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mp_en_viaje: so
you don't like lexis texas... fine, take her out.
you wanna put
eleni mitzali there instead ? fine, copy/paste it in, or instead. or change the order, or whatever the
fuck. it's your fucking file. what the
you'll look up "foutez" and "camp" and decide what, "
fuck me the field" is a french idiom ?
mircea_popescu: yet one in three or four or whatever's still way the
fuck more than absolute zero, which is what
you'll get out of "hey, [name i picked out of the hat], do [thing i picked out of the hat]".
mp_en_viaje: fucking inane bullshit,
you've decided to see what action actionbot can bring ? who the
fuck are
you ? go measure the thickness of walls somewhere already, there's 0 the
fuck need for YET ANOTHER pompous asshole to do me the very great service of counting my balls.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman, what the
fuck, so im gonna make my own boot atelier, produce locally everything, clothes made in the house, have my own pizza oven... do
you realise this is EXACTLY what created the "Dark" ages, all the lords retired to their latifundiae and made everything there on slave labour ?
mircea_popescu: but in general, if
you can't be arsed to read my blog,
you're cordially invited to get the
fuck lost and in no case pretend like
you're using my patches.
mircea_popescu: this imaginary self-situation in the seat of god where lo and behold
you'll somehow see all patches... what the
fuck do
you think this is, the github flatlands ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 23:51:58 mircea_popescu: so
you know, as far as the life prospects, the future evolution, however
you will name the sum-total potential of a person's existence, understanding how to command line is more important than meeting their father. it'll certaily do a lot for them, and it certainly CAN do way the
fuck more for them.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-28 06:18:27 mircea_popescu: there's also the argument that the compiler's the arbiter of code, and if ~it~ doesn't complain then
fuck you. but in any case i really am not advanced enough to have the impression i have something to say on that matter.
mircea_popescu: there's also the argument that the compiler's the arbiter of code, and if ~it~ doesn't complain then
fuck you. but in any case i really am not advanced enough to have the impression i have something to say on that matter.
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-27 13:02:26 mircea_popescu: why the
fuck are
you so dedicated anyway ? wrong place, ditch the heathens at the FIRST sign of trouble.
mircea_popescu: why the
fuck are
you so dedicated anyway ? wrong place, ditch the heathens at the FIRST sign of trouble.
mircea_popescu: could be interesting for a lol. if
you're using it for your basis
you're way the
fuck outta here.
mircea_popescu: this procedure whereby
you'll do whatever the
fuck it is
you feel like doing anyway, and expect the republic to feed and clothe
you didn't work for alf, nor will it work for
you. cuz it's pure hallucinatoria, it ain't how anything works
mircea_popescu: leaving aside what
you say, which is as fine as any sayings ever were i'm sure, who
you are (on the basis that is ever determined -- which is, WHAT
YOU DO) is this dude who's lazily hitched his cart to what he perceives to be a moving beast of burden, and whatever, if we take it somewhere fine, and if not, i dunno... nobody could accuse
you of being a lazy ineffectual
fuck ?
mircea_popescu: so
you know, as far as the life prospects, the future evolution, however
you will name the sum-total potential of a person's existence, understanding how to command line is more important than meeting their father. it'll certaily do a lot for them, and it certainly CAN do way the
fuck more for them.
mircea_popescu: physical presence also limits me wrt to the sluts i can
fuck, both in regards to variety (for instance, the typical redditard chronical masturbator "has sex" with a much greater variety of women that never heard of him) and in regards to whatever the
fuck i can catch from them. like say the common cold, the fewer actual women
you physically meet, the less variety of colds
you'll get. obviously the subway is RIGHT OUT!!!
mircea_popescu: but it's a fact : stop trying to put yourself in the way, it will not stop anything and it will
fuck you iup.
mircea_popescu: hanbot, why the
fuck didn't
you write it out ? i remember reading SOMETHING.
diana_coman: if
you are asking "what is this item worth to *
you*", well, not much; the
fuck do I do with this sukhoi.
mircea_popescu: in short, we might be one or two "cultural aspects" away from anything like a useful or usable version of common lisp. now go
fuck some teenie boppers on cam ; and when
you're done have them eat your ass. ON CAM. and then maybe we lisp together, later.
diana_coman: so dunno, maybe I don't fully get what
you have in mind re "
fuck ints"?
mp_en_viaje: now don't fucking tell me
you didn't understand this is both a) how human society advances and b) what the
fuck we even do here.
mp_en_viaje: and otherwise, i'm not going to go through the rest of this drunken braying. start over, and start over like
you know what the
fuck you're doing.
mp_en_viaje: what's more, this has played out quite a few times to date, it either dies from inconsequence ("and so who the
fuck are
you and him anyways ?"), is resolved through some kinda mediation ("how about instead of fucking each other
you do x and live ?") or else "
you/him is a complete fuckwad, get the
fuck lost, i can't even believe
you can have this problem."
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-04 15:51:48 mp_en_viaje: now, more's the point, what the
fuck are
you planning to do such that
you think
you should be negrated for it, and why the
fuck would
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, holy shit "red 2" is a crappy movie. what the
fuck were these people even smoking,
you wanna talk of deplorables, this set of singer-songwriter vhs-america hanger ons is the stiffest contender. who the
fuck is dean parisot even, wtf.
mp_en_viaje: the first imperative of management is "don't get in people's way". like the doctor's "firstly, don't harm", exactly. fail everything else but hold that up,
you'll be a fine manager ;
fuck that up nothing else
you do can bring
you above water.
mp_en_viaje: maybe the dude asks
you a question. then
you answer it. that's what
you do.
you don't go chasing about the street with pre-answers to questions nobody's asked yet ; if the guy asks whether he's qualified he probably isn't, which is not the end of the world,
you're not qualified either. what the
fuck qualification exam did i pass, per accidens & pro tempore's not a collegiate degree. this isn't homogenochina we're trying to reproduce here,
mp_en_viaje: do
you tell him to get a job ? do less drugs ? find some real shoes ? sure, why not. does that amount to "oh and also
you're not qualified to help" ? why the
fuck should
you care enough to get yourself in people's way ? let them be, it's their life. he'll write it or not, defend it or not, it'll get accepted or not, used or not, which part of this is your problem ?
mp_en_viaje: does being an alien disqualify one from contributing ? "but mp, what are the odds an alien shows up" dude, how the
fuck do i know ? how the
fuck do
you know ? why take the wrong sort of position on
uncappable outcome ? are we protecting something here ? what is it ?
mp_en_viaje: but it's massively overwhelming,
you don't know what the
fuck it even is or is supposed to be in plenty of angles ; so
you yelp an' try to find some footing, and some purchase. which is cute.
ossabot: Logged on 2017-12-02 17:16:42 mircea_popescu: but otherwise -- everything's sough.
you got tits ? make money.
you can code ? make money.
you can draw ? make money.
you "got relations" / can pr/whatever the
fuck you got ? MAKE MONEY!
mp_en_viaje: yes, but nobody knows what the
fuck you're either thinking or doing, because
you don't express yourself neither consistently nor well. so we're stuck guessing. i'm trying to do as good a job of it as possible, but god fucking help me it's my least favourite activity.
mp_en_viaje: paintsuit world is as fine a hobby as any other hobby, and what the
fuck's wrong with having hobbies now. but if
you stop distinguishing between vocation and avocation, if the hobby takes over activity as a sort of parasite, it's not ME "declaring"
you an otaku. i'm like the coroner in that sad context, nobody died because the coroner pronounced them dead. at the time the coroner showed up, the deed was long done.
mircea_popescu: i dunno this has anything to do with computers per se, or in other words even if
you decide
you want to write, or make pottery, or run an isp or whatever the
fuck else,
you'll just meet the same bugaboos in different skirts.
BingoBoingo: The problem probably predates writing. "Farm so I can get fat", "
Fuck you we're moving along and following the mammoths, I'm not going to live off of your damned dry seed paste"
mircea_popescu: the cameras everywhere are there for stupid old women to shut the
fuck up already, they don't really do so much -- in the rare instances they actually have film. which -- it's fuckingexpensive, the camera revolution happened just as the ssds came in. do the math if
you will :
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-15 16:20:21 mircea_popescu: somehow the imaginary "right" of retards to tell
you how
you should
fuck their daughter was struck, but supposedly the imaginary "right" of retards to "border" remains ? what the
fuck, it's like going about in tudor style gedups, beyond ridiculous anachronism.
mircea_popescu: somehow the imaginary "right" of retards to tell
you how
you should
fuck their daughter was struck, but supposedly the imaginary "right" of retards to "border" remains ? what the
fuck, it's like going about in tudor style gedups, beyond ridiculous anachronism.
trinque: the cuntoo bootstrapper I produced was misery in that it either produced a booting drive, or
fuck you peasant, learn moar.
mp_en_viaje: not a very good one, for instance can't easily turn
fuck you, world. into
fuck you, world! -- but still, it's a FULL script
mp_en_viaje: nfi what that means. echo "echo '
fuck you, world.'" > script.sh produces a script
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Its only incidental when the dork's agency is correctly discounted. Per their brainbox churnings, the cases I have seen are almost always intentional: "I want to spray my tree to kill bagworms" "Here is the Sevin, let me walk
you to the safety glasses and respirators" Cartman: "
Fuck you, It's my hot body! I do what I want"
mp_en_viaje: the sore buttholes resulting from that "
fuck you, it works" approach being how we ended up with being an engineers in the first place.
BingoBoingo: "I strongly recommend
you stop doing that, and see a doctor. Take the packaging with
you" "
Fuck you, it works"
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-10 04:42:57 mp_en_viaje: now how the
fuck is 20k 1920s pounds "equivalent to 100k in 2011 prices", considering that in 2011
you can not even buy, FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, that 18 bedroom house there ; all that's available is this "7 bedroom" eyesore, for
over half a million pounds.
mp_en_viaje: now how the
fuck is 20k 1920s pounds "equivalent to 100k in 2011 prices", considering that in 2011
you can not even buy, FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY, that 18 bedroom house there ; all that's available is this "7 bedroom" eyesore, for
over half a million pounds.
mircea_popescu: if
you don't want to do so, my options are either to try and promote someone else, or else drop the whole pretense and simply use the latest whatever the
fuck it is.
mp_en_viaje: now, more's the point, what the
fuck are
you planning to do such that
you think
you should be negrated for it, and why the
fuck would
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'll give it a thought, but I have low expectations. Also, the other side of the Late 1990's early 2000's Windows verus *nix narrative clicked in my head. The fight wasn't about the merits of any software at all. It was a
fuck you to engineers in IT from Management.
mp_en_viaje: entirely nothing in common with any sort of european understanding of law or legal proceeding ; he was rather the guy on the porn set going "
fuck that whore"/"whop that twist" whatever, or else the dude at the frat party chanting "drink! drink!", or if
you prefer the boomboxing dude behind the rappers or what have
you. he was the bumstcz dude, what, like at a yupik manhut party exactly.
mp_en_viaje: at which juncture
you might even point the situation out : look,
you moron,
fuck bs
you're talking.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-11 11:21:04 mp_en_viaje: because he has sexier things to do than what
you need ; and, importantly, because this is WHY he wanted to be a "craftsman" in the first place, and why attempted to scam
you into buying custom, rather than standard items : so as to
fuck you over by doing "sexier things", because in his broken mind the very thing that impels the "craftsman" misbehaviour also looks at your damage as implicit justification -- in that
mp_en_viaje: delegation works on tasks
you've mastered, not on tasks
you've no fucking idea how to do. there's a great component of "get hired aka apprentice with masters" in tmsr, don't
fuck it up with dumb lazy
precious cuntlet antics mp_en_viaje: fucking lost it, ima wake up prageu laUGHING, what the
fuck is wrong with
you mp_en_viaje: (we're not counting truly powerful things like
viruses and such here because, well... how the
fuck are
you gonna compete with that. they invented the fucking mitochondrion for crying out loud, what the
fuck have
you done.)
mp_en_viaje: following the logic, if what
you're trying to do is build something, a mommy's about as useful to
you as a dude. think it through,
you can
fuck the dude in the ass just as well as her -- better, allegedly, though i've never tried the fags do claim once
you go boybutt
you don't go back. and just as allegedly it's a lot more fun to suck dick than clit -- which incidentally i can well see, theoretically, there's more to it if nothi
mp_en_viaje: lawyer's skilled labour, like the barber or the gardner.
you don't pay the gardner 1 night/month with your wife in exchange for the roses he gave
you to give her on your first date ;
you don't pay the barber one in twelve chicks
you pick up in bars with his haircut, what the
fuck. fair rate for fair labour and that's that -- and if it's not worth paying, guess what ? it's also not worth doing.
mp_en_viaje: so
you know, maybe
you're the merchant who went to town to talk to the lord, to ask his question, "your grace, how the
fuck do i keep my shop open when it's raining sulphuric acid"
you gotta have some of everything to be. this is the bar. as a schoolchild in sovok, gotta have a slingshot, and a tube for shooting paper cone things, and i dunno, a depeche mode casette tape or w/e the
fuck you faggots did back in the day.
mp_en_viaje: because why the
fuck like some man
you meet or buy a steak for some man
you like or anything in the vein of life.
mp_en_viaje: can't
you just fucking do ANY THING without five hand holdings and nine proddings and what the
fuck already.
mp_en_viaje: why thr
fuck can't
you just live ? why can't
you be ? why does it always have to hang on whether the planets allign and the socks discolor into the right hue of pink and the tree leaves fall into your drink at the right time ?
mp_en_viaje: what the
fuck is wrong with
you, that your entire life must always hang on the most idiotic, immaterially irrelevant and utterly unrelated conditionals ?
mp_en_viaje: even as we speak the dumb cunts over at uruguay are "trying to resolve amiably" through the age old process of "we
fuck shit up and
you agree with us it's okay"
mp_en_viaje: so my megapipe is occasionally overwhelmed. so what. "oh, if
you're receiving 2Gbps just when freenode decided to issue ping,
you've a 50-50 shot at an exact equialent of latechco technology of blackholing,
you have to remake the whle fucking connection" holy shit where the
fuck do they crawl from
mp_en_viaje: because he has sexier things to do than what
you need ; and, importantly, because this is WHY he wanted to be a "craftsman" in the first place, and why attempted to scam
you into buying custom, rather than standard items : so as to
fuck you over by doing "sexier things", because in his broken mind the very thing that impels the "craftsman" misbehaviour also looks at your damage as implicit justification -- in that
you're hur
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, as far as any practical concern goes, we owned pizarro just fine. ownership is not the problem ; but customization puts undue power in the hand of the "Craftsman", who will imediatelly turn around to
fuck you over.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-10 08:11:09 mp_en_viaje:
you're not fucking useful. learn to be useful or get the
fuck lost, it can't be any plainer than that.
mp_en_viaje: not even a week ago
you were grumbling about how
you want whatever opterons "
you sealed" back, as if
you're some kind of fucking actor, maybe
you own 10% of the remaining stock of opterons, who the
fuck knows.
mp_en_viaje: i'd rather deal with amazon than with red stapler idiot bullshit each day of the week, who the
fuck do
you think gives a shit about your elaborate list of can't do's ?!
you're not fucking useful. learn to be useful or get the
fuck lost, it can't be any plainer than that.
mp_en_viaje: that's the format, and that's even the fucking reason of existing. if this isn't what
you do, in what sense are
you even a person, what the
you're somebody's maid, ploughssharer, tavern wench, whatever it is
you think
you appear or attempt to say
you're at no risk of being taken for a gentleman.
trinque: they don't know who the
fuck you are
mp_en_viaje: whatever. all this begs the question "how the
fuck did
you get your inventory manager to approve this insanity of outlay". with the self-obvious answer that "i am said manager myself, and i am known for my managerial acumen"
mp_en_viaje: i thought
you jsut bought shit because it was cheap /
you liked it, in lieu of saving or w/e. nfi what the
fuck you're doing, i confess the more i talk to
you, the less i understand.
mp_en_viaje: and that this pile, inter alia, is why
you're stil lthe
fuck there in the first place.
mp_en_viaje: either way whichever direction i turn, nothing but smooth wall of self-supporting "humans are imbeciles, born imbeciles, will stay imbeciles,
fuck you mp". what should i do, ~temporary~ arrangement ? so the imbecile within can be "oh, so much trouble to keep moving this, let's not write" ?
mp_en_viaje: "
fuck you guise, i;m otta here" is for the sort of mobster-looking dude with a 10k usd brick in a steel clip in his pocket and iron packing escort grinning from over his shoulders.
mp_en_viaje: well, the problem is, if
you ever want to get it back out,
you'd better knwo where the
fuck to get it back out of. so, yes.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-09 11:24:19 mp_en_viaje: just how, HOW the
fuck does the noggin work on your shoulders, dude ?
you think paying a coupla grand a month for dc pipe is maxint while
you think dc hardware
you carried through customs at great expense and is locally irreplaceable has no resale value,
you think lawyers will be cheap while
you don't pay lawyers that were cheap,
you think lawyers could help
you but lawyers with proven track record of helping
you mp_en_viaje: just how, HOW the
fuck does the noggin work on your shoulders, dude ?
you think paying a coupla grand a month for dc pipe is maxint while
you think dc hardware
you carried through customs at great expense and is locally irreplaceable has no resale value,
you think lawyers will be cheap while
you don't pay lawyers that were cheap,
you think lawyers could help
you but lawyers with proven track record of helping
you ~screamingly~ misma
mp_en_viaje: i can't conceive why the
fuck you'd not get 50% over list value merely for the thing being in uy already.
mp_en_viaje: "your honor, we rented a fucktoy" "when ?" "two years ago" "and ?" "last month it sprung a leak" turns to other party, "what do
you have to say ?" "
fuck them" turns back to
you "okay... and what do
you want ?" "we want money" "how's last month's sound ?" "umm" "so ordered"
you're, for the experience, not now an experienced, seasoned dc technician. i was waiting for the word "pcap" to come out of
you, as a token show of even having a clue what the
fuck this all is -- zilch.
mp_en_viaje: "And finally choice # 3
fuck her and
fuck you, stay put, ship
you both back home so I can keep doing my fucking thing and make something, anything other than what Ive become, an old, angry, broke, business owner, still fucking chasing my dreams of entertaining people by speakin my fuckin mind."
mp_en_viaje: who the
fuck even heard of this,
you have a whole block, they nulled the whole block ? it's cheekiness beyond any measure of cheek
mp_en_viaje: and as
you can see from the shots, all the furniture can simply be thrown out, who the
fuck wants a tub looks like an overlarge vase.