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phf: mostly amusing, at the local coworking i've probably seen all the stereotypes in flesh. girls with social sciences ph.d. doing research projects, guys pushing feminist rhetoric in every conversation, black transgender talking about white oppression, all manner of "you can do anything" mentality. it's like irl
tumblr out there
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tumblr assbot: Logged on 27-08-2015 20:35:43; mircea_popescu:
http://40.media.tumblr.com/njE9Bw4rvg8ruhzlh5Q7AHg9o1_1280.jpg << all sorts of interesting assumptions in there, such as "the toiletries don't matter because we don't like to think about them, being puritans" ; or "even plants need multiple times their mass in nutrients over extended periods, but you'll fit your stuff in ONE cupboard alright". this all doiesn't much interest me, because while obvious
http://40.media.tumblr.com/njE9Bw4rvg8ruhzlh5Q7AHg9o1_1280.jpg << all sorts of interesting assumptions in there, such as "the toiletries don't matter because we don't like to think about them, being puritans" ; or "even plants need multiple times their mass in nutrients over extended periods, but you'll fit your stuff in ONE cupboard alright". this all doiesn't much interest me, because while obvious to anyone thinking