and displayed in the rss feed in the order of postids. wp lets me publish e.g. ?p=398 a
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-01 15:43:21 mp_en_viaje: also, either your archives are broken ( http://ossasepia.com/2010/10/ << missing 2nd page link on that archive, which in fact has two pages of which one can't be reached, hence why it ends on 11th ?) or else some articles are missing ?
mp_en_viaje: also, either your archives are broken ( http://ossasepia.com/2010/10/ << missing 2nd page link on that archive, which in fact has two pages of which one can't be reached, hence why it ends on 11th ?) or else some articles are missing ?
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile, in pre-trielma diana_coman : http://ossasepia.com/2009/09/30/cum-faci-sa-afli-ceea-ce-inca-nu-%C8%99tii-ca-nu-%C8%99tii/
diana_coman: there seemed to be a bit more to it from jfw's notes http://fixpoint.welshcomputing.com/2019/misadventures-in-mp-wp-setup-the-sad-work-in-progress-post/?b=omfg&e=wysiwyg%20editor#select
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-31 21:35:20 lobbes: and in mp-wp bot updates: I've got the thing pretty much complete at this time. Trackbacks-from-IRC still aren't sending 100% of the time, so I need to fix this first. After that I will be doing final code cleanup, testing, and then vpatch. Still truckin' along
mp_en_viaje: http://trilema.com/2019/the-dazzling-array-of-angles-a-celebration/?b=that%20poet&e=#select works exactly as intended ; we're here making tools to work ~with~ the user, not against the user. which is why i say it's not a bug, merely permitting the user to be stupid if he so chooses is no bug.
mp_en_viaje: and speaking of trilematic prophecy, check the shit out that 2010 article! say http://trilema.com/2010/categorii-sociale/?b=Prima%20solutie&e=evidentei#select paragraph fits the "problem" exactly like a fucking glove, holy hell what.
lobbes: and in mp-wp bot updates: I've got the thing pretty much complete at this time. Trackbacks-from-IRC still aren't sending 100% of the time, so I need to fix this first. After that I will be doing final code cleanup, testing, and then vpatch. Still truckin' along
asciilifeform: ( pet (who ate 100% log) to a: 'so, finally '38, he declared you a враг народа, eh' ; a:'aha. i expect transport crate that fits you will be showing up soon; as you know, mp claims ownership of all gurlz, yer gettin' repossessed' p : 'lol' )
asciilifeform: i fully expect that the folx for whom turd turns to sausage when it is decreed from throne in 100% grammatical latin, will carry on their php rewrites, cpp rewrites, etc. w/out skipping a beat. i have nfi what they even went to 'reflect' about.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in more practical considerations, today's log went from 2k words before you woke up to 4k words currently, while the snr went from 90% to 50% or so. it's not even simply the instant fact that none of your lines contribute on the desirable side -- it's that the whole show's a fucking re-run!
mp_en_viaje: otherwise, since ~literally~ 100% of the crap on the "free" and "open" anglo internet is ~LITERAL~ fucking restatement of the ~~~EXACT FUCKING SAME~~~ five line passage from harvard's 1999 offering of doubleplusgood truth&realities (if you don't count a very carefully expurgated version on "marxists.org" -- lulzily, "dog" appears exactly once ; "vulture" not at
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-30#1948740 << right, the only trooly intentional act is to sit in cafe and smoke cigar made of benjies. whereas to try an' sew some sorta usable purse outta 30 yrs of 'tech market' sow's ear , is what furniture does. ( at least mp_en_viaje is 100% consistent with his greeks, aristotle would sign under this. 'kings -- intention, while work is what livestock does' .)
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-30#1948752 << y'know, it's a 100% published item -- anyone whose hands grow from torso, and not arse, and at very small expense, can make his own fg. ( but do you ~want~ to, what if 'poisoned offering' , and whole idea of 'need trng' is saboteur heresy ? )
asciilifeform: so, it happens that i agree 100% with mp_en_viaje's 'wat-do' -- yes, throw out the poisoned offerings. all of'em. go to stone age circa 2013, remake yer tech stack w/ own steam ( and remember to properly steal the asciilifeform creations you can't actually do without, pick a designated aryan to assign credit. )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:58:32 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-17 14:58:32 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936895 << the four foregoing lines are amusing, because 100% of your emissions re comings and goings of great inca are predictable, always downstream on the basis of "great inca is great".
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 20:49:54 lobbes: mp_en_viaje: re: mp-wp bot's spitting of the files, do you want some automated cleanup of said directory at every Nth file, or fine to just leave them be? Also, are you fine if they are static php files or is html (with teh embedded php) an absolute must?
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: no, in london but the romanian consulate is 200% a piece of romania indeed
BingoBoingo: The Colorados and other minor parties are pledging allegiance to the White Nationalist party in their concesion speeches. Fat Forehead sitting under 40%
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: afaik, anglo 'law' is ~100% this. ( and, as superset, mp's description. )
Bingoboingo: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-25#1948177 << To be clear they wrote their contract in a way that allows then to charge interest specifically LIBOR + 12% on late payment rather than declaring immediate default and suspension of service.
mod6: I'm not 100% positive either, but if feels like that's the right thing.
mp_en_viaje: delegation works on tasks you've mastered, not on tasks you've no fucking idea how to do. there's a great component of "get hired aka apprentice with masters" in tmsr, don't fuck it up with dumb lazy precious cuntlet antics
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 16:28:01 bvt: some thoughts: currently feeder app takes 3% CPU @ ~2.4 kb/s when feeding data into O through HG, because the bottleneck is in FG reading, and lots of overhead seems to be coming from retarded tty interface, which forces reading of individual bytes.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 22:42:23 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947723 << imo 3% is already exaggerate. i'd be thinking more like a half percent, ideally.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 05:20:05 bvt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947746 << meanwhile figured out how to read from tty correctly, the updated number is 1.3%
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 16:28:01 bvt: some thoughts: currently feeder app takes 3% CPU @ ~2.4 kb/s when feeding data into O through HG, because the bottleneck is in FG reading, and lots of overhead seems to be coming from retarded tty interface, which forces reading of individual bytes.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 22:42:23 mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947723 << imo 3% is already exaggerate. i'd be thinking more like a half percent, ideally.
bvt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947746 << meanwhile figured out how to read from tty correctly, the updated number is 1.3%
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 16:28:01 bvt: some thoughts: currently feeder app takes 3% CPU @ ~2.4 kb/s when feeding data into O through HG, because the bottleneck is in FG reading, and lots of overhead seems to be coming from retarded tty interface, which forces reading of individual bytes.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947723 << imo 3% is already exaggerate. i'd be thinking more like a half percent, ideally.
bvt: ftr diana_coman's keccak is 1.7 MB/s on my machine @ 100% CPU utilization.
bvt: some thoughts: currently feeder app takes 3% CPU @ ~2.4 kb/s when feeding data into O through HG, because the bottleneck is in FG reading, and lots of overhead seems to be coming from retarded tty interface, which forces reading of individual bytes.
asciilifeform will begin proper rework of costs draft #2 tonight. prelim. spreadshit however suggests that w/ 45% margin, three leased 'dulaps' already would bring in enuff to upgrade the tower (+20u, 10x pipe, 2x amperage) ~and~ remain in the black...
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: my wp is squarely a 'legacy system', analogous to e.g. 'mpb'. i dun propagandize its use, nor intend to separately genesis it, imho mp has the wp question 100% covered .
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947557 << the idea was that time is amply compensated by the margin. (certainly w/ mp_en_viaje's 45% figure, it will be!)
asciilifeform will write brief nitpick, but most of it 100% agree, and will go into draft 2
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, that's ok, czech speakers 100% able to eat mp. yum!
asciilifeform moar or less 100% able to eat written czech. spoken, diff matter
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i think you know, i had rk provisioning ~100% automated.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lol, maybe 1% of it ( what was left trapped in that chest ? coupla rk ? )
trinque: I'm willing to do that because mp_en_viaje is cool, even though I don't think otherwise said item will have enough throughput for a % to be worthwhile
mp_en_viaje: before had actually half-weight, 70% volume even tinier thing. fit in a trained asshole.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, for me, personally, the ubiquity and accessibility of the item are 99% of its utility. if it were even slightly bulkier i'd prolly opt out of 50% or more of the pics i take.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i dunno that web publishing drinks even 33% of the well of compacts. to go dslr... well... so you get an image 3x as good say, which once scaled for web becomes... same thing.
mp_en_viaje: exactly same, within 1%
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-20 12:28:19 BingoBoingo: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946864 << asciilifeform: Before I delay on this any further, how about 25% of shared revenue to me. You commit implement my account setup recipe as a bash script. You commit to a timeline for producing a mechanical contact churner. You make yourself available to do shared setups when I am not available so I do things like take the occasional weekend off to go to th
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 12:33:34 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you could actually get 100% of the shared hosting revenues -- in exch for colo rate for the req'd machine, if you like. ( asciilifeform still baking the entire thing, as specced by mp_en_viaje , doing a 'measure 7 time, cut 1nce' but no one will be invoiced for anyffin until passes criticism. )
BingoBoingo: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946864 << asciilifeform: Before I delay on this any further, how about 25% of shared revenue to me. You commit implement my account setup recipe as a bash script. You commit to a timeline for producing a mechanical contact churner. You make yourself available to do shared setups when I am not available so I do things like take the occasional weekend off to go to the woods. You produce a
mp_en_viaje: oh, and to spell out that other thing : re http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-20#1947023 your principal gain is that when you go to sit down with laywers later, and you tell them what happened and what you did so far, on that basis your odds of being taken for a rube drop from the usual 80% ot well under 1%
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-20 04:41:30 mp_en_viaje: meanwhile if you aim to simply dissolve back into the background radiation, by all means, latch on to one -- doesn't even matter which, anyways, the workings of the genetics involved are too complicated for whatever analysis you could come up with -- and there you go, [http://trilema.com/2012/cine-se-casatoreste/?b=cine%20se%20casatoreste&e=mici#select][done
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile if you aim to simply dissolve back into the background radiation, by all means, latch on to one -- doesn't even matter which, anyways, the workings of the genetics involved are too complicated for whatever analysis you could come up with -- and there you go, done.
mp_en_viaje: it;s like hiring a plastic surgeon to fill up your tits and promise to pay him a % of all the money you realise sucking cock thenceforth. no prostitute, however slow, is dumb enough for that deal, it takes a male to do something quite as dumb.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946981 << if by contingency basis you mean, lawyer makes his end out of whatever settlement / judgement he manages, this is not what you ever want. i am aware personal injury cases in the us notoriously work in this manner -- but this is because the object of personal injury cases is the same moron that's also the object of the [http://trilema.com/2013/fried-chicken/?b=bail%20bon
asciilifeform: from prev. thread w/ mod6 , i thought ~this~, if nuffin else, is settled matter 100%.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 15:22:33 mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6 not yet spoken, but asciilifeform 100% opposes any further movement of any kinda moneys ~into~ latech from piggy , on any pretext whatsoever. << Yeah, no more money for them.
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-18#1946583 << 100% of the req'd algos & proofs for same, published on asciilifeform's www. trinque in fact could attempt the item with own hands, if he wishes, w/out asking anyone's permission , if he thinks it can be done w/ his avail. resources.
asciilifeform: naturally in this variant, BingoBoingo would be responsible for 100% of the programmatics; asciilifeform -- for physical/electrical maintenance.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: you could actually get 100% of the shared hosting revenues -- in exch for colo rate for the req'd machine, if you like. ( asciilifeform still baking the entire thing, as specced by mp_en_viaje , doing a 'measure 7 time, cut 1nce' but no one will be invoiced for anyffin until passes criticism. )
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 05:02:46 mp_en_viaje: do you realise all the dumb cunts "working in the court" "having a career in law" etc would be at home confronting the suck cock or die starving dilemma, if it wasn't for your gullibility, buying into the socialist fiction enough to pay them what they ask for them to [http://trilema.com/2010/aventurile-zilei/?b=Si-am%20a
mp_en_viaje: belief, rite. for as long as you believe...
mp_en_viaje: do you realise all the dumb cunts "working in the court" "having a career in law" etc would be at home confronting the suck cock or die starving dilemma, if it wasn't for your gullibility, buying into the socialist fiction enough to pay them what they ask for them to [http://trilema.com/2010/aventurile-zilei/?b=Si-am%20ajuns&e=revoluti
mp_en_viaje: trinque, factually, everyone bankrupts himself for honor. consider this thoroughly if you will. someone just posted what turns out to be zuckerberg's ugly gf on trilema ; they "pledge to donate 99% of facebook" bla bla. why ?
mp_en_viaje: trinque, tbh, i started this discussion from the grass roots, "of my so many past txn, X% went through my friend trinque and Y% through rando retards ; why should Y >> X ?!?!?!"
mp_en_viaje: in practical terms -- i can use deedbot just fine for in-l payments ; but it is currently not usable for out-of-l payments because of the delay. 99% of those payments are tiny, why leave it on the table.
mp_en_viaje: for that matter, for all i know $1k worth of ecc now will be worth 50% more than that 1k worth of non-ecc in two years, whatever.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i'm not hell bent on saving the % either ; just making the general point.
mp_en_viaje: it's all a numbers game ; and numbers don't lie.
mp_en_viaje: running a business is all about doing math. "am i willin gto pay 1.5% more for a box to reduce losses by one in five million ?"
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: 100 is a rounded-off output of complicated arithmetic similar to ^ including cost of cage, % of max amperage eaten by $box at peak load, cost of ip, amortization of iron. i'ma post for criticism after tea.
mp_en_viaje: a car will take 4 wheels 10 bucks each + 1 chasis 80 bux + 9 windows 2.20 + 1 engine 115 and our margin 20% comes to (4*10+1*80+9 *2.20+1*115)*1.2 = 305.76
mp_en_viaje: 2+3 produce 4 : to make 50k / year at 20%, one must generate 20k/month in sales
mp_en_viaje: 2. X being a commercial enterprise, will have a very clearly specified margin. "we charge 20%".
mp_en_viaje: the problem of pizarro was, 100%, your joint an' several failure to build it a customer base.
asciilifeform: fanless, 2-core 'amd g-series' box , vendor publishes 100% electric schematic . runs 100% blobless.