33 entries in 0.815s

a111: Logged on 2018-02-05 15:20 phf: asciilifeform: by the way, freebsd's ports system (i tried it on a machine that can actually compile things, unlike x60) is a little bit more configurable than pkgsrc/openbsd, so you can actually disable
dbus in
emacs or firefox! but the lulz of lulz, firefox depends on gtk3, where you can't configure out
dbus, so presumably it gets pulled anyway.
phf: asciilifeform: by the way, freebsd's ports system (i tried it on a machine that can actually compile things, unlike x60) is a little bit more configurable than pkgsrc/openbsd, so you can actually disable
dbus in
emacs or firefox! but the lulz of lulz, firefox depends on gtk3, where you can't configure out
dbus, so presumably it gets pulled anyway.
☟︎ trinque: aha, were I making my own ebuild/makefile/whatever for
emacs, it simply *wouldn't have*
dbus support and fuck you.
phf: sina: i actually checked, and fwiw guix doesn't let you build
emacs without
dbus dependency. (in fact none of the odds and ends like svg, xml or alsa can be disabled without patching the package definition file)
sina: btw asciilifeform thanks for checking out guix, I thought you might be interested after reading old logs of you complaining re ripping
dbus out of
emacs trinque:
emacs is already a monstrous amalgamation itself, before
dbus phf: you mean in gentoo parlance? an
emacs ebuild doesn't respect -
dbus flag, and pulls it unconditionally?
phf: of course fact that
emacs supports
dbus but not a generic ffi goes back to thread about rms and wreckers
phf: i think
emacs has
dbus support to do fluff like message notification, last time i built it on linux it built without
dbus just fine, but i prefer xlib/athena widgets (i know ascii hates them), since i basically disable menu/scrollbar/etc. not sure if maybe gtk widgets now have
dbus hardwired
assbot: Logged on 14-09-2015 17:42:55; ascii_field: and until it builds x11
emacs without
dbus and related idiocy, openbsd is WORTHLESS to me.
assbot: Logged on 11-01-2016 03:34:08; asciilifeform: e.g., want x11
emacs ? say hello to
dbus ascii_field: and until it builds x11
emacs without
dbus and related idiocy, openbsd is WORTHLESS to me.
☟︎ ascii_field: trinque: if it cannot compile
emacs without building '
dbus', then it can GO TO HELL
BingoBoingo: And of all of the software I've set up on the OpenBSD install here fucking
emacs is the only one that throws messages at the terminal when I invoke it because
DBUS is dead.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: So killed
Dbus this weekend on my OpenBSD install. Only thing asking for
DBUS when invoked is
Emacs, works fine without
DBUS though.