129 entries in 0.68s

X-Rob: you are a miner right? what client do you run?
X-Rob like, remember back before dlh ? kids had to actually work for their gaming experience ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu,
X-Rob: Going by trading statements... This seems like week 9
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves only with people who'll actually deliver. like say
X-Rob here :p
X-Rob: Well, maybe a mix. For a while there were 0.002 second share times.
X-Rob I looked it up. It will accept +diff but there's a maximum + you can go up. going 1024 when diff was 1 was too much.
X-Rob: But still, more transparent than alternatives. When chalbersma get on feel free to suggest some optimizations if you can think of any.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo:
X-Rob: I've rented hash and pointed it there for 48 hours. Hopefully this drives the pool diff up or... << i don't get it, the pool diff can't be arbitrarily set ?
X-Rob: I've rented hash and pointed it there for 48 hours. Hopefully this drives the pool diff up or... chalbersma can do something to force it up
X-Rob: This share difficulty = 1.0 definitely seems to be a problem
BingoBoingo: Before we signed
X-Rob it's where we got hash from during the ATC block constipation crisis
X-Rob can you try using a higher manual difficulty. Add +<diff> after your address in the username field.
X-Rob Can I get you to point some hashing power there for a bit. Let's see if I can see what the issue is.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell
X-Rob use bingo's address as before.
mircea_popescu: and i'll have
x-rob point his miner to it once you're all set up too
X-Rob: good move, sounds like a decent business
X-Rob so that's not overpaying ? because why, not enough decimals ? :D
X-Rob: why do you think folks are willing to pay more than the expected return to rent miners?
X-Rob wa the pool falling over because not enough cpu ?
X-Rob speaking of ppl can't math : "Basically, by specifying the price to such a huge place, it gives an advantage because it takes a smaller price change to win."
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol well
x-rob was going to make one, but then he got high.
X-Rob refresh me, what's the problem with p2pool in bitcoin again ? too slow -> orphans or what was it ?
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for
gribble: CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick '
X-Rob', with hostmask '
X-Rob!sid14615@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sithgwmwidmkkdgh', is identified as user 'xrobau', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1F1pPNy6X86rUSKLqZAdsa7dSMoRy4KobG
gribble: Nick '
X-Rob', with hostmask '
X-Rob!sid14615@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-sithgwmwidmkkdgh', is not identified.
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X-Rob has been recorded.
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X-Rob mircea_popescu:
X-Rob and then, the "community" derps all about how bad it is that they're getting squeezed out by the large farms.
X-Rob: Is this the Get block template thing?
X-Rob: Right, but if betting we are talking about a set of any particular blocks.
X-Rob: Right, but you have to realize how much a casino can came at 1 or 2 percent house edge over time.
X-Rob because you're not you. you're the pool op, who has to make a buck, and who is friends with the other pool ops.
X-Rob well the advantage would be that they win a bet, get more btc.
X-Rob: I consider myself vindicated << lol didn't even take that much!
X-Rob: I had an interupted workflow not that long ago over a Mac SE/30 failure.
X-Rob: Do you have a favorite "dead" CPU architecture?
X-Rob so you take delight in the disabilities of others ? i see how it is.
X-Rob im not going to bother with a coupla cents, just make sure the thing stays online.
X-Rob: Doesn't sound like the worst thing.
X-Rob: Well, I see we've gotten a few blocks since the switch, so... Improvement
X-Rob: mircea_popescu: Power issues. Will be off for possibly a couple more hours. Will pro-rata a discount at current estimated << I thought I had power issues today
mircea_popescu: lol look at that,
X-Rob is practically at even within a week.
X-Rob: A pool that can take hashpower more stably than that coinminer thing
BingoBoingo: Well
X-Rob was talking about something. May just be the sort of situation where a person just has to get their hands dirty
X-Rob: Can you do the p2pool type thing that gets people paid in the coinbase?
X-Rob: Well, we're looking into maybe getting a new p2pool set up for this coin given how shit this one seems to be, so news on that might be incoming.
X-rob would have to explain what the not-quite optimal stuff is
BingoBoingo: Byt
X-Rob explained there's some stuff this pool does that isn't optimal... so a replacement wouldn't be horrible down the line
mircea_popescu: <Apocalyptic> <
X-Rob> I normally just reinvest into hardware. // this strategy is bound to fail << i think he pretty much said he enjoys the tinkering aspect. so from his pov it's perfect, put some money in, letting it run itself out. bitcoin, the very complex and realistic online mmorpg/mud
Apocalyptic: <
X-Rob> I normally just reinvest into hardware. // this strategy is bound to fail
thestringpuller: ;;later tell
X-Rob do you mine yourself? if so do you sell btc?
X-Rob 155b26aa0cb0f83f78dd8226bebf104a27f0f03c099f6a9ed690cd7028554822
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user
X-Rob has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate
X-Rob 1 He's going to point his hash somewhere
X-Rob: what do you pay for electricity there in australia?
X-Rob: do you generally find that you can lease your rig for more than what the forecasted average payback should be? (on a per megahash per day basis)
X-Rob 20 months is roughly 8 weeks and 2/3rds so how about nine weeks!