22 entries in 0.835s
asciilifeform began to see mircea_popescu's point re 'linus set back field by two decades' . the finn's gift to the 'self-published chats' fly eyes folx is moar or less errything they have to work with in re convincing selves that 'yes we do things'
asciilifeform: on reflection, there aint much that is mysterious re the opentards' collective failure to bake irons. ( irons require some sorta head, and cannot be baked via 'million fly eyes' process )
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884068 << i don';t expect any of the ten thousand fly eyes has a dec, ever had a dec, or can come up with any actual use for a dec. or for that matter care to know whether their code doesn't work at all. different paradigm!!! ☝︎
asciilifeform: we're on the one with the 'fly eyes'.
asciilifeform: and it has 0 to do with 'million fly eyes', but with simply the futility .
mp_en_viaje: "and besides, correct programs can't even be written" "so then why should they be priviledged ?" "no, see, kernel can be correct because fly eyes fly like fruit."
mircea_popescu: whole population of handwaving fly eyes. which is why "open sores".
mircea_popescu: "there was no technology before fly-eyes" because it... wasn't for the fucking fly eyes, that's why!
a111: 12 results for "fly eyes", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fly%20eyes
asciilifeform: !#s fly eyes
mircea_popescu: the only problem is if they get lazy and turn into fly eyes.
asciilifeform: ohnoez, insufficiently many fly eyes!!!
mircea_popescu: o noes! but how could this be! open source is a viable model! with a billion fly eyes, all weak mods are shallow! clinton 2016!
mircea_popescu: and yes - very similar with bitcointalk eulora thing also. imagine this, MILLIONS of fly eyes, not a single one was capable of figuring out stuff explained plainly in documentation and coversation. but a few tried to defraud.
mircea_popescu: in other "holy shit open source" news : to run a linux repo, you must provide... md5hashes for the stuff, because... apt-get wants it. fancy that. and by default you get that and sha1. because it's fucking 1995 and there's a thousand fly eyes!
asciilifeform: see, if i were the kind of fella who has money, would not have been having any of the problem described in this tale. would have either seen the boards made within a week (actual business relationship with factory, sleep ad libitum and fly in to supervise in person with own eyes) or would have a legit conveyor with requisite machinery in-house, and same
thestringpuller: cazalla: thousand fly eyes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: while everyone knows the caveats of the 'million fly eyes', the concept of closed source os is really dead forever << agreed.
asciilifeform: while everyone knows the caveats of the 'million fly eyes', the concept of closed source os is really dead forever - as far as thinking folks are concerned
mircea_popescu: the fly eyes on the meat aren't a joke.
asciilifeform: lol, it was always traditional wisdom that a fellow with less than perfect eyes will fly 'mahogany bombers'
mircea_popescu: benkay, "it's all hazy probability fields at this point" << so start before you fly over, get a nice scorpio, maybe it turns out a girl with big green eyes etc.