22 entries in 0.835s

mp_en_viaje: "and besides, correct programs can't even be written" "so then why should they be priviledged ?" "no, see, kernel can be correct because
fly eyes fly like fruit."
mircea_popescu: whole population of handwaving
fly eyes. which is why "open sores".
mircea_popescu: "there was no technology before
eyes" because it... wasn't for the fucking
fly eyes, that's why!
mircea_popescu: the only problem is if they get lazy and turn into
fly eyes.
mircea_popescu: o noes! but how could this be! open source is a viable model! with a billion
fly eyes, all weak mods are shallow! clinton 2016!
mircea_popescu: and yes - very similar with bitcointalk eulora thing also. imagine this, MILLIONS of
fly eyes, not a single one was capable of figuring out stuff explained plainly in documentation and coversation. but a few tried to defraud.
mircea_popescu: in other "holy shit open source" news : to run a linux repo, you must provide... md5hashes for the stuff, because... apt-get wants it. fancy that. and by default you get that and sha1. because it's fucking 1995 and there's a thousand
fly eyes!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: while everyone knows the caveats of the 'million
fly eyes', the concept of closed source os is really dead forever << agreed.
mircea_popescu: benkay, "it's all hazy probability fields at this point" << so start before you
fly over, get a nice scorpio, maybe it turns out a girl with big green
eyes etc.