27 entries in 0.791s

mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, holy shit "red 2" is a crappy movie. what the fuck were these people even smoking, you wanna talk of deplorables, this set of singer-songwriter
america hanger ons is the stiffest contender. who the fuck is dean parisot even, wtf.
mircea_popescu: and everyone's supposed to not notice the miami worship /
vhs america theme ? what are they gonna do fi they win, build a time machine and go eat with reagan, the last time the us mattered ?
mp_en_viaje: finally getting off your own
vhs america hardon ?
mp_en_viaje: belarus has such a
vhs america hardon like YOU COULD NOT BELIEVE
a111: Logged on 2019-03-17 17:01 mircea_popescu: anyway, BingoBoingo 's theory can also be constructed into a third possible explanation :
VHS america for a new generation, "they're so loose there, so '''freee''', sons even fuck their mothers!!!" thinks 19yo
chowdry rasmadumberthanrockes while wanking it in glee.
mircea_popescu: anyway, BingoBoingo 's theory can also be constructed into a third possible explanation :
VHS america for a new generation, "they're so loose there, so '''freee''', sons even fuck their mothers!!!" thinks 19yo
chowdry rasmadumberthanrockes while wanking it in glee.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: in other obscura : meanwhile i located the clou of the issue. in april 1960, at cluj, gh gh dej stated the party recognizes the right of writers to express themselves "în limbajul epocii noastre" ("in the language of our times"). WHOLE fucking dispute is EXACTLY over whether the ro pantsuits get to the-dreamers or don't get to the-dreamers ; and protestations of unawareness and "
vhs america" are suddewnly extrehehehehemely w
vhs america might be ridoinculous enough, in its evanescent existence in the mind of a very selected few (principally, sovblok immigrants) ; but "cultural marxism"
america is holy shit hysterical.
mircea_popescu: point remains -- stores in
vhs america hold "anything you could possibly want". that is the exact statement ; and it is a fundamental requirement. no longe satisfied -- no longer to the camelfuckers go native in your newyorklondonzurich
mircea_popescu: sure. yet, for illustration : suppose camelfucker (as esltard imagines it) were sent to bomb
america (as orc imagines it). the result ? after weeks of silence, "hey man, why do you want to harm these ppl, they're cool. i put in my greencard application and found a local gf, don't call her a whore she just likes to give head in bathrooms, it's all good"
mircea_popescu: in the end it might turn out that
america aborted itself because it listened to a bunch of mediocre women that just wanted an easy time teaching highschool ; but couldn't come out with it because puritan perversion.
mircea_popescu: all these kids born after the world went to shit. "
vhs america" indeed.
mircea_popescu: then again, sept 11 marked the end of
america. the remainder usg-sadness is not even at the level of hruschev's "reformed cccp"
mircea_popescu: so basically, in that example, people defecterd from
america, through creating "tough on terrorism" pantsuiterica. but then ALSO defected from that, because really.
mircea_popescu: phf that argentina is essentially a scam. it never existed ; much like
vhs america never existed.
mircea_popescu: understand, up until that point he was periodically raided and the charges hung the jury / got dismissed. i use the 2005 govt raid / 2007 indictment to date the end of the
vhs america in the practical sense - it went from larry flynt being the hero to paul little being the heel.