35 entries in 0.615s
mp_en_viaje: it was genuine craze, like "greenhouse gases" or "berlin wall" or what have you
mircea_popescu: tl;dr : guy is practically a gremlin, dedicated and ~meaningfully so~ industrialist, married to a credible "woman's job" a la francaise. they end up quarreling domestically when he destroys her greenhouse to extend his factory ; she runs for mayor against him (he used to own unopposed). his platform is "en premier place, le plein emploi ; en seconde, le plein emploi ; e finalment : LE PLEN EMPLOI!"
asciilifeform: << www.utiliworx.co.za . 'A variety of market based instruments are currently being traded in the world and these can broadly be categorised as brown, white and green certificates. Brown certificates deals with greenhouse gas emissions like SO2, CO2 etc. and trading in these instruments are also referred to as Emissions Trading. A cap-and-trade regime is generally used to limit the amount of pollutants into th
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: Don't think I'll have time being a part-time farmer. Trying to figure out a way to grow seasonal foods indoors without true greenhouse but not 100% artificial light. Quite a pickle.
pete_dushenski: speaking of spandrel (but not spandrell), i was just reading about the different types of spandrel glass. turns out there are more than a few ways to hide the slab end, mechanical, and electrical systems using an opaque curtain wall insert. the glass on these opaque sections is usually tempered because they get so hot with waste heat and greenhouse effect that they could crack from thermal shock. also, vo
mod6: ah, like a little greenhouse ?
BingoBoingo: What about where you put the plants from big greenhouse?
BingoBoingo: mod6: You don't do seeds? You let big greenhouse start your plants? :(
mircea_popescu: and fwiw, i doubt anyone has the money, or had, in the past century. we're talking 50bn turkey dollars here. gates can, at most, make a foundation to greenhouse little hussein bahamas out in africa.
mircea_popescu: jesus it's like a greenhouse over here.
asciilifeform: 'They said it would be unrealistic to close more than 20 of 58 reactors now in operation in the next 10 years. The legislation also includes a target of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030, compared to the level in 1990. The new law aims to eventually halve France's energy consumption by 2050 from the 2012 level.'
assbot: Greenhouse gas benchmark reached ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jsz9lr )
decimation: http://research.noaa.gov/News/NewsArchive/LatestNews/TabId/684/ArtMID/1768/ArticleID/11153/Greenhouse-gas-benchmark-reached-.aspx < great news, aerial fertilizer rates are up!
trinque: man, I just wanna end up unknown somewhere with a greenhouse
adlai: the state of "digital signatures" in the fiat world is quite sad... if anybody wants a sad laugh, https://boards.greenhouse.io/hellosign/jobs/5726
cazalla: punkman, from what i've read, greenhouse seeds posers ripped the mothers off nev and mr nice
dub: yeah, dem greenhouse gases
asciilifeform: reminds me of... 'The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.' (Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation)
mircea_popescu: <undata> if I had a few mil, I'd try to build a greenhouse on a barge << barge powered by ethanol, lemme guess ?
undata: if I had a few mil, I'd try to build a greenhouse on a barge
undata: 2058, undata retires to L5 to tend his greenhouse
undata: I know people with a greenhouse and a field that eat *very* well, better than I do.
asciilifeform inherited the little book from a job as student, where he had approximately the same relationship to ion engines as a farting cow has to the 'greenhouse effect'
nubbins`: http://www.vice.com/read/greenhouse-app-hannah-ewens-nick-rubin-201?utm_source=vicefbus
assbot: 4 results for 'greenhouse' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=greenhouse
nubbins`: !s greenhouse
KRS1: make sure to have a greenhouse and recycle your water
Duffer1: just not the greenhouse effect?
mircea_popescu: the second is the misrepresentation of high atmosphere chemistry processes, to have the so called "greenhouse gases" cause imaginary problems to imaginary essential things (the ozone layer).
mircea_popescu: "997 was Media-saturated with El Niño spin - the largest El Niño event in recorded history and a non-negotiable consequence of the Greenhouse Effect! California was to be washed away under unceasing deluge as the Earth burned! The whole thing summed to one rainstorm and some backpedaling."
Bicknellski: particularly greenhouse
Bicknellski: http://vric.ucdavis.edu/pdf/greenhouse_vegproduction.pdf
Bicknellski: doesn't take much to screw up a greenhouse
Bowjob: greenhouse no 13, dont go there
Bugpowder: greenhouse gases