24 entries in 0.248s
asciilifeform actually unearthed ~several~ poorly-advertised dc's in reasonable proximity to hovel, not only this 1. but none of the others 'eager beaver' , no word from'em just yet
asciilifeform: why would even pile up dc-style boxes in fucking hovel?! what good they do there ?!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: dafuq, floor sunk, walls off plumb?! i'm in the most starvation-grade hovel here and my floor is level, and corners are 90 degree
asciilifeform: shinohai: the typical wooden hovel folx live inside in usa, costs maybe 1000 in cardboard/presswood. sheep still get sheared via http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-16#1887539 . ☝︎
asciilifeform: it's hilarious, the hovel i'm in, at least has steel frames. nearby they recently built whole street of 100% cardboard/plastic , 'ONLY low 800s!' reads the billboard. 800k orcbux, that is. ☟︎
asciilifeform: coupla yrs ago , city sewage pipe to asciilifeform's hovel collapsed (from ~earlier~ inept construction work). monkey crew show up, digs, fails to find (!) . finally foreman, greybeard d00d in his 60s, takes over, cursing, drives the thing with own hands...
asciilifeform goes back to macheteing away the fucking green hell that's engulfed his hovel
asciilifeform: much less visited 19yo zek's hovel under whatever pretext.
asciilifeform: speaking of wind, possibly record-breaking wind atm in asciilifeformistan, wooden hovel groaning, trees breaking
asciilifeform: trinque: compared with life of fugitives with 0 social skill, my hovel wins +90000%
asciilifeform: the 1850s d00d probably would barf before even entering sorry hovel : 'where is the pasture ? whaddayamean quarter acre of shitmud ? '
asciilifeform: i bet that hovel is listed for 100kbux
asciilifeform: they dun want to do 'work'. 'this hovel was good enough for the others, it oughta be good enough for you, if you won't take it there are 25 others who will'
asciilifeform: naturally hovel with 3 walls would < mega-castle
asciilifeform: trinque: no incoherence, i can remove the motherfucking nand ~here~ in this godforsaken hovel ☟︎
asciilifeform: the underside of my sorry hovel. turns out, the water hookup is THROUGH A RUBBER HOSE
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: this hovel, interestingly, has steel frame. first time i lived in such a thing. a real bitch to hang up anything in
asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/5UygqI4 << piss-poor t3rr0r1s7, did not even nail my puny hovel
asciilifeform: for roughly similar type of wooden hovel
asciilifeform: for a human vegetable, who only needs to afford a hovel to eat, shit, and fuck in, and a tv screen - different cost.
asciilifeform: i'll feel sorry for herr b when he has to live in a rented hovel and wake to an alarm bell. and follow orders.
asciilifeform also hovels, packs the hovel anyway
asciilifeform derps atoms in unheated wooden hovel with 0-phase (extension cord from house...)
asciilifeform: mr. spam can live in a roach-infested hovel and actually keep 90% of his bread crumbs