24 entries in 2.649s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'can only pull rabbit from hat if rabbit is in fact in the hat'(tm)
a111: 21 results for "rabbit hat", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rabbit%20hat
asciilifeform: !#s rabbit hat
asciilifeform: '1998 google worked' but strictly because a) noise was moderate and relatively easy to filter b) signal was actually there. 'master magician can pull rabit out of hat, but only if the rabbit is in fact inside the hat' .
asciilifeform: 'best magician cannot pull rabbit from hat unless there is actually a rabit in the hat' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: sad to hear re qatar. 'even the best magician cannot pull rabbit from hat unless the rabbit is actually in the hat' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: 'world's greatest magician cannot pull a rabbit out of a hat unless the rabbit is actually in the hat' or how did it go.
asciilifeform: 'to pull rabbit from a hat, he must be actually in the hat'
asciilifeform: well normally it works like stage magic, 'looksee, we broke! rabbit from hat' 'oh noe we didn't put the rabbit in beforehand'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if the rabbit cannot be pulled out of the hat, perhaps there is no rabbit in the hat ?
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> To the Republic I pose New Header for the gray lady with the rabbit hat. "Qntra - [Fill-this-blank] Of The Most Serene Republic" << Chronicle ?
BingoBoingo: To the Republic I pose New Header for the gray lady with the rabbit hat. "Qntra - [Fill-this-blank] Of The Most Serene Republic"
asciilifeform: somehow i knew that mircea_popescu could not resist pulling such rabbit out of his hat.
felipelalli: I mean, rabbit out of this hat or not? This type of service is lost case?
ben_vulpes: * asciilifeform [] has never worn or so much as touched a hat made from a rarer animal than rabbit << i cap out at elk
asciilifeform has never worn or so much as touched a hat made from a rarer animal than rabbit
asciilifeform: that'd be interesting. if someone, pulls, like rabbit out of hat, a 'cure' that resembles the aids one
asciilifeform: ('rabbit can be pulled out of hat only to the extent said rabbit is actually in the hat.'
asciilifeform: all the money in the world won't conjure into existence 'the rabbit out of a hat, unless said rabbit is already in the hat'
asciilifeform: if the rabbit is in the hat, you can pull it out of the hat.
asciilifeform: "The world's best magician cannot pull a rabbit out of a hat unless he is already in the hat."
mircea_popescu: all they need now is the rabbit out of a hat and they'll survive.
jcpham: if coinlab doesn't pull a rabbit out of their hat, i predict they are over
Ukto: lol, to be expeted with the rabbit he pulled out of the hat :P