28 entries in 0.644s
mircea_popescu: any attempt to reconstruct this argument (yeah, but the tea -- coca leaves!!!) dies the same death, ultimately. "this nonsense could only be interesting to morons" "that's ok, we here in gringostan proud country of morons" "and how do you expect to survive on any sort of time horizon ?" "WE SPREAD AGITPROP RE BENEFITS OF STUPIDITY ALL OVER GLOBE!!! WORK PAYS LATER, LAZY PAYS NOW!!!"
phf: sup, was trying to figure out who you are by reading tea leaves
mircea_popescu: (all kidding aside, can and has bought dried coca leaves in a box. looks just like ordinary tea. five bux."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1779434 << i sent gabriel laddel some coca leaves tea, we see. ☝︎
asciilifeform: what ~did~ he use for his analysis ? tea leaves? sheep entrails ?
phf: cept there's no concrete knowledge of fish, or behaviors, it's all reading tea leaves
phf: solrodar: you're reading tea leaves
assbot: Logged on 17-02-2016 13:35:48; PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-02-2016#1407557 << What is this lithium ion cell business? Real men just throw a hunk of lithium into their water with tea leaves.
assbot: Logged on 16-02-2016 21:57:41; BingoBoingo: What is this samovar business. Real men Just throw lithium ion cells into their water with the tea leaves and a dash of salt.
PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-02-2016#1407557 << What is this lithium ion cell business? Real men just throw a hunk of lithium into their water with tea leaves. ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: What is this samovar business. Real men Just throw lithium ion cells into their water with the tea leaves and a dash of salt. ☟︎
thickasthieves: tea leaves say small chance of bubble
bounce: oh the wisdom thrown away the world over, drinking tea but not reading the leaves.
mike_c: you shouldn't sell it anyway. tea leaves are all pointing up.
assbot: 12 results for 'tea leaves' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tea+leaves
RagnarDanneskjol: !s tea leaves
thickasthieves: but ive charted this thing inside and out and it's just a probable thing according to my tea leaves
peterl: my tea leaves are saying RALLY!!!
Duffer1: we took some lcd and stared at tea leaves for 10 hours straight.. ALIBABA!
ThickAsThieves: <+mike_c> tea leaves came up empty /// i guess i was probly only paying attention to price at the time, maybe that was the .5 zone, shortly after my comments it totally decoupled
mike_c: tea leaves came up empty
mike_c: your tea leaves think it will keep sinking?
mike_c: idk, i don't like those tea leaves. but if you believe it you should get some odds. http://bitbet.us/bet/1029/
ThickAsThieves: me, i read tea leaves mostly
mike_c: fibonacci your tea leaves
mircea_popescu: * chetty thinks MP has been reading tea leaves again// << the funny thingbeing... i don't even drink that much tea :D
chetty thinks MP has been reading tea leaves again// "- I suppose you’ve never learned of the law that protects people’s rights and propety…"
mod6: Check this out: During the American Revolution, wintergreen leaves were used as a substitute for tea, which was scarce.