1053 entries in 0.682s
Chaang-Noi: i do think badbear is a dick.. i never liked him:/
dub: unless dick has already started on his escape plan (protip: he hasn't because he's spending all his money making war) then your end game fails
dub: dick flies away in his magic rocket to another place and starts over?
smickles: what's this fun with dick and jane? /me scrolls log
dub: no, dick is giving her a poison chalice
mircea_popescu: dick is giving her a crumb in exchange for her scratching his back.
mircea_popescu: this is false. dick is a pretty cool guy. jane is a worthless pos.
dub: what happens when jane dies and dick has to look after his own shit
mircea_popescu: the assumption underlying your evaluation is that dick = jane
dub: by poisoning her and rendering her environment unproductive at best, probably uninhabitable by dick's standards
mircea_popescu: it's not dick's job to ensure jane "catches up"
Diablo-D3: <Romeny> Take my dick out of your mouth before you try to speak.
jurov: anyway, i guess biggest dick around is..er... has mircea
smickles: the space between dick and and, and and and harry is too small
tonikt: you appologized for being a dick to me in a past
thestringpuller: offer them a share of mah dick
mircea_popescu: course seeing how with old age i tend to do chicks in the ass more than in the cunt, i guess i could call my dick turdlord.
thestringpuller: Nefario is a dick.
pigeons: yep, no dick clark to ring in 2013
dub: someon quote rg sucking his dick an hour ago
Bugpowder: looks cool though! I don't have the desire to get my dick chopped off trading forex again though.
rg: hes a dick
Bastone: If you would like another dick riding troll following you around, keep up what you've been up to the last 12 hours.
PsychoticBoy: Could everyone take his: He you got a small dick! Talk elsewhere
PsychoticBoy: dicks fuck pussies and assholes and if the dicks didnt fuck the assholes, youll get your dick and your pussy all covert in shit
Diablo-D3: no, I know exactly how long my dick is, your mother has a habit of measuring dicks in her quest for the world's largest cock.
PsychoticBoy: usagi, probably you think I am a dick, a respond would be nice ;)
Bane_Capital: I justify this through god, morality, ethics, my dick, etc.
Diablo-D3: my dick has a hardness number of 10.
midnightmagic: mircea_popescu: AS A SHAREHOLDER. Not as a customer buying their devices. In other words, they're cannibalizing their future earnings selling devices by doing the dick move of mining for themselves.
midnightmagic: I'd also like to point out that I'm one of the very few people who doesn't think you tried to do something naughty with usagi and that nefario freezing your shares was a dick move.
mircea_popescu: if idiots like mathew wright can dick around there so can idiots like you.
rg: MPEX is being a dick to me
Bugpowder: maybe I'll flatten my dick
kakobrekla: flat dick, could be an asset.
mircea_popescu: = "dick about" ?
mircea_popescu: in every office a couple guys do all the work, the rest just dick about.
Diablo-D3: hey, having a giant dick isnt all fun and games here
PsychoticBoy: D don`t want to be a DICK but you don`t ansqwer decent either so wy would eskimobob?.
mircea_popescu: i doubt therer's anyone with 10mn to dick around with.
Diablo-D3: I wonder if a chick has ever said "dick licking good"
mircea_popescu: no cause my dick is bigger than yours.
Diablo-D3: its a fucking dick size contest between you and nefario, and NO ONE ELSE CARES
copumpkin: Diablo-D3 wants his dick sucked again
Diablo-D3: and when its not a dick, its an alien tentacle that lives in a symbiotic relationship
Diablo-D3: I mean, look at japan, every chick over there has a dick
EskimoBob: so, go and fuck yourself if you can find your dick :)
rg: that guy is a dick
mircea_popescu: copumpkin "repeatedly stab your tiny asian dick into my waiting anus" ?
dub: Speaking of that, Zhou please repeatedly stab your tiny asian dick into my waiting anus
usagi: "I have no doubt that John Ciuciu citizen, working man without a dick presented identity documents found on the internet and other hard evidence, clear and indisputable fact that investors will realize the benefits Ciuciu and receive money back from Ciuciu."
nefario: with a dick in your mouth
dub: since I know this isn't the case we can surmise that he is high on dick