24 entries in 1.194s

mod6: <+BingoBoingo> To the Republic I pose New Header for the gray lady with the
rabbit hat. "Qntra - [Fill-this-blank] Of The Most Serene Republic" << Chronicle ?
BingoBoingo: To the Republic I pose New Header for the gray lady with the
rabbit hat. "Qntra - [Fill-this-blank] Of The Most Serene Republic"
felipelalli: I mean,
rabbit out of this
hat or not? This type of service is lost case?
ben_vulpes: * asciilifeform [] has never worn or so much as touched a
hat made from a rarer animal than
rabbit << i cap out at elk
mircea_popescu: all they need now is the
rabbit out of a
hat and they'll survive.
jcpham: if coinlab doesn't pull a
rabbit out of their
hat, i predict they are over
Ukto: lol, to be expeted with the
rabbit he pulled out of the
hat :P