191 entries in 0.498s
a111: 14 results for "bitfloor", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bitfloor
mircea_popescu: $s bitfloor
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell reutersemily "Shortly after that, a bitcoin exchange known as bitfloor was shuttered after its US bank account was closed because it had not properly registered with regulators." << nah, bitfloor was run by shtylman, who either ran off with the coin or "lost" it.
mircea_popescu: and for bitfloor
mircea_popescu: (for the people joining us late, shtylman was some geek who created the bitfloor disaster)
gribble: Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange Risk - Financial ...: <http://fc13.ifca.ai/proc/1-2.pdf>; BitFloor Joins List of Compromised BitCoin Exchanges - Slashdot: <http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/09/05/1238214/bitfloor-joins-list-of-compromised-bitcoin-exchanges>; EFF Ditches Bitcoin as Alternative Donation Currency Due to Legal ...: <http://siliconangle.com/blog/2011/06/21 (1 more message)
jurov: happened also to bitfloor, they are not okay
kakobrekla: bitfloor shutdown
Urushiol: they were also the ones to untuck the Bitfloor debacle
ozbot: Bitcoin exchange Bitfloor begins refunding US dollars to users - CoinDesk
ThickAsThieves: http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-exchange-bitfloor-begins-refunding-us-dollars-to-users/
ThickAsThieves: bitfloor is there
mircea_popescu: if anyone has bitfloor debt they wish to unload.
ThickAsThieves: i was a bitfloor user however
kakobrekla: bitfloor #2 or smth
mjr___: truff1es: but you also take risks with btc-exchanges or otc, it is a different set of risks, but you could have your exchange shut down (bitfloor, bitcoin-central, etc)
kakobrekla: nothing compared to what bitfloor did
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: Dude Capital One sabotaged Bitfloor
pgp: bitfloor prolly closed because of FinCEN
pgp: now that bitfloor and bitcoin24 are gone, soon gox will be ONLY bitcoin exchange on planet
MJR_: no one lost money at bitfloor yesterday
lippoper1: Bitfloor, the fourth largest exchange dealing in US dollars, has just announced that it has been hacked, and the service has taken a loss of 24,000 BTC
lippoper1: Do you think it has anything to do with this? Bitfloor Hacked, $250,000 Missing | Bitcoin Magazine
lippoper1: Bitcoin exchange BitFloor shuts its doors, promises to return everyone's money
lippoper1: poor bitfloor
kakobrekla: you think its worth saving bitfloor after all that happend there MJR_
MJR_: founder - bitfloor.com
MJR_: I am sorry to announce that due to circumstances outside of our control BitFloor must cease all trading operations indefinitely. Unfortunately, our US bank account is scheduled to be closed and we can no longer provide the same level of USD deposits and withdrawals as we have in the past. As such, I have made the decision to halt operations and return all funds.
mircea_popescu: MJR_ im resisting the urge to search through logs for me going "don't use bitfloor" at people.
MJR_: crazy about bitfloor
deadweasel: is it safe to keep fiat at bitfloor?
mircea_popescu: on the other hand people like bitfloor indeed don't opr at least didn't protect the walletr worth a shiot.
mjr___: 106 on bitfloor
mjr___: i believe bitfloor is still over 100
pgp: bitfloor
ThickAsThieves: someone left a big wall up at 110 on bitfloor if anyone wants to try and grab it
pgp: prolly BTC-e and bitfloor
mircea_popescu: bitfloor is run by a single perambulatory point of failure who is a smart kid with good tech skills but then does takiesque things to walletsd
pgp: bitfloor looks like it's down again...
gesell: https://status.bitfloor.com/
pigeons: ThickAsThieves: bitfloor got hacked, said sorry, your moneys gone, come trade with us anyway
ThickAsThieves: whats the 25k bitfloor story? i have some cash there...
Bugpowder: bitfloor stole 25k
bit_nutz_: gribble, where are those prices you just quoted? i'm seeing sub 60 bitstamp, bitfloor, bit24...
pgp: bitfloor 53
pgp: bitfloor sub 60
mjr_: buy buy buy on bitfloor lol
mjr_: 99 on bitfloor i see
pgp2: 82 on bitfloor
pgp2: bitfloor back up?
ThickAsThieves: bitfloor not trading
ThickAsThieves: 80 at bitfloor
taub: dont think i can recommend bitfloor yet
ThickAsThieves: 100 on btc, 140 on bitfloor
MJR_: bitfloor
MJR_: 185 bitfloor
MJR_: 160 bitfloor
MJR_: bitfloor is holding steady at 155
pgp: and some guy bought on bitfloor at 197... lol
taub: i hope everyone switches to bitfloor or something
pgp: 30 point spread on bitfloor
MJR_: LOL just saw 224 on bitfloor
MJR_: on bitfloor it just ticked at 195
MJR_: 182 bitfloor
MJR_: rallying on bitfloor
MJR_: i'm seeing 109 on bitfloor
pgp: 118 on bitfloor
pgp: bitfloor back - 150
pgp: whoops, there went the bitfloor book again...
Bugpowdurr: bitfloor is back
Bugpowdurr: bitfloor got hacked again
pgp: bitfloor still down too
pgp: bitfloor been down for a while, eh?
MJR_: bitfloor just crashed i think
MJR_: and rising past 251 on bitfloor (i think this may be record volume for bitfloor as well)
MJR_: but also, still at 250 at bitfloor
jurov: and if you absolutely must trade btcusd, bitfloor seems to be rising.
MJR_: thats why bitfloor has higher prices
taub: well, i'll be moving over to bitfloor and try them
taub: i'm moving to bitfloor
pgp: bitfloor is a good tech all around, but one man show is a problem
jcpham: there's always bitfloor. you can sell coins for anything over there
mircea_popescu: the other "survivor", bitfloor, lost millions of users funds
ChaangNoi: Bitfloor @ $145
mjr_: no probably bitfloor or bitinstant
mjr_: that's why i said bitfloor
mjr_: also, bitfloor is in the US
jcpham: bitfloor of course because you can sell coins for anything at bitfloor
MJR_3: bitfloor actually
MJR_III: i'm trying to get a data feed from bitfloor
MJR_III: but for example, i am setting up an stunnel to bitfloor
MJR_III: bitfloor has the best response time i think
taub: like bitfloor
MJR_III: one person runs bitfloor
smickles: much of bitfloor is opensourced
smickles: i would use bitfloor more often if it weren't for that debt
MJR_III: this is the thing about bitfloor
MJR_III: the good part of selling on bitfloor is that you can get a liquidity rebate
MJR_III: if you could move money instantly, you could arb bitfloor and btc-e all day
MJR_III: also...bitfloor has not had these issues...they didn't have a huge dropoff and they have maintained the price...mt gox injects a ton of uncertainty into the market with their horrible matching engine